Degree Courses That Can Help You Cross To Nursing -

Degree Courses That Can Help You Cross To Nursing

Nursing is highly competitive, with limited admission slots available at both universities and schools of nursing. Despite the tough entry requirements and fierce competition, it is possible to transition into a nursing program through Direct Entry (with relevant degrees), changing courses within the same university (usually from related science disciplines), or transferring to another university that offers nursing.

Nursing is one of the most competitive degree courses. The course is well controlled to the extent that only a few universities can admit up to 100 students.

Don't forget, this number will be divided between the UTME and DE applicants for 100-level and 200-level admission respectively.

Even the competition in the schools and colleges of Nursing is seriously alarming. Imagine over 5000 aspirants fighting for 75 admissions quota of Abia State University Teaching Hospital (ABSUTH) School of Nursing.

I've compiled the list of universities, schools/colleges of Nursing, and their admission quotas in my post "Admission Quotas Into All Schools/Universities of Nursing in Nigeria" You'll be surprised if you take a look!

Similarly, passing the entrance exam or JAMB/post-UTME is another challenge as if the markers are from hell. My guide, "How To Pass School of Nursing Exams in Nigeria" and "How to Prepare For and Pass Post-UTME" have been helping hundreds of Nursing admission seekers.

Despite these hurdles, we still have some adamant admission seekers who will, at any time, be ready to use any means possibly legal (or even illegal) to gain admission to universities or schools that offer Nursing.

This is why a few candidates are asking me to list courses they can just go for in universities which will later help them cross to Nursing.

Yes, it's possible to cross to Nursing after completing some specific courses in University. It's even possible to cross into Nursing while running another course. The dilemma, however, is how do you know such courses and how certain will that guarantee admission later?

In this post, I will be answering these questions and related ones.

You Cross To Nursing Through Three Main Means

There are three possible ways to cross into Nursing. These are through:

1. Crossing To Nursing With Direct Entry

Using this method, you can complete your first degree before obtaining the JAMB direct entry form. Through the JAMB direct entry form, you'll consider the universities of your interest.

You can process your direct entry admission into:

  1. another university than where you finished the first degree
  2. the same university where you had your first degree (if nursing is available there)

If you have a BSC in any of the following courses, you can use that to obtain the direct entry form into Nursing Science.

  1. Human Anatomy
  2. Physiology and Hygiene
  3. Health Science
  4. Health Education 
  5. Public Health
  6. Medicine and Surgery
  7. Pharmacy
  8. Biological Sciences
  9. Physiotherapy

Of course, many universities that accept degrees in these courses don't make it always public even if you check the official JAMB brochure. However, experience has shown that with these qualifications, you can walk into any university offering nursing science and enquire if they'll honor you for Nursing. Admission offices are open to all prospective applicants.

  1. Registered Nursing (RN) (for all universities)
  2. Registered Midwifery (for a few universities especially private e.g. Adeleke University Ede)
  3. ND/HND in Nursing (e.g. run by schools of Nursing accepting JAMB)
  4. HND/OND in Prosthesis and Orthopaedic Technology

Similarly, universities that are admitting DE candidates (200-level admission) on a part-time usually state RN/RM and, very recently, ND/HND in Nursing.

3. Crossing To Nursing While Going To the 200-Level

Luckily, some students, who are already in universities, studying any of the related courses, e.g. Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Medical Laboratory Science, Biochemistry, Microbiology, etc., can cross to Nursing by going to the 200-level in the same universities.

Some universities (not all) usually sell change of course forms to their 100-level students when promoting them to the 200-level. This form is an avenue to change your course not Nursing if you meet the conditions set.

One such condition is that you must meet a certain GPA. A school using a total GPA of 5 may demand 4.5 or above from interested candidates.

However, some universities instead of giving you the Nursing 200-level may force you back to 100-level nursing if you meet the terms.

Similarly, if you're already in the 300-level of a related course and you may want to consider the change of course to Nursing, it's not too late for some universities. Some of these universities' admission offices may have provisions, if you can enquire, to give you the Nursing but usually to a lower class such as 200 or 100 level.

3. Crossing To Nursing With Transfer Admission

If you're still in school and running a related course to Nursing, you can cross using the transfer admission.

Transfer admission allows you to move from your present university at the 200 or 300 level to another university. 

This is possible among all private, state, and federal universities. However, what is working mostly is the transfer from state-owned or federal-owned universities to private ones.

If I must tell you why it's a thug of war to cross from a private/state to a federal one, I will mention competition as the main concern.

With a private university, if you can afford it, your chance is broad if you want to be transferred.

With this, you can ask to be transferred and be admitted into Nursing if you satisfy the proposed university's conditions such as GPA, acceptable course, level to be admitted to, etc.


If you've read up to this level, you'll notice there is no digression but better exposure than what you're looking for.

If all you need to know is a degree course you can opt for, complete, and use for admission to Nursing, now you have it. More so, while still in the 100, 200, or 300 level, now you have two other options you may take advantage of.

Wish you luck!

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