Can I Change My NIN or Register Afresh? -

Can I Change My NIN or Register Afresh?

You cannot register a new NIN or change your NIN, but you can correct errors or update certain information like names, date of birth, and place of origin through the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) for a fee.

For one reason or the others, some Nigerians are asking if they can change their National Identification Number (NIN).

A typical example is if you have some errors on the National ID card. You may want to consider registering another NIN instead of trying to correct the errors.

Similarly, some people have been subjected to stress due to attempts to correct names, date of birth, address, and state/local government of origin.

In this post, I will be sharing if it's possible to change your NIN or just register another NIN.

You Can't Register A New NIN (Or Register Afresh)

The intention of the federal government of Nigeria is to be able to identify an individual person in Nigeria and as a Nigerian when it introduced the NIN.

As a result, a Nigerian is better identified with just one NIN just like any other country in the world. Why will a person be given two NINs? That will not be allowed because of the original objective.

As a result, the NIMC will not allow reregistering for a new NIN after it has issued you one earlier.

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You Can Still Change Data on NIN Instead of Registering Afresh

Of course, you should be aware that National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) allows all Nigerians to edit or correct any mistake on the NIN or update any information as time goes by.

Of course, you're allowed to update your names if a mistake is cropped in or there is a need to officially change your name.

You're allowed to correct your date of birth if there is a recognized reason to do that. If you learned late, you've been claiming the wrong state/local government of origin, you can still correct that on NIN.

However, these changes can cost you a few bucks and can take some sweat out of you. You're to pay about N1000 for the corrections of the following items:

  1. Names
  2. Date of Birth (carries a different fee, see above)
  3. Addresses
  4. Phone Number
  5. Place of Birth – State
  6. Place of Birth – LGA
  7. Place of Birth – Country (if different from Nigeria)
  8. Place of Origin – State
  9. Place of Origin – Town, Village
  10. Place of Origin – LGA
  11. Father’s NIN
  12. Father’s Town, Village of Origin
  13. Father’s State of Origin
  14. Father’s LGA of Origin
  15. Mother’s NIN
  16. Mother’s Town, Village of Origin
  17. Mother’s State of Origin
  18. Mother’s LGA of Origin

However, for the correction of dates of birth, you'll pay about N15,000

Relating to that is that you can't do those corrections at a local shop registering NIN, you'll have to visit the NIMC office or branch in your local government or the headquarters of your state.

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You Can't Edit The Following Data on Your NIN

Even though NIMC is motherly enough to allow you to correct a few pieces of information on your NIN which are categorized as, "Editable Fields", there are still some no-go areas for corrections on any National ID card. This "non-editable" field includes:

  1. Gender
  2. NIN
  3. State of Registration
  4. LGA of Registration
  5. Registration Centre
  6. Ward
  7. Polling Unit
  8. Date of Death
  9. Date of Death Type
  10. Tracking Number
  11. Date of Registration
  12. Originating Centre
  13. Loading Centre
  14. ID Card Number
  15. Applicant’s Finger Print (Finger 1 to 10)
  16. Applicant’s Fingerprint Reason (Finger 1 to 10)
  17. Applicant’s Signature


NIMC doesn't allow reregistration (or fresh application) for National ID cards. Hence, you can't change your NIN or register for it again. 

For whatever reason, if you must change data on your NIN or correct any error, you're allowed to make use of available correction channels.

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