How to Get JAMB Password With SMS/Text Message -

How to Get JAMB Password With SMS/Text Message

JAMB Official Method to Get Back Your Forgotten Profile Password.
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To recover a forgotten JAMB profile password, you can either send an SMS with "password [your email]" to 55019 for a new password or send "Reset Password" to 55019, both methods costing N50 and requiring the phone number used for registration and knowledge of your JAMB email.

I have really tried to help several students who forgot their JAMB profile passwords. I felt their pains because several candidates had chatted with me with faces of worry. 

Imagine what it would be like if you lost your JAMB profile password without help. You can't check CAPS. You can't see your admission status. And if offered admission, you can neither accept nor print the admission letter.

This is why I gave about 5 ways to get a lost profile password or email password as the case may be.

As if that was not enough, I let you know when JAMB opened her official online contact medium through which you could directly report issues of any sort to the matriculation board. This would be helpful if you want to avoid visiting JAMB state branches in the country before you can solve a problem.

Those who have read the posts above had been helped. Yet, a few were not getting things done. Why?

Some had forgotten the passwords to their emails. Some didn't have access to the phone numbers they used for security codes during the email registration. Some used Yahoo Mail for their profiles. And in most cases, Yahoo accounts had not been receiving reset links from JAMB even if you tried to reset your JAMB password through forget password link available on the JAMB portal.

The problem has led several CBT centers and unscrupulous cafes to be exploiting students before they could help them out. This is why I had to contact JAMB for other ways around this issue.

You should be happy with my findings - JAMB has finally given you a universal method to get your lost JAMB profile password back without any visit to a café or CBT center or even the JAMB office anywhere in Nigeria.

RecommendedHow To Link Email to JAMB Profile to Access CAPS

Though there are three conditions attached to that anyway. 

  1. You must know your JAMB email. You can easily get that on your JAMB UTME registration or exams slip except if you've not linked the email yet. Luckily, it's never too late to link it now.
  2. You must still have the phone line you used for JAMB registration active on a phone. If you've lost that, all it takes is to do the welcome back or retrieve that at any MTN, GLO, 9mobile, Airtel offices, or affiliated shops around you.
  3. You must be ready to spend just N50.

JAMB Official Method to Get Back Your Forgotten Profile Password

There are two new methods to reset JAMB profile passwords.
Method 1:

  1. Get your phone on. Make sure you have at least N50 loaded or left on your account.
  2. Go to the message and send the "password (space) email used for JAMB" to 55019
  3. For example, password [email protected] to 55019
  4. A message below will arrive on your phone in a moment.

Your request has been received and is being processed, you will get a response shortly. The service will cost you #50.

After this, N50 will be deducted from your account and another message containing a new password will be sent to you as below.

Your new Login details email: [email protected], Pwd: cand9ab3db

Recommended PostHow to Check Admission Status Through SMS

Method 2:

  1. You can reset your password by sending an SMS "Reset Password" to 55019 using the SIM used during registration. 
  2. You'll be debited at #50
  3. A message will be sent back to you with a new password.


This is the last resort if you have done everything possible to get back your JAMB profile password. You don't need a café man to do this. No need to beg for a CBT for help. Don't let anyone exploit you.

Best of luck!

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  1. It's been writing "your request has been received and is being processed" but the password isn't coming ..
    What should I do??

    1. Sir,can it work for 2020 DE aspirants?
      Cause I keep trying it and spent 300 on it but it's not working it is bringing something about NIN

    2. That's the problem me too am having

  2. Can I reset my password only once? please
    Because I've done it before and it worked, but something came up and I'm trying to reset it again it keeps saying an error occurred after collecting my #50

    1. You can rest more times. However, the issue now could be network issue.

      If this method doesn't work, use other methods listed in the link below.

    2. Please this is to reset email password or jamb registration password? Help me am confused. It's my email password I lost and the email is not in my phone.

  3. Good day sir I tried to reset my password through the SMS method for the 2020 DE registration but it did not work.I spent 300 naira trying to get it. Please what can I do?
    It's urgent

    1. Sorry. It could be due to telco issue or network.

      You can still use other methods such as resetting the password through email.

  4. Pls how do jamb give password

    1. Try the guide in the post below

  5. Good day sir, I've tried both methods, but unfortunately they said "an error occurred" please help me out sir��

    1. Ok. Click on reset password on the JAMB profile homepage. Then, enter the password use for the registration and reset. Now, log in to your email to copy the password they will send to you out.

    2. Sir please am no longer using the same email I used I registering for jamb 2020 and I can't retrieve my profile code.
      Help me please

    3. Then, use your last SIM/line to get it. See other methods in the post below.

  6. My GSM number as been used by another person on e-facility
    Like two sim card now.
    How will I resolve this problem Sir?

    1. You just have to use another number. You can use you mum's and dad's.

      Read more through the line below.

  7. Good day sir, I sent a message to 55019
    for them to send a new one but they didn't, I also tried the reset password method on the portal and I still didn't receive it

    1. If you use the correct email for the reset of password and it's the same email you used for JAMB, they would send it.

      Check something must e wrong somewhere.

    2. What if your email is no longer functioning, can't they send it through your phone number?

    3. They can. But you said you'd tried the SMS method but it didn't work for you.

  8. I have tried so many times to get a jamb profile code, but they haven't sent I have tried different methods, please I need help

    1. Generally, since Saturday, candidates were not being sent the code. Wait awhile before trying again.

      You can send complaint message to JAMB too.

  9. I have tried resetting my jamb profile password through my phone number which I used to register..but after collecting #50 it will send back an "error occurred" message
    Pls sir is that method still working or I just have to keep trying

    1. Ok sorry. If that doesn't work, try any of the five listed in the post below.

    2. Good evening sir,I have been trying with the forgot password on email and SMS own,the email is saying invalid email, while I successfully log in to my profile some weeks back,pls help wt could be the problem

  10. Hello sir please I tried resetting my password but its say my email record does not exist what does it mean and how can I get it back I need your help

  11. Please sir
    I recover my jamb email because its saying invalid and I log in again and my password was sent to the email but I try to log in again but its not goi again

  12. sir my yahoo email is not receiving any password reset link

  13. Sir my Email was not required when I was registering my jamb ... And I want to upload my Neco result to my jamb portal ,how can I go about it

    1. Uploading for this year admission has not started. Patience.

  14. Please sir,I resetted my jamb password on jamb e-login but after using the password,it opens an old jamb(2019) account and not the one of this year 2021.I used the same email account to register both the one of 2019 and 2021 but different phone numbers,please what do I do to get my 2021 profile account? Also I've tried the sms option by sending password to email but it's always saying an error occured,please sir,what can I do? Help me sir

    1. This is my issue too. Please help us sir. Thank you!

    2. JAMB is working on making this year profile accessible for all candidates. So wait and keep following my updates.

    3. This is not working for me

    4. Try other methods in the post below.

  15. I want to reset my password but it is not sending the new password to my gmail. Why sir

    1. May it's not the email you used for the JAMB registration. Be sure you're entering the exact email used for the JAMB before you can expect it to send to your email.

  16. How can I log in my jamb profile my email was not requested in my jamb center at Garki

    1. For this year, you will need to go to JAMB office or CBT centre to do certain profile activities.

  17. Pls sir my jamb caps is showing my last year’s jamb registration number what can I do sir 😭😭

  18. Please sir, I can’t remember the email I used and I want to reprint my jamb admission letter, how can I do it sir

  19. Hi sir, please i registered for jamb 2021 with last year's phone number, profile code and even email, and a password was sent to my email, now I'm trying to log in my jamb 2021 profile with the email and password, but it's not working! Please help me!

    1. JAMB has not allowed using this year profile. So, no need to try to login at all. If you must do anything on your JAMB you have t go to JAMB office or CBT centre.

  20. I have tried the both but am asked to send "HELP" and it didn't work either
    And my gmail is saying invalid gmail
    It does not exist

    1. Try the guide below instead.

  21. Has jamb started giving admission and I CNT seem to login to my jamb portal with my email to check it

    1. JAM has not started offering admissions.

    2. Anytime i log in to jamb caps that i want to check my O'level result and other related service . i wont see any thing . and i have uploaded my O'level result. It just display " U are not eligible for this service

    3. Visit the nearest CBT centre for help.

  22. Mine is not working
    I didn't receive any password
    I tried messaging thmt to resend buh they the email has already being registered for this year jamb
    Buhi haven't seen my password
    Help me plss

    1. You don't need JAMB profile this year. If you must change institution or something, visit the nearest CBT center.

  23. Thank you very much this worked perfectly

  24. Pls sir I sent my email to jamb for linking (your message has b received and d password have been sent to your email),,,that's what there sent to me,,, up till this moment I haven't receive any message in my email concerning my password

    1. Ok.

      Use the method in the post below to get it through SMS.

  25. Can this work after jamb registration has closed and admission process has started

  26. Sir, I sent my email to 55019 but I have received any password to access my cap. The said to have sent it but I haven't. What can I do

    1. Make sure you link you email to the JAMB portal first by following the post below.

  27. Pls sir I have been sending my mail and password to jamb for pin but no response yet.

  28. Hi sir,
    I followed the step you listed and I got my password but it's not working on my portal saying invalid password or email...Please Help!

    1. If that won't work, try getting it through email.

    2. I had an issue with email while registering wrong spelling I created that account and I haven't been able to get my password through It since

  29. Sir I did as u said but any #50 was not deduct from my balance and it was marked sent,and I did not receive any email.

    1. Try at night or early in morning. If that will not work, you can also rest your password the email method.

  30. Please sir I do not have access to the email I used for jamb last year, as a result I cannot access my password. I tried the SMS method, but it keeps sending wrong passwords that aren't opening my profile. All the passwords are different. I tried it close to 6 times. Pls help me out sir. Thank you

    1. Wait till the JAMB results are out. JAMB, by then, must have worked on the SMS option. It should be responding well by then.

  31. Good sir pls I don't no my jamb password help me pls sir

    1. I've covered to reset JAMB password in the post above. You can also check the post below.

  32. Pls sir I don't have access to my jamb password and have tried sms it keep extorting my money, pls what can I do

    1. Create an email. Take it to CBT centre to link to your JAMB portal. After the linking, log in to our JAMB profile to print your result slip.

  33. Good day Sir, please I used the email I used last year to register for this year's jamb and I was sent another password this year, if I try to login with last year's password I can easily access my account but if I use this year's password they keep saying invalid email or password, I don't know but if I reset my password, would it also reset the password of last year because I want to have access to the two accounts. Please help.

  34. Please sir, I mistakenly link the wrong mail to Jamb and now I can't get my CAPS password.
    I have try the SMS method but it not working out. What should I do to get my CAPS password

    1. Try in the night

    2. Good evening sir pls I tried restinga my pastor but it is saying insurficient MA and DA wat does dat mean

  35. Please sir I have been given admission but I can't access my cap

  36. Please sir help me I reset my jamb password but haven't gotten message on my email

  37. Good morning sir, I tried to login to my jamb portal but I can't
    I was asked to put the 8 digits code that was sent. The code was sent to my lost number and I can't login without the code, please what do I do

  38. This was really helpful, thank you so much...I just got my password

  39. Please my Gmail account that I used to register jamb was hacked and the number was changed ,so if I try to retrieve it they will send code to the person's number and not mine,
    I also tried sending "password and my Gmail to 55019". They told me,, date of birth missing", please what do I do?

  40. Sir, please, I lost the line which I used in opening the email and the password is stating invalid email and password, but I need to check my admission status, but I can't because the password is stating invalid. How can I retrieve it. I need to check it before the school I applied for closes admission.

  41. Hello sir I don't have my sim pack to retrieve the number I used for jamb what do I do

  42. Good day sir, my issue is that my jamb password was sent to a non functional email, can I get the password to my jamb portal with for this same email via 55019 or will I have to go for change of Bio data? I will love to get your feedback, Thank you for your help and God bless you

  43. Hi sir,i tried to reset my password and it was sent to my email but i can't the message there
    Please what call i do

  44. Hi sir I do mistake when link my Gmail and I have open the same one to reset my password but is not working and used the second method of sms but telling me (your request under process) since last week please what can I do to get the new password

  45. Thank you so much

  46. Thanks so much sir you've really been a big help to me thanks it really worked after spending over 500 for it thanks 💖

  47. Sir how can I get a password I lost my email

    1. Read the post again. Click on "5 ways to get a lost profile password or email password". It will take you to the guide guide to get your email password back

  48. Please sir I didn’t forgot my password but when I try to input the password it is saying invalid,so I went to ask for my password with their sms code number but they said i

  49. Good evening sir.please while I was registering my jamb,the person used iCloud as my email and now I want to check my portal for my admission.i can't remember the iCloud password,I then went to open an email but whenever I open that new jamb portal,iand try to check admission status it keeps saying I don't have access

  50. Sir please I can't login on my jamb portal because I misplaced my password
    How can I get it back through sms?

  51. Hello sir my email is not functioning how can I received my password sir

  52. Good evening sir.l lost my JAMB registration slip what should I do


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