How Many Times Can I Print JAMB Results or Letters? -

How Many Times Can I Print JAMB Results or Letters?

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In case you haven't read it, I've covered how to print JAMB's original results and admission letters. You will need both or either if you must attend a post-UTME screening or admission documentation.

But the question at hand is, how many times is a candidate allowed to print these JAMB letters or results online?

We all seem to know that WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB only allows 5-time access, per candidate, with a result checking card, PIN, or Token. So, what is the situation with JAMB candidates?

Similar to SSCE candidates that buy PIN, UTME candidates make a payment of N1,000 (excluding the online charges) to access the service of printing JAMB original results and admission letters. But is it only one-time printing for each?

The answer is No. 

UTME candidates are allowed to use the one-time payment for the original result to print the same result 5 times. Likewise the JAMB admission letters.

This is confirmed officially by the matriculation board.

Candidates can only pay once per service especially when printing Admission Letter. However, you can only have 5 access tries. That means, if you check 5 times, you would have exhausted your slot and can only print after paying again. Kindly ensure that your internet is active.

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With the statement above, after your first printing, you can return to the JAMB portal 4 more times and reprint your result or letter.

If these check-times are exhausted, you will need to make a new payment before being able to access another printing.

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Similarly, if you've earlier printed your JAMB original result before doing another change of institution or course, you won't need to make another payment to reprint. Just log in to your JAMB portal and reprint in as much you have not burnt out your 5 times access. This time, the new set of changes will be on the results.

For those who were offered different courses other than the ones they chose for JAMB or the one they earlier changed to, they would have to changes courses to the newly offered course before they print admission letters.

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  1. I was offered admission through supplementary and my admission is yet to show on jamb portal but I just checked my caps and found out that jamb transferred me to a different course I've actually paid my acceptance fee for the course school gave me through supplementary should I reject the one jamb gave me? if I should reject it would the one of supplementary still reflect on my jamb Portal?

    1. You have not rejected that. What you ought to have done was to go to your school and let them know what happened. In mist cases, they will change your course to the one given by JAMB.

      With the situation of things now, go to school and report now.

  2. I got admitted in 2018,and I printed my admission letter once.I'm not with the original copy right now and I need to print it but it's telling me to make another payment before I can print it and I've not exhausted my 5 times deadline..
    What do I do

    1. I should not ask you to make another payment if you're using the same profile used in 2018. If you change the profile, it will require a new payment.

  3. Same issue as the one u replied 18/1/2022,12:19, now how do I know am using different profile, because my remitta noreply as of then is in my mail .though mine is 2016 jamb.

    1. If you can't remember, they will have to pay the money. You're the only one who can know or remember if you're using the same profile. I can't do that for you.

  4. I don't know if is possible to change passport in my jamb i took mu jamb 2015

  5. I want to print my admission letter again but it is not showing were to make another payment....what should I do??? Please I need your help...

    1. Use the service of an experienced café. They know how to handle that or use the guide in the post below.

    2. Good evening, pls i lost my jamb admission letter and also forgot the email used in registration. Pls how do i go about it?

    3. You will go to any CBT to print it.

  6. Good morning sir please I had issue with course differences between jamb and my institution so I was told not to print admission letter till I do jamb reg which I did and was just rectified of recent and also applied for new admission letter I was given as well it reflected and both courses now correlate but I can't print the new admission letter cuz it keeps saying I already used the service which I haven't printed any admission letter please whats the solution to this

  7. Sir I was given transfer I
    accepted it and they have given me the admission but when I went for the printing of admission letter it's stating that I should do change of institution/course

  8. Good evening sir, I don't a mistake when I register for my jamb with State and local government if origin, and I have printed my hamb results, how can I correct this state and local government of origin in jamb portal?


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Techie BEC Konsult 7:54 PM (0 minutes ago) to me