Gaining admission into any Nigerian higher institution—whether a university, polytechnic, or college of education—follows similar steps, and the experiences during one's studies are largely the same, with new students often facing unnecessary panic and misinformation from peers, needing to verify instructions independently, attending orientation programs, joining appropriate religious groups to avoid negative influences like cultism, and considering on-campus accommodation for convenience.
In other words, it doesn't matter whether you're a university, polytechnic, college of education, public-owned or private-owned institution student, situations you will be exposed to in your days on campus are pretty much the same.
So, don't be surprised if what your brothers and sisters shared with you is exactly the same as you're experiencing as you join a school.
And unfortunately for a country like Nigeria, a graduate of more than 10 years can still guide a newly admitted, today, because nothing seems to have changed in recent years.
In the post below, I will be showing you what you're likely to come across and experience within the first few days or weeks of joining your institution and how to handle things.
1. Don't Fall for the Fear Created by Mates and Lecturers
As soon as you get to campus, especially if you're a few days late and screening and freshers' registration has started before your arrival, some of your coursemates will create immediate panic for you.
"You're already late o"
"You've missed a lot of classes o"
"In fact, documentation will close next few days"
" Ha, we've done some tests and a few attendances had been taken"
These are a few comments you will hear from someone you're trying to get closer to or know a few things from.
Don't fall for it!
It's all a lie!
This fellow has just been to the same school as you, how on earth did he or she know so much that something will get wrong with you not being on campus on time? How did he know that the attendance will count eventually? How did he know they will close the freshers' portal with certainty?
In fact, the best students you can turn to for answers to your early days' questions are those who are already in 200 level, ND 2, or NCE year 2 or 3.
These students already knew more than you and your mate. They also went through the same trauma of "if you don't do this, it will be late", "if you don't mark attendance, you lose 10 marks", etc when they also joined last year.
Surprisingly, in the end, all were just false alarms. The freshers' registration deadline was extended during their time. Attendance was later canceled by the lecturers. Early tests were canceled and new tests were conducted to accommodate the batch 2 and 3 students.
If these old students share their experiences, you'll get the right information. After all, the history of a man is open book for another man.
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2. Unless You Read It, Don't Take All Instructions from Mates
Coursemates can run you out of cash pretty quickly if you just take every rumor and instruction from them seriously.
If you see a mate making photocopies of receipts, papers, results, forms, etc, don't just do the same because he is doing it.
In fact, some would tell you the instruction to do it was passed or a class governor passed the instruction as given by the management or a lecturer.
In most cases, these are just false information. That's why you should take your time to hear from the horse's mouth. If it's posted, read it. If it's online, check it. If it's through a class governor, ask him.
This will save you from wasting your time and money making unnecessary photocopies and running wrong and wasted errands.
I remember my last days in school, I counted my wasted photocopies, about to be burnt in the end. It's was 1,267 papers. What a waste of money and time queueing to get to your turn!
Dear, save you money. Don't just take instructions from anybody sha.
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3. Attend Orientations by the Management and Groups
As a matter of fact, what you're reading right now is the part of your first orientation getting to campus.
Although the orientations will be organized by the management and groups such as indigenous clubs and departmental bodies, the religious bodies may not go in the same direction as what you're reading right now, yet they will add some knowledge to this.
If you get to school late, you might have missed the management-organized orientation. Yet, there will be other bodies' orientations that you can attend.
Take note of everything they talk about, commit them to heart while on campus, and use them to succeed in your academics.
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4. Find Your Religious Group and Join
During the first few days on campus, you might have been contacted by an Islamic, a Christian group, or individuals. These people wanted to catch you young.
If you're Muslim, you know what to join and if you're Christian, you know what to join. After all, the scripture says, "Train a child the way he must go and when he grows up, he will not depart from it".
The very reason, these religious groups want to catch you as soon as you enter the gate is because if you don't belong to Islam or Christianity, from day one, you'll end up with the third religion.
The third religion on campuses is not traditional, as you'd been taught in primary social studies class. The third religion here is Cultism.
In other words, you either go to church, or mosque or you end up being taken in by the cultists.
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5. Avoid the Google Men, You're Smarter
While advising you that the best set of students you could talk to were those already in 200 level, ND 2, or NCE year 2 or 3, there is one important warning you should hear.
The best of them you can talk to should be a brother, a nephew, cousin, etc from home or someone you trust. Don't fall into their web of wrong heads. Some of these students, already on campus, can be dangerous.
Having been on campus before you, they can lead you either right or astray.
There was a set of these old students I called "arowomasodun" back then in my school days. These students would be eager to approach newly admitted students and convince them they could guide them in any situation.
In most cases, it's a lie!
They would take advantage of you. They pretended as if they could put you through some difficulties but instead, they influenced you and initiate you into cultism or prostitution. They could sexually harass you or dupe you of cash and possessions. And if you're a virgin, take your pride.
Avoid these by all means.
He claimed he could get you a house. Even if he helped, he would become your regular visitor and could take that advantage.
He claimed he knew a very difficult course very well. And he would like to help you with that. Surprisingly, he is still having a rerun of the easiest course of his.
He claimed he knew a difficult lecturer and they're friends. And he could connect both of you for a fear-free academic experience. Whereas, he didn't have the guts to enter the lecturer's office. He's even having academic issues with the same man.
Be careful!
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6. A Few Things to Know When Seeking Accommodation
If you're truly after academic focus, the best way to start your campus life is by staying on campus. If your school has a hostel and opened to you, please take advantage of that.
The most stressful years in all your years of studies are year 1 and the final year. For both years, there will be lots of papers to sign, offices to visit, lecturers to meet, clearance, medical, etc.
If you stay on campus the first year, it will be more convenient for you to handle many things compared to colleagues who will travel a mile or more before getting to campus in order to join a queue, meet a lecturer, submit some files, etc.
If your school doesn't have a hostel, try to secure a room at a building closer to the school. The rent may be higher than those buildings afar from the gate. In the long run, it saves you the bike fare, time, and stress.
Nearby accommodation may not be easily come by. Here, you may want to consider scouting with a friend or family. Please, you should be very careful with the type of people you want to spend your years with.
Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are.
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Being on campus, walking, and working through your years of studies is a journey on its own. And those who are embarking on a journey should ask their way from those who have returned from the same journey.
Here is the picture of what to expect and experience within the first few weeks of your admission. Learn fast!
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Yes sir ,
ReplyDeleteI have an issue with my jamb caps I've been admitted via my school portal but I not reflecting on my jamb caps
On my school portal I used two sittings so I uploaded the two results
But on my jamb it's only one o'level I uploaded
Pls is that what's affecting it and is it too late for me to upload the other result
If the 1 result on the JAMB portal is correct and complete for your admission, JAMB will also give you admission sooner or later. But if the results are not complete, go to JAMB office to add the 2nd sitting too.