JAMB/SSCE/JOBS Date of Birth Different? What To Do - SCHOOLCONTENTS.info

JAMB/SSCE/JOBS Date of Birth Different? What To Do

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If you have different dates of birth on your JAMB and SSCE results, it's essential to correct the discrepancy, especially in JAMB, for admissions and NYSC, while the SSCE date may need correction for job purposes.

The date of birth (DOB) I used on WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, or GCE is different from the date of birth I used for JAMB. Is there any problem with that? And if yes, what can I do to correct this mistake?

This was a question from a candidate who registered for JAMB with a different date of birth from the one used on his O'level result. Below is what you need to know if you find yourself in this situation too.

Different Dates of Birth on WAEC and JAMB

Let’s get this question right.

Yemi wrote WAEC and JAMB. Whereas in WAEC - he put in a date of birth (DOB) different from that he used for in JAMB UTME. For example, he used 12th December 2000 in WAEC whereas in JAMB he put in 1st August 2002.

Now, he wants to know if this is a serious problem or otherwise. If necessary, what is the way out?


WAEC date of birth is nothing serious for your admission. It’s the JAMB result that is more important here.

Your question didn’t state which date of birth was correct. In other words, there was no way to say if the date written for WAEC was your correct date of birth or that of JAMB, or both were wrong.

WAEC Date of Birth May Not Matter for Admissions

If the date of birth used for WAEC is not the right one, don’t panic as you won’t need that for admission purposes.


WAEC, or NABTEB results online printout won't show the date of birth filled for those exams.

However, NECO result printout, if printed lately, using this method, will show the date of birth. If you use this method, for the old results though, it will not show the date of birth.

In most cases, this printout is what the majority of admission seekers will use when seeking admission for the first time.

With this, except for the current NECO result printout, there was no way your proposed school would know that something was wrong with your date of birth.

It’s only the WAEC certificate or Original result that bears the date of birth. In most cases, schools don’t ask for this on admission because they know it takes about one or more years before they are ready for collection by students.

In other words, you may have a problem with the date of birth on the SSCE certificate if (for admissions) your school insists on collecting original results/certificates (for WAEC or WAEC GCE especially). If they accept just the online printout, no worries!

JAMB Date of Birth is Serious For Admissions

If JAMB's date of birth is not correct, it calls for worries for admission purposes.


  1. Firstly, the JAMB result, will bear candidates’ dates of birth. And since you will need to present this for admission, the school may frown at this wrong mistake.
  2. Secondly, the JAMB date of birth will also be sent to NYSC for mobilization when you complete your academic programs in university or polytechnic. However, NYSC allows prospective serving corps to do correction of date of birth. This, they allow, if such a candidate is ready to change to the date of birth on his or her WAEC.
  3. Thirdly, schools may likely check the date of birth on your JAMB result and compare that with the one on your birth certificate or age declaration/court affidavit. Such schools will want to see both matching each other.

Errors in the Date of Birth are Serious for Job Purposes

Because of the use of WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB result for job or career purposes, you may be ready to make an amendment to that.

Don’t forget that if they mistakenly increased your age, it would reduce the years you would have to spend in service (while working for a government or private company). It may also limit your chance to get jobs if prospective employers want lower ages for the positions opened.

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If they reduce it, it may be favorable though.

Don’t forget also that, your employer (government or private) may want to see that the date of birth on your certificate of birth and other documents should tally.

We have records of civil servants being sacked or demoted because of the differences in the dates of birth on the results tendered for jobs especially if such dates are reduced.

How to Correct Date of Birth on WAEC and JAMB

For admission purposes, JAMB DOB is more important. But for jobs, careers, and other official reasons, SSCE results may be more important. I think if you can correct that mistake now, you’ll save yourself some future headaches.

To correct the wrong WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB date of birth, kindly write to the exam's body office in the state of the exams.

  1. If internal exams, you may need to resolve to court affidavit to back up the errors as WAEC is no longer accepting correction of dates of birth
  2. If private candidates i.e. GCE, you may need to resolve to court affidavit to back up the errors as WAEC is no longer accepting correction of dates of birth

How to Correct JAMB Dates of Birth

Before now, you could correct errors in your date of birth even after you had completed your UTME/DE registration or the exams. Today, the policy has changed. JAMB now requires you to correct such errors before the registration. Hence, if you've noticed this error before or during the registration, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the nearest NIMC office and request a correction of your date of birth. This service will cost about N15,000.
  2. After the correction, send an SMS with the text "REQUERY" followed by a space and then your NIN to 55019 or 66019, depending on the one used to get your profile code.
  3. Once successful, you will receive a message (after being debited N50) stating that the corrected data has been pulled from NIMC's database.
  4. Then, you can continue with your JAMB registration. During the filling of the form, you'll need to inform your attendant that you've made a mistake to be amended, so that the same correction can be made on the portal.

However, if you're seeing this guide late, probably after completing your JAMB registration, the option above won't be available to you. Then, you will have to resort to a court affidavit to back up the errors. If the need arises, you have to present that. You may be lucky if the error is waived for you.

FAQs: Correcting Date of Birth Discrepancies Between JAMB and O'level Results

Q: The date of birth (DOB) I used on WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, or GCE is different from the date of birth I used for JAMB. Is there any problem with that?

A: It's important to understand that discrepancies in the date of birth across your academic records can lead to complications, especially for admission purposes, NYSC mobilization, and employment. However, the level of seriousness depends on which document the discrepancy is found in and the specific requirements of institutions or organizations you are dealing with.

Q: What can I do if the date of birth on my O'level result and JAMB are different?


  1. For Admission Purposes: The date of birth on your JAMB result is more critical. If it's incorrect, you should prioritize correcting it following the procedure set by JAMB.
  2. For Job/Career Purposes: The date of birth on your WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB result may be more significant. If incorrect, you might need to correct this to avoid future issues with employment or official documentation.

Q: How can I correct the date of birth on my WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, or GCE results?

A: To correct the date of birth on these exams:

  1. Write to the exam body's office in the state where you took the exams if NECO or NABTEB
  2. If it's for internal exams, or if you are a private candidate, you may need a court affidavit as WAEC, for example, no longer accepts corrections for the date of birth directly.

Q: How can I correct the date of birth on my JAMB result?

A: If the date of birth on your JAMB result needs correction:

  1. Visit the nearest NIMC office and request a correction of your date of birth. This service costs about N15,000.
  2. After correction, send an SMS with "REQUERY" followed by a space, then your NIN to 55019 or 66019, depending on which was used for your profile code.
  3. Upon successful correction, you'll receive a confirmation message. You can then inform the attendant during your JAMB registration to ensure the correction is reflected on the portal.

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  1. How about 2019 NECO result slip that with age but mostly wrongly put? How can one correct it pls?

    1. The same is applicable to NECO. However, you can visit the nearest NECO office for help on the correction.

    2. Good morning sir, I used waec and neco for my admission but both have different age, 1989 and 1991 respectively. The correct age is on Jamb. Am I good to go for NYSC? what is your advice for future purpose sir?

    3. Nothing to worry about. It's the date of birth on your JAMB that NYSC will use for the mobilization.

  2. Is it still possible for me to change my date of birth in waec?

  3. Good day sir is it possible for me to change my WARC date of birth if yes hoe

    1. Yes, it is.

      Procedures to follow already detailed in the post above.

    2. I heard that WAEC has stopped changing date of birth

    3. It's in the news some time ago. But the changes are still being attended to if you have genuine reason for that.

  4. I used Aderemi Tolani Mariam to register for waec,jamb and post utme but the arrangement on my birth certificate is Aderemi Mariam Tolani, can I still use it for admission process or should I get another one that tallies with the one I used to register for my exams

    1. Get another one. It's safer that way.

    2. Please there is mistake in my waec date of birth but the correct one is in my jamb
      Hope am free to go

  5. Good evening Sir, mine is NECO awaiting result for 2021and the date of birth there is 24/12/1996 while the one on my NIN is 24/12/1990.I just want to write both NECO and JAMB this year, please what can I do

  6. I wrote neco 2021 and the age on it is
    while my nin and jamb don is
    sir, I hope this won't affect my admission

    1. It may not. Just be sure you correct your details where necessary,

  7. Can a different date of birth on weac and jamb affect me in going for my nysc

    1. The date birth on your JAMB will be used for NYSC.

  8. i want to change my date of birth from 09 September 1992 to 09 September 1998. how please

  9. Mine the mistake is made my my school while registering my neco 2020 i notice it before we finish the exam and make complaints to my school they weote to neco but up to nkw it has not been change i want to write again. Pls any advice on how to get this done i really need to cha ge it from 26 April to 27 April pls

    1. You still have to write and follow up through your school.

  10. Pls sir, my waec date of birth is Oct 8, 2001 but my nin and jamb is August 10, 2001. hope it won't prevent me from getting admission? If no, then what date of birth will I use for my age declaration?

  11. Good evening sir, Please Sir how do I go about this, my name has been published for NYSC mobilization but after registering for NYSC, I was exempted due to my jamb carry a fake DOB older than 30yrs (1990) and after which I submitted my WAEC information that carries the real birth age and now I’ve not been responded to as the dashboard is still showing exemption letter would be sent to my institution, and I’ve been mobilized for the Stream B batch going by month end, is there any hope of still going this month end?

    1. There is hope if your submission is eventually approved. Patience please.

    2. @kelvin ...were you now able to serve ?

  12. Please sir I want to know if this is a serious problem I wrote waec and NECO last year and my waec date of birth is different on my document all my document date of birth including my NECO result is 11 MARCH 2000 but in my waec is 11 May 2000,and I want to join admission this year but I don't know if this is a serious problem please.

    1. Every explanation I have for you is already in the post. Read again.

  13. Pls sir I have different date of birth in my WAEC and JAMB.Already I have been offered admission and will be going for clearance next month.What should I do about it sir?

    1. Yu can either apply for WAEC change of birth or JAMB change of birth. If none would work, consider using court affidavit as a backup. Read more through the post below.


  14. Sir what if it's just matter of day for example 16june but wrote 4june is it a problem in jamb

  15. Hello sir but waec stop correcting date of birth since 2019
    And I need to correct mine
    Sir pls what should I do?

    1. how can I change my date of birth on my weac certificate and requirements

    2. If internal exams, do that through the school principal or exams officer. They will handle it with a moderate fee.

      If private candidates i.e GCE students, write directly to the exam body and submit personally at the counter. You will need to prepare all relevant documents along including your official birth certificate or court affidavit.

  16. Is it possible to correct my dob on jamb result

    1. Yes. Visit JAMB office or CBT for the correction.

  17. Can I change my date of birth on my Gce slip

    1. Yes. Visit the nearest WAEC office as soon as possible.

  18. Is it a must, that the date on my waec be the same thing with my GCE?
    And must it be also be the same with my jamb?

    1. If you want to use the two results for admission, the date of birth must be the same. And it must be the same for JAMB too.

  19. pls do u have an idea if Neco transcript shows date of birth, wrote mine in 2002 with 1984 on it but nw officially use 1986 any idea if the changes can be corrected.do older transcript show date of birth.pls advise

    1. I don't know really but it's more likely because generally their results now showing dates of births.

  20. Please sir,my date of birth on my nin is1996,my jamb date of birth is 1998 wil that affect me in camp

    1. No. NYSC doesn't need your NIN date of birth for any reason.


  21. Sir in my wace I used 3 July 2002 while jamb 30 July 2002 sir big issue right

    1. You can correct things following the the guide in the post above.

  22. Sir please, in my neco result it has two names odili promise, but my jamv has 3 names odili chukwudi promise,please sir is it possible to add chukwudi to my neco result?

    1. Yes. You follow the guide the post below to do that correction,


  23. Sir please ,I have 26/12/1997 in my Wace and my Jamb I have 26/12/1999 will it affect me from going to service NYSC ?

    1. What matters is if your JAMB date of birth doesn't make you older than 30 by the year of graduation, you will serve. If it makes you older, you won't serve.

  24. Some said nysc are now getting correct DOB on olevels and my own does not carry year of birth,and I change my jamb dob for my nysc next month. How true is the story sir

  25. Please sir the date of birth in my jamb examination slip and my Jamb profile are not thesame please will it affect my admission?

  26. Please sir, my WAEC, NIN and declaration of age date of birth is 15-3-2005 but my jamb date of birth is 15-3-2002 and I have written my post utme into University and it was the jamb Date of birth I used to apply for it please sir if I change the jamb DOB to my WAEC own will affect me ?

  27. Please sir my date of birth on neco is different from the one on my jamb
    Hope it won't Affect my Admission

    1. No it won't. However, go and change the wrong one to the correct date of birth.

    2. I have such problem too can it affect my admission sir?

  28. Sir,,,pls my DOB weace certificate was wrong ,they wrote 17/01/2003 instead of 17/01/2002,will it affect me getting a job in the future

  29. Sir i need you to put me through on this ...the date of birth on my jamb during my ND program is different from the one I use during my HND program...what am saying in essence is that the date of birth am using now is the one I uploaded on jamb profile when I went for the jamb regularization...do I still need to do anything to back it up.... please I need your advice sir

    1. The short advise is to be aware that, for your NYSC, it's the date of birth on your UTME/regularization that will be used.

  30. If I changed my DOB in Nin will I reflect on jamb portal or if I change my jamb dob is it necessary to change Nin too

    1. You have to do it on JAMB. And you can do it on NIN too.

  31. Hello sir, my jamb and waec carry thesame dirth of birth but different from the one on my credentials and I will be expecting admission soon can I still change the DOB on my jamb to the one on my credentials?.. Thank you

    1. Do you mean different from what is on your birth certificate? If yes, I advise you get another birth certificate instead and let it bear the date of birth on your JAMB and WAEC.

    2. Good day sir ,Pls I need an advice ,The date of birth on my Jamb is the one am using currently in school and I wasn't aware of the mistake until I got my original Waec certificate and the date of birth on it is quite different ,I have been advised to change the jamb DOB to Waec DOB for future purpose ,pls eventhough am in school right now ,can I still change the jamb DOB to waec dob ? Pls I need an advice sir cos the stress already is worrying me

    3. You can do that through JAMB regularization.

  32. Sir please I made a mistake in my post ume date of birth. Will it affect my admission

    1. You can still login to your portal and edit if possible. However, I don't think it should affect your admission.

  33. Hello sir, thanks for this great content.
    I changed my jamb date of birth to 2001. My waec date of birth is 1996. There's no means of changing my date of birth on my waec certificate for now cos I'm not in the state where I did my waec. Can i support this with a court affidavit? In case I want to use the document anywhere.

    1. If it's for the purpose of job, JAMB is not relevant. It's WAEC date of birth that count for job.

  34. Good evening sir i have a wrong age on nabteb i went to the office i told them bu the said the don't do age correction pls sir what do i do pls help me sir

    1. Get court affidavit to be backing up your result. Read the post below.


    2. Hello sir, I have different date if birth in my jamb and my birth certificate it's a year error instead of 2004 it was 2000 I think the mistake came from my NIN cause that is what I use to registration and have already been given admission and I have paid for acceptance fee I will be going for screening any time soon can this affect me? and can I still change my date of birth for jamb after been given admission? Pls sir I need a quick response. Thanks

    3. It can affect you. However, it may not affect you if the lecturer screening you can be lenient about it. And if you still wish, you can do change of birth at the JAMB office as well

  35. Can different date of birth on my jamb and my neco Affect my Admission
    But I have done the corrections on neco but it has not reflect on Neco
    But I have done affidavit hope am safe

    1. Yes, it may affect you. Do the correction where necessary.

    2. Good day sir I have different names on my WAEC and jamb with date of birth different too my Waec bears cheta Miriam while my jamb bears Cheta Miriam Jonathan do I need to do jamb correction of data or just an affidavit will help, if I want to do the correction of data will require to change my Nin name and date of birth first sir

  36. Good morning sir

    I kindly need your urgent advice and suggestions.

    I'm currently running my HND program, the institution is requesting for jamb admission letter, which I understand it's for NYSC processing and verification.

    The issue is that the date of birth on the ND jamb NUMBER doesn't correspond with my current WAEC date of birth.

    I had painstakingly retrieved the jamb number because I had lost it and couldn't access the email I used, I wrote it 8yrs ago.

    So having the jamb number, I went to jamb Headquarters here in Lagos for regularisation inorder to be able to print the admission letter after regularisation.

    After all the stress, I paid #5300 for condonement of illegitimate admission WITH jamb NUMBER.

    I had thought that after regularisation, I can change the date of birth on the jamb profile.

    They asked us to come back the next day for data capturing. On my way home, a friend of mine chatted me up and said he's having an issue with his regularisation, he said he used his jamb NUMBER and the details doesn't correspond, and he's having issues now trying to correct it.

    so he suggested, which I also thought about, I decided to forfeit the #5300 and create another profile that I'd pay for condonement of illegitimate admission WITHOUT jamb NUMBER, he said I should tell them I didn't write jamb, and new data will be captured that will suit me.

    I went there the next day, created a new profile and paid #9200 into the new profile with the hope of having new details.

    Here is where the major issue is and where my question lies.

    The woman that generated the RRN was in a haste and rushing through everything that she wasn't too clear with a particular detail, it's like she said I should send my NIN to 55019 before payment or after payment, that detail wasn't too clear or perhaps I was just in a haste to pay to get things done on time.

    After payment, I was now skeptical about that detail and afraid that I've lost that cash too. I tried asking around, there was no forward answer for it.

    I tried sending my NIN to the code 55019, the charged me but I didn't receive any profile code, I've read about the possible issues that may cause the profile code from not coming through like if the SIM card has even used to register for jamb before, or the network etc.

    Please, I've spent a lot of time and money on this, what is the way forward and please is the #9200 still useable for data capturing or has it gone down the drain again.
    And is it possible I do the condonement and later do a change of date of birth? won't I be stuck when they realise that the date of birth on both jamb and weac doesn't tally?

    Thank you for your anticipated swift response.

    1. Sorry about the stress. As a matter of fact, if you used the old JAMB registration number, you will end up being given the date of birth on the old JAMB. If you use the NIN to get profile code, it will give you the date of birth on the national ID Card. Hence, if none of this date of birth is favorable for your NYSC, that means you have no hope with the regularization.

      However, if they can register the regularization for you without using old JAMB registration number or NIN i.e. allowing you fill a new date of birth at the point of the registration, that will be favorable.

      If the last option is not available, I'm sorry.

    2. Good morning, if u want to regularise again use your Nin date of birth, buy another new sim and use it to do verification of Nin then jamb winn sent u a message (jamb profile code, then take it to jamb for new regularization

  37. Good day sir..... there's a mistake in my waec dob *25-06-2003* instead of *24-06-2003 while my birth certificate,nin dob,bank dob,and jamb dob is 24-06-2003. Pls sir hope the waec dob won't affect my admission and nysc processing......if it will what should I do sir?

    1. No, it won't affect any of these. It's just a day mix-up, not year or month. It's nothing to worry about.

  38. Sir please the date of birth in my jamb is not the same as the one in my waec ND birth certificate, the one in weac is the correct one, please sir what should I do to be cleared for my registration

    1. Am having this same problem too ..what can I do

  39. Good day to you sir ,
    How do I go about this my name on my Junior Waec certificate is different from My NIN:AMOS STEPHEN Wale ) Junior Waec: Amos Stephen Adewale) So I continue using the one on NIN for my Waec ,&Jamb registration... So how about the Junior Waec Name sir ???

    1. You don't need your Junior WAEC certificate or its result for admission or probably anything. So ignore it. If you insist on doing something about it, go back to the school where you had the result and talk to them to help you change it to correct names. They will write WAEC and effect the change.

  40. Good day, i have 12-04-2001 on my neco and waec, but I have 12-04-2000 on my NIN, a level result and De form.
    I have tried to change the level to no avail, hope it won't affect my admission, and if it will, can I have an affidavit or what can I do

    1. It will affect your clearance after the admission is given. You can use affidavit if you have tried everything else without success.

  41. Good morning sir.

    I have an error on my jamb profile which is 02-09-2000 but my real dob is 02-09-2003 which shows on all my O'level results and NIN. I've gone to the jamb admission office to correct on 2nd of February,2022. But it hasn't shown changes up till now. Pls what can I do and also will it affect my NYSC totally?

    1. Send a complaint to JAMB through the link below.


  42. Morning sir,

    Pls can I change my O'level results on my jamb caps. I've been given admission and I've started lecture. I want to change it from neco to waec. Is that possible sir?

    1. It's possible but no need to do that since they've already given you admission. If you insist on doing that, go to CBT to reupload.

  43. Good morning sir
    Having a problem and i need your help please. My DOB on my waec and neco is 2003 and i want to use a combine result for admission and the jamb is 2002 which is the correct DOB,will it affect me sir

    Thank you.

    1. The best way is to change the JAMB date of birth to those on your SSCE. Go to JAMB office, after the release of the JAMB results, to do that.

  44. Please sir how long does it take neco date of birth to be corrected online? İs it immediately after the neco office updated the new date or it has to take some days for it to change online??

    1. It depends on the logistics or delay from the office. It may take a day, a few days or weeks

  45. Pls sir, I intentionally want to reduced the date of birth on my documents, I’ve corrected the one on the jamb portal and has reflected, but i heard the waec own can’t be corrected cos it not allowed anymore, still same incorrect date in my NIN, I just gained admission and I also have the wrong date in the school portal. So my question is since I have corrected the one on jamb portal, the school portal and also swear affidavit to back the waec result, but not ready to change the one on my NIN cos it kinda expensive. Won’t it affect me when to go for youth service or later in the future ??

    1. It won't affect you. The date of birth that concerns NYSC is on the JAMB portal.

    2. Hi, when changing your date of birth on jamb, were you ask to submit NIN? I was told by an official that one need NIN to update jamb date of birth

    3. You won't need NIN for a change of institutions and courses.

  46. Pls sir am writing Waec presently but my date of birth was wrongly captured how do I correct it ,note am already writing Waec with the wrong date.

    1. Report that to your school's exam officer or principal. They will fill out the form for the correction of data for you before you end your WAEC. The external supervisor, usually, will take back this report to the WAEC office, and it will be corrected before your result will be out.

  47. Good evening Sir,
    I did daily part time in one of the polytechnics, I used my jamb of 2016 wich is 1991 with the school. Now am in my final year and went to do jamb regularization , instead of correction of dob on jamb, I took part time jamb form reduced the age and do my regularization and submit to my school.
    Am I go to go sir?

    1. If you don't submit your old JAMB registration to JAMB i.e. you claimed you didn't do JAMB before and a new JAMB registration number was given to you, it should help. Otherwise, if you did your regularization on the old JAMB registration number, NYSC will take that date of birth instead.

  48. Sir, is it possible that my school will give them my old details about jamb and others?

    1. Your question is not correct. Break it down.

    2. my question is, is it possible that my school will submit my old jamb details I used in my ND (part time) and HND (full time) instead of the new jamb registration number I used for regularization which I have also submitted to my school for approval and to Jamb for final approval?

    3. NYSC will use the date of birth and state/LGA of the JAMB registration number you submitted for the regularization

  49. Pls sir my name on wassce and neco is Okpani Joseph oko
    And my NiN is Okpani oko Joseph
    Sir,is it an issue

    1. Follow the guide in the link below to correct the names on your NIN.


  50. Pls sir
    The date of birth on my jamb, nin and WAEC is correct. But the one on my NECO is wrong(2 years extra). And I want to combine both results . Will it affect my admission??

    Please, it's urgent 🙏

    1. Yes, it may. If you can't do correction at the NECO office, through your school, you should do court affidavit to back up the error

  51. Sir can i change my dob without changing in my nin

  52. Hello sir, please I have a question to ask. The date of birth on my NIN is oct 10 1997, and jamb and my ND document with birth certificate is 0ct 10 1998 which is the correct one and i want to obtain direct entry form which I will need to link my nin with my jamb pls hope the age won't affect me

    1. Go and change your date of birth on NIN now. That must have been updated correctly before you obtain DE form. Read the post below.


  53. Sorry to ask the date of birth on my waec and neco are correct but the one on my jamb is wrong will it affect my chances of being admitted

  54. Sir please help me out
    I changed my date of birth in my nin since march because it's wrong and it is yet to be changed, and its showing on my jamb profile, I paid the 15k remita payment and provided the necessary documents, and whenever I go their office to complain, always telling me to be patient, sir please any solution

    1. After changing that on NIN, you still have to do the change through the nearest JAMB office too. Without changing it through JAMB office, the changes won't reflect on the JAMB portal even if it changes on the NIN

  55. Hello sir pls I need your advice sir I am a married woman and my dads name is Oyeleke and my husband name is Akinola so I plan to further my education with on my Nin I bear Akinola Omotayo and we are to use the Nin for registration of waec and jamb which I also need to redo my waec so my husband name was use for me because of the Nin and also the same when I want to register for my jamb now I don’t know what to do if am to provide my birth certificate because the name on my birth certificate is my fathers name please what should I do am confused

    1. Nothing is wrong with having your father's name on your birth certificate and primary school testimonials. Continue using it like that. You should just get news paper change of names in case of official need or court affidavit of change of name.

  56. Pls sir all of my school documents bear two names except my NECO Result that has three names with wrong DOB,can I be admitted like that??

    1. You can correct the errors at NECO office or use the court affidavit to back up the errors. Read the post below.


  57. Good morning. sir, what is the difference between a local government identification certificate and a certificate of residence? Are they the same thing or different?

    1. Some states are giving the certificates of residence to affirm that they're living in their states. But for the local government identification certificate, this shows the local government you belong to by birth.

  58. Sir the dob in my jamb is different from the one in my birth certificate and the school is requesting for birth certificate what should I do

    1. Get a court age declaration of age and make sure that bears the date of birth on your JAMB

  59. good evening sir
    am in 200L going to 300L, I wrote my jamb since 2019, due to asuu strike i want to make correction on my DOB so It won't affect me during NYSC pls is it possible for me to do the correction now? Pls am waiting for reply, if yes what are the requirements.

  60. Sir have try changing the wrong age on my jamb profile in order to correspond with my weac and neck but it was rejected by jamb. sir what can I do

    1. In that case, get a court affidavit to backup this error

  61. Sir, the name I registered for my WAEC is different from the jamb. I have tried changing it from the nimc and jamb but they sent an email that it was rejected, I have also sworn affidavit. Am I still safe for as process?

  62. The DOB on my SSCE is different from the one on my jamb results but the correct one is my jamb result's though I have sworn an Affidavit .
    The question is when will I be needing the affidavit and will it affect my admission? Pls

  63. Can I get admission even though my nin date of birth is not correct

  64. Good morning sir
    Pls the Dob on my neco and jamb is the same thing but it's 2yrs older than my age and I have gone to jamb they collected 3500 and ask me to give a form to our registrar in school for them to sign and send it back to them. Till now the date of birth has not been change pls any advice

  65. Kudos to u sir. My neco DOB is less to my age. Though, my age exceeded d age limit for writing d exam. Moreover, the principal did not inform me. It was after I saw d result i called her attention. Will d DOB not show on jamb CAP?

  66. A mistake was made when I registered JAMB, in my JAMB date of birth is written 29/01/1996 instead of 08/July/1996 which is the correct one.
    And I did regularization with the correct one 08/July/1996, but the one on my JAMB that appears on my NYSC Green card. And I don't use WAEC.
    How can I do?
    And is it the one that is in JAMB 29/January/1996 or the one that I did regularization 08/July/1996 that will appear on my NYSC certificate?

  67. Good evening
    Please i need advice, the DOB on my wace, jamb and neco are the same but it’s not correct and I am going for nysc very soon, but my university has my correct DOB, and refused to collect the age declaration I did, I need help because my university certificate carries my real age while my wace, jamb and neco has the wrong DOB. Please I need advice on what to do

  68. Hi! The date of birth on my NECO GCE result is 2003 while my jamb dob is 2004 which is the correct dob. My NECO gce year was 2020/2021. Can I still correct my NECO GCE dob before my school post utme form comes out or can I use affidavit to back it up instead. Thank you sir.

  69. Please sir my dob in my NIN 2007, while the one on my jamb is 2006, will I be given admission

  70. Good morning sir, Pls, I need help as touching correction of date of birth on my WAEC Result and Jamb Account. They are both carrying 1996 and on my DOB, it is 1997. I'll be rounding up my programme next year March sir. The WAEC result was gotten 2012. The JAMB was for 2018, what can I do?

  71. Good evening.
    Please i need advice.the date of birth in my waec result is showing 1986 and the date of birth in my jamb is showing 1992.when i ask how to go about it i was told to go to NiN office and reduce my age of which i did.but i made a mistake by reducing it to 1996.please I seriously need help because right now i am very confused.i don't know what to do .I even went to the jamb office today and I was told that their is absolutely nothing they can do about it

  72. Hello sir, the date of birth on my neco result is July 9,2003 while the one on my jamb result is may 21,2003. So when I fill the form for post utme I put the one on my neco since that is the correct one. So now jamb did not gimme admission likewise the school. Can I still change it on my NIN and go to jamb office also, let say it has change will they gimme admission pls advice me sir

  73. Sir my WAEC name is different with my NIN the three different name. And I registered for Necogce and corrected the name to my NIN and I put the same date of birth in my NIN 1999 and o want to change the date of birth in my Necogce now exam have not started. Have wrote to Neco I really want to change my date of birth to 2002 pls what should I do please.

  74. Please sir can I use age declaration to backup my documents? actually my waec date of birth is wrong instead of 2002 it carry 1999 I don't if it may affect my chance of getting admission

  75. Good day sir my own case is that u want to apply for correction of date of birth from jamb in which both the one on jamb' waec is not even correct at all what do I do to that sir does the one on my waec plays a key role or it means nothing sir?

  76. Good day sir,my own case is that I can't remember if I put the right date of birth in my waec and I have a different date of birth on my jamb,can I still be able to write my jamb or is it something I should panic about

  77. Sir my date of birth on my primary school certificate is different from other credentials will it affect my clearance and what can I do

  78. If the age on my Neco is different from other credential can it delay me during my nysc stuff then what can I do sir

  79. What if the date of birth on the waec is different from the date of birth on the nysc certificate what is the course in the future

  80. Good evening sir
    Please sir I need your advice on this issue.My birth year on my NIN is different from the one on my waec,buh the one on my waec is correct which I don't have money now to correct the one on my NIN.Can I use the NIN to register jamb like that and maybe change it later to my real birth year which is the one on my waec??

  81. How does it affect direct entry registration? I have a wrong date of birth on my waec certificate which is required for registration, but right now i don't know if it will affect my registration. Note that every other document including previous jamb are correct.


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