Didn't See ND, NCE, etc. Result On The JAMB Portal? Solutions! - SCHOOLCONTENTS.info

Didn't See ND, NCE, etc. Result On The JAMB Portal? Solutions!

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After uploading their BSC, HND, ND, NCE, JUPEB, and IJMB results or certificates, to the JAMB portal, as instructed by the school and the board, all direct entry applicants had logged into their profiles but most could not see their O'level and/or A'level results.

If you uploaded your NCE or ND result during the JAMB DE registration or after, but logging into the JAMB profile to see if your results were truly and correctly uploaded, you couldn't find the result on CAPS, this post will help you understand what happened and the solutions.

There are two situations. Some candidates:

  1. didn't see both their O'level results e.g. WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, etc. and A'level results e.g. BSC, HND, NCE. ND, IJMB etc. results on CAPS
  2. saw the O'level results but they couldn't see the A'level result

Which case is yours? Let's look into each.

You Can't Find Both O'level and A'level Results on CAPS

As a DE applicant, the two results that must be uploaded to the JAMB portal are SSCE results e.g. WAEC, NECO, NABTEB etc. and the A'level results e.g. BSC, HND, ND, NCE etc.

If you can't see O'level on your CAPS, as below, even though you uploaded it during the registration or after returning to the CBT centre, it simply means your results had not been uploaded to the JAMB portal or it was not correctly/successfully done.

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In this case, you will need to return to the CBT centre or JAMB office, to re-upload the results. While going, go with the O'level result and the A'level result as both are meant to be uploaded together under normal circumstances.

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You Can See O'level Results on CAPS, But No A'level Results on CAPS

Yes, generally, all direct entry applicants, after successful upload of their O'level and A'level results to the JAMB portal, as shown below, will all be able to see, on the JAMB CAPS, both their O'level subjects and grades together with their A'level subjects and grades.

Here, ND and SSCE results were uploaded together for the DE applicant

Apart from being able to see the A'level qualification on the DE registration slip or the DE change of institutions slips, that applicants should be able to see their BSC, HND, NCE, IJMB, ND or JUPEB subjects and grades on their JAMB CAPS too. 

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A'level result uploaded to the JAMB portal

Don't forget that I've earlier said the two results must, under normal circumstances be uploaded at the same time. And if you don't forget, JAMB office uploaded both O'level and ND, NCE, or IJMB/JUPEB together for you. Hence, if you can find the O'level displaying on the JAMB portal, it simply means the DE result is equally there. Otherwise, you must aact fast!

Hence, once you're able to see your O'level results on the JAMB portal as a DE applicant and you're sure you've uploaded the two together, you shouldn't panic as to whether the CBT centre or JAMB office has uploaded the latter. Seeing your O'level, as a DE applicant, means your A'level is also successfully uploaded - even though you're not meant to see that at your end.

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  1. I have re-uploaded my O level result yet it's showing me awaiting result. What should I do ?

    1. It won't show awaiting results if it was well uploaded. Go to a CBT centre to upload. Make sure it shows on your JAMB portal before leaving.

  2. Pls how do I get my Direct entry printout after uploading ,because I Apply awaiting DE but now I will need they printout against online screening oo

    1. After uploading your ND, NCE or any result for DE, on the JAMB portal, there is no need to print anything just as there is not option for printing such. Read the post above for more clues.

  3. I uploaded my o'level during the registration time but till everything is blank both the changing of institutions that I did have yet reflect on my jamb caps and the level is also showing empty

    1. Go back to CBT centre to upload the result. Make sure it shows before leaving

    2. Sir I did jamb regularization and after that I have uploaded my GCE on jamb portal but they haven't given me admission and I am a direct entry student sir how will I go about it

  4. Please sir
    I did change of institution and uploading of result, since 18 July 2022, but when I login to my caps is showing nothing is just blank nothing is showing. I don't know what to do

  5. Have uploaded both results but couldn't see my o'level result on my Caps and i even re-uploaded it, it's same thing.
    Pls what is the next to take?

  6. Sir I uploaded my jupeb result but it is showing awaiting result

  7. Sir. School given admission but jamb is yet to give me admission. So, what could be the problem regarding to my jamb portal.

  8. I upload my results late when the school I chose have started giving admission DE do I still have hope


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