We've seen candidates who used this method and got excited after receiving their results. However, many other students tried without success. Some have sent text messages a few times without receiving their results.
As a result, I've been contacted several times by some candidates who didn't get their results through the SMS after trying. What went wrong? What to do to solve this problem?
Let me take you through this and see if, in the end, you'll be able to see your results after adopting some of my troubleshooting tactics here.
Reasons You Might Not Get Your JAMB Result Through SMS
Normally, the simple sending of UTMERESULT to 55019 should help you, but when it fails, it may be due to some of the following problems. With each issue, I've explained what you're supposed to check and correct before retrying.
1. You Checked With a Wrong SIM
Do you know that the SMS should be sent using the same SIM/line used to generate your JAMB profile code? Yes, you got your profile code using a particular SIM. That is the line you're to use again to get the JAMB result.
In some cases, a few students borrowed SIMs, back then. Some used their parents' families' or teachers' numbers to get their JAMB profile codes. But right now, they've got their own SIMs/lines.
Unknowingly, to check their results, they're using their new lines instead of the ones they used to get their profile codes. In this case, you're to get back to the person who owns the SIM and use that to check.
Similarly, some students have two SIMs on their phones. While trying to check their results, they're unknowingly using the wrong lines. Some mistook the wrong lines for the one they used. To be sure of the line you used, check your JAMB registration or exam slip (printouts), it's written there. Then, use the correct SIM.
2. You Sent a Wrong Code or Message
Here, the code or message to send is "UTMERESULT". Some candidates mistakenly wrote, UTME and put space before RESULT. That might not work. Write correctly "UTMERESULT", not "UTME RESULT".
Some also put "S" after the "UTMERESULT" like "UTMERESULTS". Some even just wrote "RESULT" instead of putting things in full, "UTMERESULT". That's another possible mistake. Check and correct that before resending.
3. You Sent to a Wrong Recipient (Number)
Sending the correct code is one thing and not enough, you have to send to the correct shortcode.
As for the shortcode, be sure you send it to 55019. Alternatively, you can send it to 66019. Both shortcodes work when tried. Anything other than that may not return your result.
Be sure you don't make a mistake - just 55019 or 66019.
4. You Included Space or Signs In The Message
I've noticed another trend. Some students put empty spaces after writing UTMERESULT correctly.
You know when we type, we usually put a space before another word is entered. Since we're not entering another word after the UTMERESULT, there should not be a space next to it.
Some students also put signs such as comma (,), full stop (.), hyphen (-), and colon (:). These should be removed and left to just "UTMERESULT".
If All Won't Work, You Can Use Other Methods to Check Your Results
It's a long troubleshooting trip, right? If you've tried all the about checking but they won't solve the problem with the SMS method to check your result, it could be a problem with your SIM or phone. I guide you about that in the post, "My SIM Doesn't Receive Text Messages: What to Do?". However, you consider other available methods to check JAMB results as detailed below.
1. Checking Your Results Using the JAMB Portal
This method will require linking your email with your JAMB portal if you've not done that during your JAMB registration. You'll need to log in to this JAMB portal, with the email linked and the password received from JAMB. Then, you'll proceed to click on "print result slip".
After this, you're to pay about N1,500 online and download the result before being able to print the result. This type of result is called the original JAMB result. All students will need it too, especially when offered admission.
2. CBT Centers Can Help You Print Results
You can also visit any CBT center around you to print your result if the SMS or portal method won't work for you. CBT centers don't really need much information to check the results and print them for you. These centers will ask for your JAMB registration number or JAMB profile code to access your JAMB portal from the back end. Then, they can print for you the original JAMB result.Conclusion
By addressing these issues and following these troubleshooting tactics, you should be on your way to successfully check your JAMB result via SMS. Don't let minor errors hinder your progress; double-check and proceed with confidence.
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