How To Defer NYSC Service To Next Batch/Stream -

How To Defer NYSC Service To Next Batch/Stream

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I’ve met a few prospective corps members who wanted to defer their services. They’ve been mobilized for NYSC, yet they didn’t want to go for service for now. 

What do you do if you find yourself in this situation?

Let’s assume you’ve been mobilized for Batch A but you prefer to go for Batch B instead. Is it possible? Won’t that affect your service? Will you still be remobilized if you miss your own time?  If you miss your NYSC posting time or batch, what do you do? Are there any sanctions or punishments for deferring NYSC till later?

This post will answer these questions and related concerns. Let’s ride on.

You’ve Registered for NYSC But You Didn’t Want to Go With This Batch

The best way to defer your NYSC is not to register for it in the first place until you’re ready. But if you’ve done the registration with your green card printed, no going back. You just have to be mobilized.

You may be lucky if a batch is divided into two i.e. streams 1 and 2. If by any chance, NYSC schedules you to stream 2, then you’re so lucky. But what if you’re sent with batch stream 1? Is there any hope of deferring things to stream 2 or the next batch?

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You Can Defer Your Service If Mobilized to Next Batch

It’s very possible to do this.

In order to achieve this, you just won’t go camping for the batch/stream you’re mobilized with.

There is nothing bad about that. A pregnant woman who just delivered, after being mobilized, is not expected to resume camping. Someone who fell very sick after being mobilized is not expected at camp as well.

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Of course, there are more reasons one may choose not to go to service after being mobilized. And you don't have to write an official letter to back your reason up. NYSC has such, made provisions for that without sanctioning the victims.

So what do you do? Do you have to leave the call-up letter unprinted? Do you have to reregister for NYSC in the next or desired batch?

Well, you can still print your green card or leave it online. Just don’t go camping. 

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Hence, when the next batch registration starts, and you’re ready to go, you won’t need to register afresh for NYSC. You will visit your NYSC dashboard. Then, you’ll need REVALIDATION instead of REGISTRATION. The option to do the revalidation will be beside the option for the fresh registration.

Clicking on REVALIDATION will require you to log in and take you to your dashboard where you’ll be taken to the last stage of NYSC registration. This is the stage where the 4 states are presented to you. Pick your intended states again. You can pick the same states you chose during the last registration or consider a new set of states.

Then, submit. 

 When the new batch members are been mobilized, you will be mobilized along with them without any punishment waiting for you at camp or anywhere.

Deferring NYSC Posting to Next Batch Using Remobilization

Another method that works is if you've been mobilized, you've gone to the camp and spent 21 days camping. But something came up and you had a need to defer your service to another batch. Here, you won't just report to the PPA.

Remember that after the camp, you will be deployed to your place of primary assignment (PPA). If you want to defer your service to another batch, you won't report to the PPA. 

Your NYSC portal will be left vacant for clearance for 3 months (since you didn't report to PPA) before the corps will tag you as absconding. With this, you'll be required to do remobilization in order to be posted with another batch.

There is no special or official punishment if you're tagged as absconding. The thing is if you must go back to serve, you will fill out the form for remobilization when the NYSC portal is opened for that.

With remobilization, you won't need to camp again. You will just report to the state of deployment and register at the NYSC secretariat before they can give you the same or a new PPA.

Deferring Service to Next Stream May Not Work All Times

This is possible too but not as often.

Let’s break things down.

Dele is mobilized for Batch B stream 1. Then, he doesn't go camping hoping that he will be mobilized with steam 2.

Now, let’s see where this can work and where it can't.

First, note that those that will be mobilized for streams 1 and 2 did the registration together (at the same time). Then, NYSC split them into two. While stream 1 is able to print letters for mobilization, stream 2 has to wait till a certain date to be able to print their letters and proceed to camp.

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If NYSC decides to open registration for more schools to register their students so they can go with stream 2, it will favor Dele. Hence, when the registration is opened, he can also do his REVALIDATION which is automatic. In other words, he is not required to do anything other than print the letters when stream 2 corps members are printing too. With that, his stream will be changed to 2.

RecommendedHow Many Times Can Someone Revalidate for NYSC?

If no new or urgent opening of registration for schools before the stream 2 date, Dele may be or may not be favored with stream 2. If favored, he may have to wait till the next batch when a new registration opens. He won't need to do a new registration, of course, he will reprint the letter with the next batch instead. 

UPDATE: Due to the reduction in the number of corps being mobilized lately because of COVID-19 measures, candidates who deferred their NYSC are still being mobilized for the next streams automatically without REVALIDATION.

What If You Will Be Overaged By the Next Batch/Stream?

A situation that calls for attention again is if you’re, by now, very close to 30 which is the maximum age for NYSC. Won't that affect you if you must defer to the next batch or stream?

For example, Dele will be 30 years and 2 months by the next batch but he wishes to defer. He can definitely serve if he goes with batch B which he was originally mobilized for. But a few months later than 30 should affect his service?

The answer is NO.

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NYSC reckons with the year and date of mobilization, not the date of being on camp or being posted. In other words, once you’ve been mobilized at the right age and date, deferring service beyond this age will not stop you from going to service.

If you’re mobilized for service this year and for whatever reason, you couldn't go to service until you're above 30, you would still be allowed to serve.

The same is applicable to you if your name has been sent for NYSC in the senate list but due to some issues, you had to be delayed till you’re overaged.

In fact, during the registration for NYSC, you'll find the year of your mobilization on the portal instead of the date/year at which you’re registering.

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  1. Pls I saw on nysc Twitter that anyone mobilize for batch A stream 1 and didn't go after been sent call up letter will have to go the next year batch A stream 1 2022

    1. Sir please what if I didn't go to camp dis set hope I will be able to validate

    2. No. You can defer your service at will.

  2. So what happens to someone that didnt go with stream 1 but wants to go with stream 2. Automatic change of call up date on call up letter or revalidation and if revalidation, does it retain same state of deployment or not? Thanks

    1. my name is in batch A but with wrong matriculation number.. Can I register with next batch B after correcting my matriculation number in my senate list

      would have loved to correct it now but my school staffs are on strike

    2. Yes, you can go after the correction.

  3. Hello, good evening. I registered for batch A, stream 1 2021 but couldn't go for some reasons and am ready for this stream 2. I was told to revalidate but there's no option for revalidation, instead it's remobilization, I tried to remobilize but I was told that am not eligible for it. What am I to do? Do I go to the same camp with the same call up letter for stream 1?

    1. To see the option for revalidation, you have to register when the new prospective corpers are registering. This time, your portal will be activated for choosing new states.

      Revalidation is not the same as remobilization.

  4. How can someone defer after going for the camping and after being deployed to an area to serve?

    1. I don't think you can differ again. If such arrange exists, you must talk to your zonal inspector.


    1. If you don't go with this batch, you can still register with the next batch.

  6. Please, urgent reply is needed.... I was mobilised in stream1 but I didn't go to camp hoping to be mobilised with stream2 but the callup letter came out and all I saw was the print green card slip option. Please what could be wrong and do I still have a chance of serving this year?

    1. May be you didn't do revalidation when this people were registering. You need to wait for another registration. The, you will revalidate before you can be posted again.

  7. Hello good morning, please can revalidation be done twice? I registered for nysc last year november and was posted to yobe which is why I didn't go because of the distance and now I did revalidation and I was posted to kano again. It's the distance for me. Please can I do revalidation again? Thanks

    1. Yes, you can. However, if distance is your sole concern, you may just work on being redeployed to your interested state rather than keep posing things.

  8. Good morning Sir. Thanks for this. Please, I deferred my registration in stream 2. When the next stream comes, can I register again, if I don't want to do a REVALIDATION because I want to choose new states?

    1. Yes, you can register with new batch if you've not registered with the previous one. Otherwise, you have to revalidate instead.

  9. Please I was deployed to Oyo wedding is next week can I go with batch b

    1. Yes you can. But be sue you revalidate during the next registration so they can mobilize you again.

  10. Please sir, I'm supposed to be in camp with steam 2 A, and I couldn't make it, do I still have the chance

    1. You can do revalidation during the next registration so you can be remobilized again.

  11. If someone is deployed with this batch A steam 2 and decided to go with the next batch, which is batch B steam 1, the person didn't go to camp thus to health issues, will he/she will be able to go?

  12. Pls this urgent,my sister was jst mobilized yesterday and was resume to camp same yesterday but the problem now is that she jst put to bed 2days ago nd haven't been discharged for some reasons nd she's not married yet please can she defer it nd register with d next batch.

  13. Can I upload my wedding certificate so as to change my initial deployed state if after I've registered for batch a stream2 camping and did not report to my deployed state because it was just a week to my wedding day?
    If yes, can I still go for batch b stream1?
    How do I go about it? Thanks

    1. Please, answer to your question is already in the post. Then, you can upload marriage certificate if you're married to secure redeployment.

  14. I need clarification on direct posting, I just registered on 29th of June and I already got my callup number, I want to start my direct posting processing and I want to know if I'll automatically go with Batch B stream 1 since I did direct posting or I'll have to wait till Batch B stream 2.
    Please reply me asap.
    Thank you.

    1. Direct posting is only possible with runz. It's your contact that will tell you how to go about it. And watch out, there are scammers everywhere.

  15. __init__Pye•sirdpol11 July 2021 at 07:28

    Wonderful job, Mr. Tolani.

  16. Please sir my school made mistake on my matriculation no and I was told they have to send letter to Abuja after sending the letter if at all my name come out with this batch b stream 1 can I go to camp or I wait till the error change on my dashboard or what should I do?

    1. If you'd already done your NYSC registration, nothing should delay your going.

  17. I have already been mobilized for my nysc due to some certain reason I'm not ready yet I hope no punishment and nothing wrong to apply when I'm ready again

    1. Just as detailed in the post above.

    2. Wat details cus my name is in d Senate list I dnt want to join stream 1 can I register with stream 11

    3. Yes you can when their registration starts.

  18. Good morning. Please am to follow batch B though am yet to register, I am planing on getting married first can I follow the next batch by January or February??

  19. I registered for Nysc this year due to certain reasons I won't be going...can I register afresh next year

  20. Please I registered with batch A 2021 and was deployed but could not go due to insecurity reasons, and this batch I was posted to the same northern state and I want to reject it and wait till next batch, will they still revalidate my deployment seeing that I have already rejected it twice

    1. They will. But unfortunately, it will be the same state.

  21. Please sir I register with batch b stream I and am close to 30years and am deployed to bayelsa and I don't want to go can I keep revalidating yearly so dat I will come across the age and collect exeption letter
    Secondly sir how many revalidating chance someone has

    1. No you can't get exemption certificate again. You can still revalidate whenever you're ready to go even when you're 31 or more. Mind you. you're still going to Bayelsa any time you revalidate.

  22. Good morning, I was mobilized for batch A stream 1. But due to some reasons i won't be able to go with stream 1 i intend to go with stream 2 of batch A. Please is it possible to go with stream 2. Someone said i will have to wait till next year how true is that sir.

    1. You will go with next stream. You may need to do revalidation when the next registration starts to be able to go with the stream.

  23. Please help me, I was deployed in batch A 2021 but couldn't go because of distance and I thought i will go next year but I was surprise to open my dash board and I have being deployed again even without revalidating and am still not ready to go... Please will it affect me if I declined deployment twice? Please help me am confuse

    1. No it won't. You can go any time you want. Already covered in the post.

  24. I registered for nysc as a married lady but they mixed my old name with the new one and I applied for correction of name and made the corrections which have not been effected yet. I’ve already gotten call up letter. Is there something I can do to ensure the corrections

  25. What’s the difference between revalidation and remobilization

    1. Revalidation is for those that deferred their services until later while Remobilization is for those who didn't complete their camping or service before now and ready to do it now.

    2. Sir my name came out of batch A stream 2 but then I just filled in my my password, phone number with my matric no n jamb reg thats all
      I've done actually done anything else since then cos I want to GI with batch B
      The question now is am I to revalidate during batch B or remobilize?

    3. During the batch B, you will continue your registration where you stopped. You will fill the entre form and submit, pay for the call-up letter. Revalidation is for those who already completed their registration but didn't go to camp.

  26. Please I was deployed on the 28th of July 2021 but I couldn't report on that date due to financial issues but I have the money now and I'm planning to go to camp tomorrow the 30th July 2021. Will I be accepted in camp or will I be punished for reporting late? Please I need urgent response. Thank you

  27. Please i couldn't report to camp on my given date which is 27th July and there's no hope of going until Monday 2nd August, will i still be allowed in? Also, i heard grace is given till 3rd of August, please how true is this?

  28. Please I was deployed on the 29th of July,but I fell sick and will not be able to report to camp,so the option for me now is to revalidate when registration comes up for the next stream?

  29. Please i need urgent respond sir, i was with batch B stream one but I couldn’t go due to some personal reasons, now that you said I’ll be revalidation automatically, will the date change or a new call up letter will be issued?

    1. A new call up letter will be issued

    2. Hello sir, please if a new call up letter is issued will the State change or same state .

    3. hey I have the same issue as you I'm in batch c stream 1 but would prefer stream 2 I want to confirm if you were actually automatically revalidated to the next stream?

    4. Yes. Read the post below.

  30. Oluwadara Oyeronke9 August 2021 at 22:54

    Please sir I was trying to do revalidation since they open registration today by clicking on revalidation but it kept taking me back to my dashboard. What can I do?

    1. Revalidation is now done automatically. So, you don't have to do anything again. They will post you the time comes. Read the post again.

  31. Please sir, my name was on Senate list for batch b stream2 and I have not done registration cos am not ready to go now due to some issue until batchc stream1..what is the consequences of this sir, is there any hope for me in d next batch or till next year sir

    1. No consequences. You will go when ready. Once already mobilized, no need to panic again.

  32. I have been on the revalidation process all days long but to no avail,now i'm confused and curious on why the inability

    1. Revalidation is automatic now. You just wait for them to post you. Read more through the link below.

  33. URGENT
    so i just recently found out that i was posted to bacth A stream 1, i have done the revalidation. please will i retain the same state for stream 2 or nysc changes the state automatically?

  34. Please has batch B stream 2 gone to camp,if not when will they be going?

    1. Registration still ongoing. They should be going by 24ht August.

  35. Please Sir my name is in the sanete list but I issue with my date of birth, can I defer my nysc till next batch or next year when I correct it.

    1. Once your details had been sent, I don't think any correction of date of birth will work again. Mind you, NYSC uses the date pf birth on your UTME or regularization, not necessarily the one sent by your school. Read more through the link below.

  36. Please can call up number change

  37. IAM in batch b stream 2 and I saw in my dashboard that IAM not in this stream and I will be deployed in the next stream please be patient.what is the implication of this mes

    1. It means, you will go with next stream - not the current one.

  38. Please, I’m a foreign student and I registered for batch b. I did my pre camp verification last month at osogbo and my evaluation this month in Abuja. I was told to keep checking my dashboard for updates. I checked this morning and I was asked to go to Abuja for another pre camp verification because the one I did last month wasn’t valid. I was suppose to do it after Abuja evaluation.

    1. With your explanation, it appears as if you already know what is expected of you. Or is there anything you must ask?

  39. How do I defer my posting when it comes
    I registered with batch b stream but was not posted but now I want to go with batch c , that's November. How do I go about it

    1. You will wait till that time. Then, you will print your letter when the batch C are going.

  40. If I don’t like the state I’m being posted to for the stream 1 and I want to re register with stream 2, will the state change or remain the same?

    1. It will remains the same. If you don't like the state, go for camping and redeploy.

  41. Good morning sir,I was posted to Kaduna state,and I don't want to go because of the security issues in that region,I am in batch b stream 2 2021 set

    1. Ok Sorry about that situation. You can apply for relocation when you get to camp.

  42. Good afternoon sir, I applied for correction of name during my registration, the application status now is (BEING REVIEWED), and I've been deployed already, am top report to camp this coming Wednesday, please can I still go to camp with that sir?

    1. Yes, go to camp. The correction will be done any time. All that matters is for it to be corrected before you complete your service year.

    2. Sir, will they register me in camp, because the names doesn't tally sir?

  43. Pls sir, is there hope for one who lost all documents. But have the photocopies?

  44. Good morning. Please am to follow batch B though am yet to register can I follow the batch c which is October??

  45. So me now I was posted to jigawa from enugu I couldn't go because of logistics so I can revalidate when next batch comes up right ?

    1. You will need remobilization if you'd already been deployed to a particular place of assignment. Read more through the link below.

  46. Like I can't go for service again till next year on the same batch n stream I was deployed, or I can revalidate n join batch c

    1. You can join batch C. Revalidation is automatic.

  47. I'm scheduled to go for nysc with batch C but I don't want to I want to go I'm planning going with batch A in 2022 sir should I just leave my name on the senate list like that without registering until batch A registration

    1. Yes, you can do that. And you can register but never care to go until that interested batch.

  48. I'm serving already but I want to terminate my youth service and start all over again, how can I do that?

    1. I don't think that's possible. However, you can talk to your zonal inspector if NYSC system has allowed that lately.

  49. Good evening Sir... I was deployed to serve at IMO state in Nov 19 2019 but I didn’t go to the camp and never print out the call up letter please what’s the solution to this Sir cuz am willing to go now but having issues.. thanks in advance Sir

    1. On next mobilization, just go and print your green card and when they're printing call up letters, print that too. Your new or old state will be on that for you to go.

  50. My name was on the Senate list for batch B with *not yet registered* as that that time, I didn't register because I was sorting my jamb regularization and matriculation list .Now, my name is on the matriculation list and the jamb regularization is approved. Should I just go ahead and register with Batch C, or revalidate or go to my school for error list?

    Sorry for the long lost.

  51. Good morning, please i want to make an enquiry. I just mobilized for nysc batch c but i dont think i can make it with stream 1 cause of my health issue. If my call up letter comes out for me to go with stream 1 and i dont go, can i go with stream 2 instead or will it be a problem? Cause I've heard rumors that if you don't you will only end up going the next year batch c stream 1 2022, so I just wanted to confirm and be sure, thank you.

    1. I have heard the same rumor. With my knowledge in the past, you can go with next stream.

  52. good day sir, am a foreign student i went for batch B pre camp verification and was cleared. still not yet evaluated, Nysc sent me a message to upload a particular document which i was not able to do it then i have it now and i have uploaded it last week should i revalidate or wait for call up letter am so confused.

  53. Good morning sir, I just got my green card and I'm supposed to leave for camp soon but due to some minor issue my statement of result is not ready,and I don't want to go with batch c stream 1,I want to go with stream 2 can I revalidate and still get the chance with stream 2??

    1. They will schedule you with the stream 2 when their time comes. It's now automatic.

  54. Good morning Sir
    Please I applied for correction of name spelling
    The student affairs officer said they are working on it.
    Can I go to camp this Friday or should I wait till it's corrected and go with stream 2

  55. I've been mobilised for batch c stream 1 but my statement of result is not ready and I am going through some health issues so I would prefer to go with 2 is it possible and will my state of mobilization remain the same? Please reply as soon as possible

  56. Pls sir I just printed my call up letter and I was posted to Kebbi state, I don't want to go again till next year because I'm getting married, how do I go about it?

    1. You won't just go. Then, return to your dashboard when you're ready and another call-up letters are being printed. You will be revalidated for posting continually until you're ready.

    2. hey if I'm revalidated for stream 2 will my state remain the same

    3. More likely yes. However, I've seen it changed in a few cases.

    4. What if I did direct posting for the first stream will it still change it you revalidate for stream 2 or do I have to do direct posting again

    5. do I have to revalidate it myself on the portal or nysc will automatically revalidate me for stream 2? I need to know if I should just wait till stream 2 call up letter is being released so I go print mine or I have to revalidate it when new registration starts please reply asap

  57. Good afternoon sir, I was mobilized for NYSC Batch C Stream 1, but unfortunately I am yet to pick up my Statement of results from school. I have already registered and printed up my call up letter and green card. Would I be automatically revalidated to stream 2 ?

  58. Good evening sir , I was mobilized this year January, but I couldn’t register it brings I couldn’t register because I was not matriculated and it’s because of jamb regularization issue , now jamb has rectify the issue , what am I going to do cos I want to go for service next batch

    1. Check NYSC portal, when next batch registration stars, if you're there, you can then register. If not, you'll have to wait till your name is sent to NYSC by your school

  59. Hello Good day Sir.
    Was recently deployed and was @Camp for Registration but during documentation have issues with my Graduation date so Was Been Sent out to go back for correction @ my School. And Been 4Days on Camp Registration, If Closed is there any alternative as am told is 5Days for the registration..
    What to do??

    1. If resolved you can be remobilized again. No need to panic. Read the post below,

  60. Pls Sir my sis registered for stream 1 but she is very sick and won't be able to go for camp Sir ...what is the next step sir

  61. Please sir do you have the idea of the date of nysc 2022 remobliization

    1. I don't. Be regularly following the service pages.

  62. Pls sir my name is on the Senate list but I don't want to register for this coming batch, can i register in the next year batch A

  63. Pls sir,
    Will I get a new call up number after revalidation?

    1. The number may not change and it may change. Just downlead the green card again to see that.

  64. Good afternoon. My name is out on senate list but I don't want to go with this batch C stream 2. Do I still need to register regardless??

    1. If you understand the post above, you can register and you may not register now.

    2. I was deployed in batch C stream 1 but don't go camping. I revalidated yesterday and made payment but all I can see there is my old call-up letter. Will my state change? And most importantly will the call-up NUMBER change?

  65. How can one know if he or she is been revalidated

    1. You will be able to download a new Greencard indicating the stream you're going with.

  66. Good afternoon sir, I clocked 30 on April this year and I graduated on August pls sir I want to go for service can I do another jamb regulatizion

    1. If your school agrees that you should do it and they will sign and send it to JAMB, you can do another one.

  67. good day sir i registered with batch c stream 2 can revalidate next year batch A or will i have to wait till next year batch c stream 2 again

    1. You will automatically be revalidated for every next stream and batch until you're ready to go.

  68. Sir, have been mobilize for batch c, stream 2 2021 but my school result is not yet out, pls sir, can I revalidate for next batch which is February 2022

    1. You will automatically be revalidated for every next stream and batch until you're ready to go.

  69. Good day sir. Please when is the next batch going to camp this year?

    1. I don't know the date. The following post will guide you on how to be following regular NYSC updates.

  70. Good morning sir, batch c stream 1 I did registration and was exempted, I did correction and was approved after batch c stream 1/2 have already camp, I was offered call up number and green card last month....... Will I still revalidate or I should just wait for call up letter

    1. Revalidation is automatic. Just wait for the call-up letter.

  71. Please what can I do to go with the first batch stream one? The stream tow is not possible for me because I have am examination clashing with the stream two.

    1. If you're mobilized but don't want to go with that dream, you just follow the guide in the post above.

  72. I already registered for nysc batch A 2022 but i noticed that my date of graduation in my dashboard is different from the one in my statement of result. Will it affect me during documentation in camp or should I go back to my school for correction?

    1. No it won't affect you. What is important to NYSC officials, when you get to the camp, is evidence of your graduation - not dates off graduation.

  73. Hello, I registered with Batch a 2022 but was posted to ebonyi but I don't wanna go there. If I wait to do revalidation will i be able to be given another state?

    1. Thy may give you the same state. Yet, they can change it for you. Somebody revalidated four times. The second time, the same state as the first. The third was a different state and fourth was also another state

  74. Good day sir, I was posted with batch c stream 2 in November last year, but due to statement of result issues I couldn't make it and I revalidated for this batch a stream 1 and was posted but still the result not ready yet, can I go with stream 2 by then the result will be ready

  75. Good day sir,I was posted this year 2022 with Batch A stream 1 to jigawa state, I would not go due to some reasons,is it still possible to go with stream 2 sir.

    1. It's possible. And if they don't remobilize with stream 2, definitely by next batch.

  76. Hi sir. I hv been mobilized twice and didn't go for service. The second time was this last batch A stream 1 but I didn't go to camp. The next stream will be mobilized by march 18th and I already did revalidation but something very important came up again. If I decline which will make it the third time,will I still get a chance to serve?

    1. In fact, you can defer it a dozen times. You'll be revalidated again and again until you're ready to go.

    2. This is almost exactly what I am facing right now, i registered for this batch A stream 2 but I don't want to go now anymore, so I am thinking of deferring coz I need to work and get money to buy gadgets for my work. So I'm thinking perhaps later this year. Do you think I am safe too sir? I'll still be able to serve

    3. You're safe. Enjoy your adventure until you're ready to go.

  77. Greetings
    It's urgent please, I registered with this Batch and my name too and call up letter came out and I pressed print outcall up letter that was how I was able to see my state.
    But then I want to go with Batch B instead please is it possible I go with the next Batch would there be any consequences if I don't report to camp and can I revalidate too.

  78. Greetings
    I saw call up letter and I pressed print to enable me see allocated state
    But I really don't want to go with the batch I want to join Batch B instead

    Now for printing will I still be able to go next batch
    If I don't report to camp will there be any consequences please

    1. Yes, don't go this time. When Batch B are printing, reprint your call-up letter. Then, a new call-up number and batch will be on it automatically.

  79. Greetings
    I got my call up latter now but not ready to go now. Can I still go with batch B stream 1? And will the state change

    1. You can go with batch if you wish. However, the state may change and may remain the same.

  80. Hi Sir, pls I registered as a married woman but unfortunately I was posted to another state which is very far, if I decide to defer it , will I be given my desired state once I do revalidation?

    1. The state can be changed and may remain the same. If you've done your application correctly, they shouldn't have sent you to a far state. Something was wrong with that registration. I advise you go and reapply for the relocation from there.

  81. Hello sir, please am confused at the moment cus I just printed my call up letter and I saw the day I was to report to camp has passed (March 18) last friday. I'm supposed to join this batch A stream 2 in yobe camp. Now I'm confused. What will do? Will I still able to go for service this year or wait till next year?

    1. I got you a post that details what comes next if you miss your reporting date. Read below.

  82. Pls when i saw my PPA it is to far to where my husband is nd i register as am married woman what should i do next pls

    1. Maybe something was wrong with the documents you uploaded for the marital registration back then. Go to your dashboard and reapply as married. You will be required to upload the right documents again.

  83. Good morning sir,I created an account for nysc,but my my portal is saying that I registered already

    1. Use the service of a competent café to do the registration.

  84. Hi sir. I have been mobilised thrice and I wasn't able to go cos of d location and my parents didn't approve. I am actually ready to go with this next batch and what is showing in my dash board is the state I was posted to last and I'm told to print my call up later. Pls can u explain what this means and can I go with the ext batch. Does it mean I can't serve again?

    1. Wait till when new corpers will be printing their own letters. By that time, your letter will change to their batch and a new state or the state will be on it.

  85. Good morning sir!
    I want to go for batch B stream 2.
    Someone told me to register with stream 1 and shouldn't print out the call up later now till stream 2.
    Is this authentic? 🙏

    1. Good evening sir, I registered for batch B as a married woman but I don't want concessional posting again can I wait for stream 2 and do revalidation or remobilize

    2. Yes. When posted, don't go. You can reprint your green card and call-up letter by the next batch

  86. I registered for stream 1 but when the call up letter came out I was posted to stream 2
    What could have happened because I dnt understand

    1. When the number of corpers is more than what can go in a stream, NYSC will divide the batch into making it streams 1 and 2. In most cases, people who registered on day 1 or 2 of the commencement of this online registration are usually loaded for stream 1 while people registering later may end up on the stream 2 list.

  87. Good day sir, want to confirm if the revalidation process you explained the post is still valid, and if it's still possible to change ones state of deployment during that process. Thank you

    1. You can't change anything in the revalidation. It's now automatic. Once you don't go with your batch, you will be posted with the next batch and you can be given the same state or another.

  88. Please help, I registered and paid for nysc registration on 7th June and up til when the registeration ends, I didn't see my call up number, I was unable to print my green slip and call up letter didn't show also, I tried paying and registering again, I received a message that I've paid for the service already.
    My dashboard display Covid reg, I clicked on it and it brought out my details which also include call up number, but my dashboard is still not displaying the call up number and call up letter to print. I'm confused ,please help me

    1. It may be because you're in stream 2. I've seen such before. Wait till stream 2.

  89. Good evening, I was deployed to Kano, if I ignore the letter to revalidate with the next stream/batch will I be given a new state??

    1. They may retain the same state and they can give you a new state. Both are possible.

  90. Am in batch b stream 1 nd I don't want to go due to my health issue pls after revalidation is it possible for me to go with stream2 of batch b cus I was told that it's not possible that I will b shifted to batch c or next year instead of stream 2 of batch b, pls how sure is this pls I need ur enlightenment on this

    1. You will be in the next batch instead of next stream

  91. What happens if I reported in camp but couldn't register, can I revalidate?

    1. You will be revalidated to go with the next batch

  92. Good day sir…. My name is on the senate list, it’s been there since last month, I was supposed to register but I’m not ready and might not be till October or November. Will I need to mobilize again? Or will my name be there till the end of the year.

  93. Please an error regarding year of entry of admission which is 2015 but it's 2016 in the Nysc green card... Would it affect me in camp

  94. Please can I change my genotype after I’ve registered there was a mistake now I need to upload medical history please help

    1. No, you can't change any information after filling and submitting your NYSC mobilization form. And usual errors such as genotype is nothing to worry about as that may not affect you in any way for the service.

    2. But it’s showing to upload medical history and showing approval status not approved what does it mean please would it affect me when I get to camp? And when I get there how would I explain that it was a mistake

    3. Nobody will be asked to upload medical history because of genotype being wrong. Maybe you chose poor health option. If you do, then go and get medical report and upload.


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