During NYSC registration, a discrepancy in the date of birth (DOB) between your NYSC green card and your SSCE results, birth certificate, or other documents will not affect your ability to serve, as long as it does not push you above the age limit of 30; however, to correct such discrepancies, you must apply for a date of birth correction using the WAEC verification PIN before the camp closes, as NYSC does not accept court affidavits for this purpose.
Some prospective corpers will not notice this difference until they print their green cards. They will notice that the dates of birth on green cards are not the same as the ones on the SSCE results, birth certificates, etc.
And since SSCE results will also be required for submission at NYSC camps, they may want to know if this discrepancy will or will not affect their NYSC.
In this post, there are a few things to talk about which will answer questions such as:
- Does NYSC accept an affidavit?
- How to correct such differences before or after submitting the NYSC application?
- Does it matter in the first place since the error doesn't make you older than the NYSC age of 30?
Date of Birth Difference on NYSC and SSCE Result Will Affect Your Camping
At NYSC camps, among the documents and credentials to be checked during the documentation is the SSCE result. This result is expected to be the original copy. With this, it should be the one collected from the school, the exam body's office, or like, the original WAEC certificate recently being allowed to be printed online.
The original SSCE result usually will show the dates of birth of candidates especially if it's WAEC or WAEC GCE. However, for any of these SSCE results, the camp officials who are going to check them are not interested in the date of birth on these O'level results. They're only concerned about whether the graduates have the right SSCE results before gaining admission in the first place.
To officially set your mind at peace, one concerned prospective corps member inquired as below.
in my case, the date of birth displayed on my green card is the one am using though different from done on my WAEC. Will this affect me in camp?
NYSC's response was quick and direct.
On this note, you shouldn't worry (at least not for camping or serving) about the date of birth on your O'level results if it's any different from what it's on your NYSC portal or green card.
Recommended: Can I Write A New WAEC to Reduce NYSC Age?
Once Mobilized and Within the Service Age Bracket, Even With a Wrong Date of Birth, You'll Serve
The only thing that may call for alarm is if the date you have on your NYSC portal/green card will force you out of the service age of 30. We both know if you're above 30, you will be exempted from the scheme and be left with an exception letter instead of serving and being issued a discharge certificate.
However, even with errors, in the date of birth, on your NYSC portal, once you're not more than 30, you'll serve with nobody giving you a frowning face at camp.
However, if you just want to make sure that the date of birth on your NYSC portal/green card is the same as the one on other documents such as WAEC, birth certificate, etc., NYSC has given you the chance to correct that using the WAEC verification card option. Although this opportunity may only be available to candidates using WAEC or WAEC GCE.
One important warning about the correction of date of birth for NYSC is that this process must be started and completed before the closure of the camp. You have three weeks for camp and a few days before the camp opens in the first place. If you must apply for the change of the NYSC date of birth, do it within this period. In fact, after the camping, the option to do the change on the NYSC portal will be removed and no alternative means to do such a correction.
Similarly, the WAEC you are to use must be equal or more than four (4) years as at the time of graduation.
Using this avenue, instead of adopting the date of birth on your NYSC portal, the corps's system will replace the portal's date of birth with the one on your WAEC(GCE).
Recommended: NYSC Date of Graduation and Result Date Not Same? Solution!
If You Think Of Taking Court Affidavit To Camp Instead...
You may be thinking what if you take a court affidavit? NYSC will not be accepting court affidavits to back up errors in the dates of birth of PCM.
The corps has officially declared that it won't be accepting court affidavits from corpers with discrepancies in the date of birth.
We don't accept affidavits, apply for Date of Birth correction on your dashboard.
This was in reaction to a complaint by a prospective corps member who enquired as below.
My real age is 1994 and I meet 1989 on my NYSC registration portal and I have affidavits stamped and signed.
With all references made available in this post, you should be, by now, relieved that if a mistake (difference) is on the date of birth used for NYSC or appearing on your green card, which is different from the date of birth on your other credentials, it won't affect you for camping, or service.
What's important here is for the error not to push your age above 30. However, this erroneous date of birth will eventually appear on your discharge certificate. And if you don't want this, you have the option to correct that using the WAEC verification PIN or you can be backing up this error with a court affidavit for other uses e.g. job, further studies, etc.
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I applied for date of birth correction with my WAEC pin
ReplyDeleteI made sure I applied with the correct date and everything
But to my greatest surprise I was given a different date and year
Please what do I do?
Can I go for nysc at 30+ age