Can I Upload Results to JAMB Portal After Post UTME/DE? -

Can I Upload Results to JAMB Portal After Post UTME/DE?

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Yes, it is possible to upload O'level or A'level results to the JAMB portal after the Post-UTME or screening; however, it's recommended to do so before the schools start releasing their admission lists to avoid any delays in your admission status.

We need to talk about whether it’s possible to upload O’level results after the post-UTME. We’ve already covered this and related issues in “Deadline For Uploading of O'level Results to JAMB Portal”. But emphasis should be made on this.

In case you don’t get it yet, this post will answer the question, “Can I be able to upload my O’level results to the JAMB portal after post-UTME?” Or Can Direct Entry applicants upload results such as NCE, ND, IJMB, JUPEB, etc. after Post DE?

Some candidates never realize they must upload results until after they had done a school post-UTME or screening. Some want to be sure if they can still delay things until they return from post-UTME halls.

In all, these cases are just the same. Whether you’re willing to wait till you finish your UTME or you’re aware late that you must upload, this post will help.

You Can Upload O’level or A'level Results After Post UTME

As a matter of fact, it’s possible.

Candidates are expected to upload their results before they register for or during the registration of their post-UTMEs/screenings. However, there is no punishment for this if you wait till after the post-UTME or take part in the screening exercise first. Hence, you must go and do the uploading after the test or the screening.

Candidates With Awaiting Results Have No Other Choice

A majority of candidates who used awaiting results during the UTME registration usually have no other choice than to upload their results after post-UTME/DE.

This is because some WAEC results might have been withheld and NECO results might have not come out before the post-UTME of many schools. Hence, affected candidates will still be able to upload their results after post-UTMEs/Screenings and as soon as their results are released or anytime later.

No Deadline for the Uploading of O’level/A'level Results

What can be giving you concerns is if there is a specific date JAMB intends to close the uploading of SSCE results. Officially, there’s no closing date for the upload of results to the JAMB portal.

However, candidates are expected to upload theirs before the proposed schools start to be releasing their admission lists. This is because, admission will be based on your JAMB score, post-UTME score (if any) and SSCE-required subjects and grades.

Otherwise, if a school forwards your name in its lists to JAMB, your admission status will be on HOLD until you return to a nearby CBT centre and upload your O’level results.

Some Candidates Were Not Awaiting Results But the CBT Centres Entered Awaiting (AR) For Them

Some candidates have told me that they went to CBT centres with their WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, or NBAIS results, yet those CBT centres used awaiting results for them. Buy NECO, WAEC, or NABTEB Result Checking Card to check and print your results.

Now, they want to confirm if it concerns them to upload again. And if yes, is it not too late after the Post UTME/screening.

I’ve covered this in my post, “NO ADMISSION YET, Why O’level Result is the Reason for Delay”. In short, if your CBT centre failed, after checking, to upload your results for you, you must do that right now before waiting for admission.

Most candidates will not be offered admission this year because some CBT centres were so careless with their jobs. Hence, it’s important if you fall into this category, to visit a CBT centre (not necessarily where you registered UTME). Then, upload your results. This is very important. 


It’s not too late to upload O’level results after post-UTME/screening. Just make sure you do that before your proposed schools start releasing their admission lists or while the lists are being continually uploaded. Even if you delay it, you can still do it later. Yet, you won’t be offered admission through the JAMB CAPS until you do the right thing.

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  1. What happens if someone uploads his/her O level result after the university has sent the admission list to jamb

    1. JAMB will not let the candidate see his or her admission until the results are uploaded.

  2. I just uploaded my wace but my has released their admission on jamb caps

    1. No problem. If you're already admitted, the uploading will let JAMB see your status sooner.

  3. I can't see my caps and I'm not sure if my results was uploaded, school of my choice has started giving admission so what should I do

    1. To see your CAPS follow the guide in the post below

      To check if your result is uploaded, read post below.

  4. I just upload to jamb Caps, while my school has started releasing admission list.(ksu)
    Any hope?

  5. I haven't upload my o'level and I have did post utme screening. Can I still upload it after the release of post utme result or offer the release of admission list

  6. I want to open my jamb portal but the email is telling me invalid, is there solution to it so that I can check my admission status

    1. Check back later, it may be a temporary issue.

    2. After filling your email and the password, look for a another space below where it says "Login to Candidate's Account" enter you email there too. Then =, go up and click on the first login

  7. How do I upload my direct entry form in jamb portal

  8. Is it too late to upload my o level results now

    1. No, it's not if your school is releasing more lists or your is queue on the list already sent to JAMB.

  9. Hi I just found out that my o'level result wasn't uploaded and my registered school (UNN) has already started giving admission please any solution

  10. I haven't uploaded my result yet on Jamb Portal which I would do today. But I've purchased my Online Screening Exercise for postutme, n where my o'level result should be is saying "awaiting result"... So if I upload my o'level result and still Leave my Putme form on awaiting result, would i still be given admission?

    1. If your school post UTME portal allow you to enter your subjects and grades, you have to do that right on the portal. If they don't allow you to enter subjects and grades, it may they will collect the one from JAMB. Hence, if you upload on JAMB, they will collect from JAMB sooner and replace the awaiting result on the portal.

    2. Sir my waec result is reflecting on my jamb caps but it's not reflecting on my online post_utme registration slip

  11. I am in my 400 level OOU and jusy discovered my DE results wasn’t uploaded please what should i do?

    1. You don't need it again. You don't have to worry about it. And in fact, it's possible you don't get it. Without your result uploaded, you wouldn't be admitted in first place. So, being admitted means, the result was uploaded.

  12. Please I just found out that my jamb result and o level result wasn't upload and date for unn post utme has been announced what should I do

    1. Go and upload now. Read the posts below.

  13. I just discovered that my waec result have not been uploaded and my school have started giving admission can I still upload it and is there hope that I would still be given admission

  14. I just realize there is a mistake while uploading my o'level result and my school(eksu) has start given admission. Please what can i do.

    1. You can edit your O'level results either on the JAMB portal or EKSU portal.

  15. I tried to login on jamb portal but it not loading then i realized my email was not on my jamb slip so i sent my email to 55109 but i didn't receive anything

    1. Do you mean you want to link your email to the JAMB portal. If yes, wait till after the JAMB results are released and retry.

  16. I have collected the direct entry form and I used awaiting result and the former is closing on this Saturday can i still upload my result after the former has close

    1. Yes, you can upload the results any time later. Do it before your school and JAMB starts giving admissions.

  17. Like my daughter and she's in 400 level her waec result wasn't uploaded since 2018 because the person that registered her said he has uploaded the result when school asked them to do so. What can we do now

    1. No need to worry about that if JAMB and school had already offered her admission. If JAMB has not, she will need JAMB regularization.

    2. I pick direct entry form this year and I used awaiting result and now I have gotten my result plz when can I upload it

    3. You can go to CBT to upload it now.

  18. Hello can I register for post utme or screening with awaiting result?

    1. Yes. But there is more to that. Ge this better in the post below.

  19. Good evening sir. I just checked Jamb CAPS to see if my olevel results have been uploaded but it said olevel results not found and I didn’t use awaiting results. Does that mean I have to go to a CBT centre to reupload it?

    1. Yes, you have to go to CBT centre to upload it. Make sure it shows on your JAMB portal before leaving the CBT centre

  20. I did my change of institution and uploaded my o level result but it is not reflecting yet and ksu is selling form already, can I purchase it in spite of that

  21. Please my result is being held and my school postutme form is out should I write it first I don't know what to do
    And they say it would be released November will it not be too late to upload my result then

    1. It depends on your proposed school. Conform first of the school will allow you to use awaiting results up to the time the results will be released by November.

  22. Please sir do u have any idea if uniben have started selling their post utme form

  23. I only used waec for utme screening, do I need to upload both waec and neco on jamb caps

  24. What is the best time to upload o level results?


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