Can I Register for Post UTME with My Phone? -

Can I Register for Post UTME with My Phone?

Yes, you can handle your post-UTME or screening registration on your phone, but ensure you are comfortable with the technical aspects, such as making online payments, resizing and uploading documents, and navigating the portal; otherwise, consider using a café for assistance to avoid potential issues.

As more admission seekers possess their own phones, there is a need to ask if you can just handle your post-UTME/screening application on your phone.

Especially if you have a smartphone such as an Android, iPhone, or tablet, you should want to know if there are no potential problems if you just decide to register a school's post-UTME/screening right on your device.

In this post, I will be quick to answer your question and give a few references to help you see what is potentially possible or otherwise.

Post-UTME Registration Can Be Done On Phones

Since the application portal, for every school's post UTME/screening, is online and accessible on phones - using the internet, you should be able to fill out the forms online through your mobile device.

Let's get this right.

You have a phone that can access the internet and visit the school's or admission portal, go ahead and fill out your form using your phone.

Although there are a few things to know about filling out post UTME/screening forms, not only on phone but generally on any device (including laptop/computer) for that matter.

Hence, the rest of this post will open your mind to that.

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Be Sure You Can Handle the Technicalities If You Must Use Phones

A school's post-UTME portal might not be layman-friendly as your beloved Facebook and Gmail registrations. Handling your registration, on the phone, if you have the technical know-how, is very rational. It may save you time and money.

However, it's a potential time bomb if you don't know how to truly handle certain advanced technical touches that may be required.

  1. Do you know how to make successful online payments? 
  2. If the payment fails and you're debited, do you know how to go around it? 
  3. Do you know how to resize passport photos to the specified kilobyte? 
  4. Do you know how to correctly snap/scan your document (in case the portal will ask for that) and resize them rightly? 
  5. Do you know how to upload those documents?

Above is the list of potential challenges if you want to use a phone to register a school's post UTME/screening. 

I've seen an idiot who uploaded his passport turning upside down. I've seen a poor lady who uploaded her JAMB result here O'level result was asked for. 

If at this point, you don't have any concerns with the above, go ahead and do your registration by yourself.

RecommendedHow To Know My Post UTME/Screening Dates and Venue

Most Cafes Are Well Experienced To Handle Post UTME/Screening Registrations

Before the adoption of CBT centers, cafes were at the heart of education services in Nigeria. Some of these experienced cafes are, to date, better than CBT centers.

Luckily, they're closer to you than CBT centers. And not only that, they can handle your registration as well better.

Of course, these people will charge you for their own services, if you're in doubt about yourself in handling any of the potential issues that may come up, it'll be wise to give the registration to experienced personnel.

Your brothers and sisters, who are already in school, know those cafes that are better at what they do. Ask them and they will point the right shop to you.

You don't only save yourself the stress but also all forms of errors that may crop up because of your inexperience.

A café is already familiar with several schools' application portals, the stages involved, and what to do or print after submission of the form.

And if you fill out the form, yourself, on phone, in most cases, you'll still return to these people for the printing of your completed form or acknowledgment slip.


I've seen a few admission seekers handling their post-UTME/screening forms by themselves and on their phones. Some may not experience any issues. Whoever faces one, should be able to handle that.

If you don't want to be Mr. or Miss. Too-Know, giving your registration to a café will not drain your wallet and will save you some potential issues should you jump into it.

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