Is this normal? Is it ok to be receiving lectures in a university before you're offered admission? While still waiting for the official admission offer, is it acceptable to be attending classes?
In this post, I will be answering this question with real-life experiences and shedding light on some confusion.
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Invitation to Be Attending Lectures Before Being Offered Admission Can Be a Scam
Let's get something straight! Under normal circumstances, you're not expected to be in a university's polytechnic's or college's class unless you've been offered admission, truly.
One of the ways to know when offered admission is by printing the admission letter and paying the acceptance fee, usually through the official website of your school.
However, if someone has been helping you with the admission and never achieved being officially offered the admission and obviously without the payment for the acceptance fee, he or she may want to lure you into believing that he or she is working on your admission and that there is nothing to worry about. Hence, he or she will be convincing you that you can even come on campus and be receiving lectures before the letter will be loaded.
That can be a scam!
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The so-called helper might be trying to get you distracted from doubting his work.
We've got stories of students who have been on campus for months and a few days to their exams found out that they'd not been officially offered admission. They'd had been scammed by the so-called admission runz-man.
It'll be wise, in this case, to press further if the person, in question, is not a scammer or truly knows what's he or she is doing.
If you're convinced that the runz is certain or the school has offered you admission but not yet load letter printing or ask for payment of the acceptance fee, if allowed, you can be attending lectures until those will be available.
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You Can Attend Lectures if JAMB has Already Offered Admission But You're Expecting School's Offer
For all full-time programmes, students must be offered admission by both the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) and the proposed university, polytechnic, or college of education.
However, it's not uncommon to see situations where JAMB will be quick to offer admission while the school is yet to load the same to its portal for the candidate to see. So also, we have seen situations where schools will offer admissions while candidates are waiting for JAMB to do the same.
If one of JAMB and the institution has already offered you admission, the school is already open for lectures and it's allowed, you can resume lectures and wait for the other party to offer you admission.
For instance, I'd experienced this with schools such as the Federal Polytechnic Offa, Osun State Polytechnic Iree, Osun State College of Technology, Esa Oke. JAMB would offer students admissions before the schools will load the same to their portals. While waiting, such students are allowed to be on campus and receive lectures before the management upload their lists.
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Even If Offered by JAMB, Some Schools May Not Allow You to Classes
As said in the section above, you can be receiving lectures while waiting for your school or JAMB list. However, I've seen schools that may not accept such too.
Even though the institution is aware that the delay is from them, they still don't want you to attend classes until you have the official admission letter and clearance from the management.
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For instance, after being offered admissions by JAMB, some OAU students were still not allowed to attend the class because the university was yet to load the same to its portal.
This is obviously about the policy and rigidity of decisions by some schools. In fact, if you wish to, some schools won't allow you to classes unless you have your student ID card or clearance note, which you're, obviously, yet to get while waiting for the school offer.
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It's not uncommon to see students who are yet to be offered admissions but propose the university, polytechnics or colleges to be attending classes with their colleagues.
In fact, some students, already on campus, may invite you to do that while waiting for the offer.
However, you have to understand where it's advisable and acceptable to do that and where you've to take extra caution as this may not be a good sign if your offer is depending on runz.
Conclusively, if either JAMB or the school has officially offered you admission, you don't have to wait for the other party before you can resume classes. If allowed and the school is open for lectures, welcome to the campus.
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