NECO Result Checking: Check 2000 - 2018 (Jun/Jul & Nov./Dec.) -

NECO Result Checking: Check 2000 - 2018 (Jun/Jul & Nov./Dec.)

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: This post is now outdated. You can access the updated one here.

NECO result is out and you’re set to see your grades. Follow the step-by-step guide below to check.

Note that this method applies to both NECO June/July till Nov/Dec (2017) results. However, for those candidates who want to check results from 2018, 2019, 2020, etc. June/July or Nov/Dec, follow the guide here.

2 Steps to Check Your NECO Results

  1. Buy a checker or checking card at the nearest NECO office or café. 
  2. You can click here to buy result checkers for NECO June/July or NECO GCE Nov/Dec.
  3. Visit NECO result-checking page at

On the resulting page, fill in your details as follows:

  1. Select year Examination Type
  2. Select year of examination
  3. Enter your card PIN number
  4. Enter your Examination Number
  5. Click on the "Check My Result" button

Note: NECO Result Card is N300 only at the NECO office. The price may be higher if you buy from a dealer or the nearest internet café.

In case of any difficulty in checking your result, contact any of the NECO helplines below;

08069232760, 08052218069, 08052218070, 08126886938, 08126886939, 08189342653, 08189342754

[email protected], [email protected]

Solutions to NECO Results Checking Issues

Before contacting NECO, let’s see if I can address your issues in the questions and answers below.

I have checked my result before, but now I check and it’s complaining “Card already used by another candidate”.

First, make sure you are not using the wrong card. Also, check that you don’t make a mistake in the registration number you enter.

Second, check your last two alphabets. If you use small letters before, change to CAPITAL. If you write CAPITAL letters before, change them to small.

I enter the correct information but it complains, “record not found”

You can receive this error if:
  1. Your result has not been released yet
  2. You made a mistake in any of the exam types, registration numbers, or years selected.
Recheck to see that all information is perfect.

You can also return to your school to confirm if you’re given the wrong registration number during the exams. The school can help.

I've covered several questions and answers in the post “NECO: Answers to Your Questions on National Examination Council (NECO)”. You can click to read.

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  1. Is They A Certificate On NECO GCE Or Is NECO GCE Giving A Certificate

    1. Yes, there is certificate for GCE too. Read more through the link below.

  2. Sir....when exactly would the statement of result for year 20/21 neco candidate be released

    1. Usually 9 months after the release of the results.

  3. Hi Mr. Techie, how do I check or verify NECO results of 2000/2001.
    When I check online through the portal, I keep getting "Candidate record not found ".

    Looking forward to your response.


    1. Recheck the number very well. Be aware that there two alphabets at the back of the numerals. Be sure you get that rightly. You can also change the capital letters to small letters.

  4. How can I get my neco certificate for year 2000

    1. Read the post below.

  5. Hi Mr tolani, i wrote my neco exam in year may/june 2000. Exam number on result show 022098/139. But when i put it on site it dispalys invalid exam number. KIndly advise

    1. That's not your NECO registration number. That could be the centre number and seat number. You number should have two alphabets in the front. Check back at your centre.

  6. Good afternoon sir, i obtain a form so I use my neco scratch card that have use since 2017 to check my result but now I want to use it again it saying “token not found”
    What should I do

  7. Am not sure Neco result for 2000 is on the internet,because i have been checking for mine even with the correct num still it is not showing

  8. I wrote waec and neco respectively in 2002.
    How do I check the results online because I doubt if neco have started using scratch card those periods.
    If I buy a scratch card is it possible to access my results online with it?
    Secondly, which one is neco token?
    What is it all about and how do I get it please.

  9. Pls sir I wrote exam and am very sure of what I wrote but when I check my result is totally different infact the subject I no I can never fail I failed it and the subject I just write anyhow I passed them and the subject I failed is my main subject for my course
    I failed English, literature, civic, Islamic studies
    And I want to go for international relations
    Pls sir I need your help


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