Where to Change (Cost of) JAMB Names, DOB, State/LGA - SCHOOLCONTENTS.info

Where to Change (Cost of) JAMB Names, DOB, State/LGA


To change personal data such as names, date of birth, gender, or state/local government of origin in JAMB, you must visit a JAMB office, as changes cannot be made at a café or CBT center, and any errors in your bio-data likely originate from your NIN, which should be corrected at NIMC before proceeding to JAMB.

Most parts of this post are outdated. You should read: New Method to Change JAMB Names, DOB, LGA, etc.

A few posts, on this blog, might have made some quick references to how to change JAMB names, date of birth, gender, and state/local government of origin.

Some of you might have got the fact that you couldn't change institutions and courses at any café rather, you're to visit the nearest accredited CBT center for such changes.

But, that's for the changes in institutions and courses.

When it comes to changing other data as noted above, generally the personal data, do you use a café, a CBT center, or a JAMB office?

This post will strictly give you where to visit for the JAMB changes including names, DOB, etc., and will let you know why such changes are restricted to this center or office.

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Go to JAMB Office to Change Your Personal Data

In JAMB, bio-data include your names, date of birth, gender, and state/local government of origin. Any of these errors usually crops in from the data on your national ID card, through the NIN.

Remember, bio-data errors didn't just happen from the CBT center where you registered your UTME or DE. No! It was from the NIN. 

When you texted your NIN to 55019, you'd just allowed JAMB to export all the information filled on your national ID  card (NIN) to your JAMB form too.

So, if the exported information contains errors, JAMB won't allow you to correct that at a café or a CBT center. You're strictly required to visit any of the board's offices around you and apply for the changes.

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Changes on National ID  Card Won't Automatically Reflect on JAMB Portal/Form

In case, you're thinking if you visit the NIMC and correct the errors on your national ID card, it should automatically reflect on the JAMB portal/profile or printout, you're wrong.

In fact, if there will be a reflection of such corrections, it may not be for the same year's admission activities/exercise.

Therefore, to see yourself through this trauma and confusion, proceed to the nearest JAMB office and correct things.

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The Cost of Correcting Names, Date of Birth, Gender, State/Local Government of Origin

The fee, being charged for the correction of personal data, at any JAMB office is #2,500. This may not include the remita or online transaction charges together with the office service charge. For all, prepare between #3,200 and #3,500.

This is a one-time payment for one-time activity. In other words, you're only allowed to pay for and change names, date of birth, gender, and state/LGA once.

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And if rejected or disapproved, there won't be a chance to make a new attempt. This is why you have to be sure of what you're doing before correcting any of the above items.

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You May Need to Correct it at NIMC First Though

Because personal data errors occurred originally from the National ID card, you may need to first correct that mistake with NIMC before proceeding to the JAMB office.

Although candidates are allowed to correct the bio-data errors at the JAMB office without necessarily correcting that at the NIMC until they deem it necessary or at a later date, some attending officials may prove stubborn that you should make the corrections at NIMC first.

We can't blame those officers. The information you're trying to correct at the JAMB office emanated from NIMC. It's still official and statutory if they insist the errors should be corrected at both ends to ensure the correlation of data across the board.

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JAMB offices, will, generally, not require you to do corrections at the NIMC. In fact, you may risk attempting to correct the errors at the JAMB office first, if the attending officer doesn't insist, you will be able to correct the personal-data errors and later do that with NIMC.

If however, he insists that you should attend to errors at NIMC first, you'll be left with no other choice than to do as instructed, before JAMB can attend to the same issues at their office.

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  1. I registered jamb in 2019 and I got admission but the problem now is that my name was not spelt correctly, and also there was error in my date of birth.
    My question now is I'm planning to go to any nearest jamb center to make corrections but I don't know if their office will be open since jamb registration is finished.

  2. Is it necessary for me to swore affidavit in any law court before going to jamb office?????

  3. I registered jamb 2019 and got admitted to university and I want to change my local government ..pls what's next to do now and what are the requirements.

    1. I don't can do that again. You should have done that the year of your admission. Sorry.

    2. Please what’s required to change that

    3. I registered for this year jamb and there was a mistake in my state of origin I’ve changed in my Nin and also in jamb but it’s yet to effect and it’s over two weeks💔why

  4. Pls how can I book appointment at ikoyi headquarter for change of name and do u have any ideas of how much it will cost ,and I heard without appointment they won't attend to you

  5. Hello I have issues with my state of origin and local government. I changed it at NICM but it didn’t reflect so I went ahead to do correction of state of origin/LGA but jamb disapproved but now I just saw in your message that you can only do it once. Now it has reflected. Is there a way I can change my state of origin/LGA. Please advice me, I don’t want to miss my admission

  6. I Changed my middle name on my NIN which I used for jamb registration but it haven't reflected I was told it will take 90 Days do I need to go to jamb office to correct it or will it reflect before jamb commence

  7. I changed my date of birth on my Nin , so i need to change my DE date of birth too ,pls can it be done because I have been given admission by jamb

    1. Yes, you can change DE date of birth at JAMB office

    2. Like how much will it cost sir

    3. Do I need affidavit for change of DOB in jamb office

  8. I did my nin corrections so letter I now proceed to jamb office and correct it but they did not correct it For me

  9. Please I wrote jamb 2020 and I was given admission by a private poly I want to change my date of birth can I still do it or can I change my dob in jamb reguli

  10. Will jamb office at Ikoyi answer me if I go for dob In jamb please

  11. Can I change my state of Origin and local government in Jamb headquarters in Ilorin

  12. I registered for direct entry in 2019 but I’m having issue with initial in my name which is actually stopping me from going for NYSC this year, so I want to do changing of name , pls can I move on with it.

  13. can i be able to change my date of birth in jamb office ikoyi


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