In fact, a few, especially if limited by their grades e.g pass or lower credit, will directly consider HND pretending as if they don't know Direct entry admission is possible.
But there is a concern for HND admission, no matter your own situation. You want to know if it's possible to obtain an HND form without undergoing the 1-year IT (for candidates who made distinctions, upper credits, or lower credits at ND) or 2-year IT (for candidates who made "Passes" at ND).
If you're asking this question, you seem to already know that IT is required before HND. But, you're considering the possibility of not going for it before going for the Higher National Diploma course.
Well, in this post, you will get your answer. And you'll love some insights that will be shared to guide you through.
Industrial Training is Truly a Prerequisite for Higher National Diploma Admissions
As you might have known, just as your ND result is required for your HND admission, is also your industrial training experience and written evidence of that.
While applying online, the form is likely going to contain some fields asking for your place of IT, its address, the starting and ending date. In fact, some forms may ask for the contact person and his/her phone number.
After being offered admission, and during the interviews or physical screening and documentation, IT letters are usually required for submission. Here, you're expected to have written support (letter on the company's or organization's letterhead, detailing your undergoing of the industrial training at the firm and statement of recommendation in pursuit of your further studies.
So, can't you just go for HND without all these? The answer is YES. You can still go for HND without an IT letter or experience of it.
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You Can Make Up Your IT Experience While Obtaining HND Form
First, there is one thing to note about going back for the HND be it in your former school or in any other polytechnic.
You're expected to start your IT immediately after your OND result is released. For example, if your ND result reads 12/12/21, you're expected to start your IT from that date till 11/12/22.
If you do that calculation correctly, that's a complete year.
However, most often, it is within this period of IT that most candidates will obtain their HND forms and it's within this time they still expect admissions.
Therefore, except if you wish to spend about two years at home, there is practically no way to complete the whole year at IT, provided you decide to do IT.
That's most candidates will start 2 months after their results. Some three months or more before getting a place to be accepted.
Meanwhile, the school is aware of this. Yet, they pretend as if they don't know when you obtain the HND form during the IT period.
Hence, all that matters to these polytechnics is for your IT letter to states that you start 12/12/21 and finish 11/12/22. They don't care if you don't start until March. They just want official written documentation supporting your claim.
So, what if you don't do the IT, at all, but can get a letter stating that you do?
This takes us to the second point.
Get A Letter Stating that You'd Undergone Industrial Training
As long as you can get a letter clearly stating that you had undergone the IT, even if it's not true, you can proceed to process your HND admissions.
Although this stand is not official or I should say not legitimate, people do it and go scot-free a million times.
As already observed, the polytechnics are aware of this manipulation. Yet, they don't really mind.
And in case you're skeptical, no school or its official will verify, from any company, to know if you'd truly undergone the industrial training. They don't do that!
In fact, no school has the time to read your IT letter. They just want it to be included in your credentials. They don't read it!
With a good business name and fictitious address on letterhead, which you can design yourself or with the help of a computer shop around you, you're good to go.
The remaining work is to write a former presentation of your presence and participation with unreal industrial training and get it printed on a good paper such as conqueror.
While it's expected of you to undergo industrial training which may last 1 or 2 years depending on your grade, it's equally possible to undergo it without completing the who months of the training before you obtain the HND form and you can decide not to undergo the training and still make it through any former letter showing that you'd done it.
Yet, my stand is that it's good to undergo this training because it's part of your learning and it can go a long way to help you in the future. yet, if it's not possible because of one reason or the other, you already know what to do as already covered in the post.
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I have pass for my result, is there a way i can do it, not to undergo two years industrial training and still apply for hnd?