How to Upgrade/Convert UTME to DE (Check If Qualified?) -

How to Upgrade/Convert UTME to DE (Check If Qualified?)

Do I have Obtain DE form After UTME Result?
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It seems every DE applicant is now convinced that they won’t be able to register both DE and UTME together for the same admission year. With that, they now look up to the upgrading of their UTME applications to DE. But how do you do that?
Let me break things down.

Are you aware that because JAMB has discontinued allowing candidates to register for UTME and Direct Entry in the same year, the body has given another opportunity – which is called the upgrade of UTME to DE?

If not, there you have it. And see things clearly below.

Officially, JAMB has warned prospective admission seekers to avoid obtaining the two forms together. Hence, if you think you want to take advantage of both UTME and DE, you can just upgrade. 

However, the upgrading is only allowed for those who had already registered for UTME and at the same time already had ND, NCE, HND, BSC, RN or RM, IJMB, JUPEB, etc. See the differences among these qualifications.

If you want to try your luck with Direct Entry through the upgrading, you’ve agreed to forgo the UTME admission and chase DE admission instead.

If you’re satisfied with that condition, below is the step-by-step guide to upgrading your UTME application to DE. 

Before then, let's get a few things right.

Four Conditions Required to Upgrade UTME to DE

Before you can upgrade your UTME to DE, you must be ready to satisfy the following terms.

  1. You must be a qualified candidate for Direct Entry admission. This includes holders of JUPEB, IJMB, NCE, ND, RN, BSC, HND, etc
  2. You must also have obtained the present admission year's JAMB UTME form
  3. You must also have sat for and written the UTME. It doesn't matter whether you pass or not
  4. You must be ready to let go of your UTME admission chase for the DE admission pursuit

Procedures to Follow to Upgrade UTME to DE

Follow the following steps to upgrade UTME to DE:

  1. Visit any JAMB office closer to you with your UTME registration slip/result, ND/NCE/JUPEB/IJMB/HND/Bsc result/certificate.
  2. Take along your JAMB UTME result too
  3. Tell them you’ve come for UTME to DE upgrading
  4. After an interaction, they will effect this change for you FREE.

Henceforth, your admission and profile will be for Direct Entry instead of UTME.

Best of luck!

Do I Have to Register for UTME and Upgrade it Immediately?


Under normal circumstances, you are to first write UTME and see your result. If the result is fine enough to compete for admission to your proposed school and course through UTME, there may not be the need to upgrade.

If however, things are not fine, you may take advantage of upgrading if you're qualified - that is you. 

Do I Have to Obtain DE form After UTME Result?


As a matter of fact, JAMB UTME and DE form will close on the same date. Hence, people register for UTME and DE at the same time (within the same grace period).

If you want to upgrade, you don’t need to obtain DE form again (as it must have closed at the same time as UTME). What you need to do is to walk into any nearest JAMB office and request for UTME to DE upgrading registration.

Can I Do Upgrading at Café and CBT Centre?


Only JAMB offices are currently allowed to upgrade JAMB UTME to Direct Entry for applicants.

Candidates are expected to visit the JAMB branch themselves with evidence of their UTME registrations and UTME results (if available). He/she should be able to give genuine reason(s) for the upgrade. You will be asked!

If convinced, the officials will upgrade for you. And it's free.

Will I Be Able to Upgrade If I Registered for UTME But Didn’t Write the Exams?

No. They allowed that before now but no longer...

If you must upgrade, kindly write the UTME too. Even if the score is low, it won't matter.

Fine, to qualify for DE registration, you’re already a holder of NCE, ND, HND, Bsc, RN, etc. So, you may just obtain the UTME form but then later change your mind.

If that happens, you can just go ahead and upgrade it to Direct entry – which you’re, of course, qualified for.

You necessarily (for now) have to write UTME before you can convert that to DE. JAMB has made it compulsory. Though, that may change in the future.

If I Convert, Will I Still be Offered Admission Through UTME?


I’ve said that, once you convert UTME to DE, you’ve just waved bye to the UTME admission and you're ready to focus on Direct Entry instead.

If you're not totally convinced of what you want to do, you may still retain your UTME application and forget about upgrading.

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  1. I mistakenly purchase utme form instead of de can I upgrade to de even if I didn't sit for utme

    1. If a CBT centre has not activated it for registration, you can contact where you bought the PIN for swapping. They can do it. But if it has been entered for registration before you noticed the mix-up, you will have to buy another form using a different phone to get profile code and a different email.

  2. can jamb regularization hinder me from uploading my result during result screening?

  3. Pls there anything wrong with arrangement of my name.....I used Adeniyi adewole olusegun in waec,while Adeniyi Olusegun Adewole in jamb...And I want to know maybe it will affect my admission programs.

    1. Something is wrong. Yet I don't think it will affect your admission since it was not your surname that was affected.

  4. Plz sir, I register for utme instead of DE now av write the exam and I want to convert it back 2 DE, most I have to visit jamb office b4 I can do that or can I visit the center I register for the utme..... And sir plz when is the best time for me to do it sir

    1. You use JAMB office only. You can do it right away

  5. Do dey need jamb number for d upgrade cause i dont hv jamb numberr for my nce it was theough pre nce

    1. No. You will need your JAMB email and the password the profile. You may also need your JAMB profile code.

    2. Hello sir,is upgrade of jamb to D.E stii going on,please I need answer.

    3. Yes. It doesn't close till the end of admission year.

  6. Do I need to do jamb regularization before upgrading my jamb?

  7. Sir pls which time are we going to start converting our jamb to direct entry

    1. As soon as JAMB offices open nationwide. Wait until federal government allows government offices to open for activities.

  8. Sir,can they allow the conversion,becaubec I see that very soon another jamb form may probably comes out

    1. They will still allow conversion for the 2020/2021.

  9. Please how can I upgrade my jamb to direct entry

  10. Who are those that need to do jamb regularization

  11. Thanks a lot sir,now that jamb offices are opening can we go ahead for the conversion?

  12. Please sir i went to jamb office for upgrade to DE but they told me to book an appointment using *55019# but once i get to my state it doesn't go past their. What can I do?

    1. Keep trying. it could be temporary network issue.

  13. Until now we have not see anybody that have done his/her own

  14. How much is the upgrading please?

  15. Pls sir have jamb started upgrading of utme to D E,2020/2021. I really need ur really.tnks

  16. Same question, and please sir as the office start opening. I want know plz bcuz am in Zaria and the office is in kaduna so I want to know of dey av start opening so that I will go and do the conversation sir plz we need your reply thank

    1. Yes they have. But for now, you must book appointment before visiting any JAMB office. Check the procedures to book an appointment through the link below.

    2. Sir can I use awaiting result for my upgrading

  17. Has anybody do his own conversion?

    1. Yes I did mind but my details are not in the school details

    2. Check back from time to time. Most schools will their applications on or reopening until all O'level results are out.

  18. Pls Sir I need ur help I convert utme to DE but my details are not in the school

    1. It may take a few days or weeks to get your details to the university. Kindly check back. It should be temporary.

    2. The problem is that, the is going to close screening by 6 of August 2020.So how can I now.

    3. I did mind this the third week but the details are not been displayed on the school portal

  19. I'm still waiting but off to now the details are not displaying this fourth weeks nown

  20. Pls sir u people should help me let my details displayed on the school portal pls so that I can go ahead and do the screening before the closing date

  21. Pls I people should help me let my details on the school portal so that I can go ahead and do the screening before the closing date

  22. Goodevening, pls I want you to put me Tru:
    I applied for jamb 2015 by 2016 I was given admission to a polytechnic school, the admission was not given to me by jamb, so by 2018 I finished by OND. I applied for DE this year, can I still upgrade or should I go ahead with the direct entry.

  23. Evening sir, I registered for UTME and I'll also be sitting for JUPEB exam next month. Prior to the time JUPEB result will be out, let's say October ending, will I still be able to upgrade by then? Because I'll love to weigh both results.

    And as of now, UNILORIN has started it's Post UTME registration

    1. Yes you can upgrade anytime later. All that matters is to choose a school who post DE has not passed or closed.

  24. Mind case is off to now my details are not displaying on the school please what's should I do because the school will close the screening

    1. Don't worry it will reflect in time - before the closing date. And the school may soon extend the sales of the form as well.

    2. Please sir, I wrote my jamb 2014, and am a Bsc holder, can I upgrade my UTME to DE instead of buying the form because I want to obtain another Bcs?

    3. No you can't. You just have to obtain a new DE form or obtain another UTME form and later upgrade that to DE.

  25. Please can I upgrade my jamb to DE after I finish writing my jupeb exam

  26. The school is going to close screening by Thursday and details didn't not reflect on the school portal

    1. Don't worry. It will reflect or or before that day. If it doesn't, the school is likely to extend the closing date.

  27. Please can I have your phone number to have a private chat with you

  28. I did the conversation but it's still on the utme during my screening

    1. Give it time to reflect or check if your school has made provision for conversion students registration on their website.

  29. Sir when I booked my utme to d,e can I get admission in this year 2020/2021

  30. Sir
    Can I upgrade my results using awaiting results
    Cos jupeb exam has not stated. And schools are alreading selling there post utme

    1. Yes, you can. All you need is your JAMB UTME form to upgrade to DE. As soon as your A'level result is out, upload it also to JAMB portal.

  31. Good day sir, I did my regularization since 2 of February 2020 but up to date I haven't seen any messages and I wanted to covert my utme to d.e i hope it won't affect my admission or my final years

    1. You can still upgrade UTME to DE while your regularization is pending.

  32. Please I've done my conversation of UTME to DE since July 22 till date I've not been able to register for UNILORIN post utme for more than a month now anytime I enter my reg number it do say invalid registration number but anytime I input my previous reg number it do bring my utme deatail , what should I do Sir.....and sir they didn't request for my regularisation number during the conversion

    1. You don't need regularization number for the conversion. All you need is JAMB UTME and your A'level qualifications (e.g NCE, ND, JUPEB, IJMB etc). You have to wait for things to work between schools and JAMB. The delay is due to COVID-19. Just keep checking for possible updates for conversion students on the school portal.

  33. Good day sir, I want to covert my result to de and obtain my school screening form which is out and will be closing this September ending. And I have gone to the jamb office twice now but all they tell me is on lockdown and I have to convert it before the screening form closes sir, what will I do sir,pls I need this urgently and my location is Lagos.

    1. Conversion is strictly done at JAMB offices nationwide after you might have book appointment. If one branch is on lockdown, you can book appoint with another.

  34. Hello, I converted Utme to DE form already and i did data correction for the A'level qualifications and when they wanted to print out the slip for me it is still bringing out the utme form details that have converted and am not being able to upload my O'level results, what can i do?

    1. What was the explanation give to you by the erson who attened to you?

  35. Hello sir. I have already applied to a university with UTME. Is it still possible to convert to DE?

    1. Yes you can still convert. However, you have to forget the admission you're chasing with UTME.

  36. Please I upgraded my utme to de but its not reflecting on my portal. Please what can I do

    1. It will take some days or weeks. You don't have to worry as long as the post DE form of the university is still on sales. It will reflect before the closing date.

  37. Is it possible for me to upgrade my UTME to d.e after writing my putme since I don't have my d.e result yet

    1. It's possible. As long as the university allows you to use awaiting result, you're good to go. If otherwise, it means it's not possible.

  38. please if i want to change my GCE A level to NCE is there any payment required

    1. I don't think there is anything like changing GCE to NCE. Clarify if I'm wrong.

  39. Sir I just converted to de today, it hasn't reflected, and the school I applied will close sales on the 14th of this month, what do I do

    1. Hopefully, it will reflect or or before the last day. Don't panic.

  40. Please sir,i Will like to use my hnd for DE. Do i i have to write jamb?

    1. No. You just obtain the DE form. Read more through the link below

  41. Please sir, is there a dead line to the upgrade of the jamb profile to DE

    1. Actually not specific date. What matters is to change to a university who post DE is till on sales or yet to be out in the first place.

  42. Sir, I did conversation from UTME to DE, and am still unable to access the school portal to purchase d screening form and it's closing on 14th
    Or is it required for me to do regularization b4 it will reflect??

  43. Sir can I upgrade my 2019 jamb to de after I have been given admission into the university?

    1. No. You can only upgrade the same year JAMB for the Direct entry of that very year.

  44. Please sir can I talk to u ? Please ! !

    1. Yes. You can drop your message here or use the contact form.

    2. Sir if you have registered already for post utme like school post utme not jamb utme can you still upgrade to DE there by neglecting the post utme

    3. You can still upgrade. But once that is done, you've cancelled 9discountinue with) your UTME and post UTME automatically.

  45. Pls I want to change my jamb result to direct entry how can do it

  46. Sir pls I already did my upgrading from jamb to de and it's still not reflecting on my jamb portal.
    Also, pls sir do I still need to register for my school's direct entry screening. I would really appreciate it if I can get a quick answer as I'm confused.
    Thank you sir

    1. You have to do your new university's post DE. JAMB CAPS may not reflect the upgrade yet. Check if it has reflected on the new university's portal. That's the best way to confirm.

    2. Thank you and God bless you sir

  47. I lost the Sim I used in registered jamb can I be able to upgrade from utme de without the number?

  48. Replies
    1. DE form is closed for 2020. The 2021 DE will soon be out.

  49. Upgrading from UTME to DE has been giving problem for a while now, since last year. Has the upgrading closed???

    1. No it hasn't because it's a year round activities. As long as the post DE form of your proposed University is still on or yet to be out, you can still upgrade. Visit the nearest JAMB office for that.

  50. Please Sir I want to register for convertion program do I need to by DE form or upgrade my UTME to DE. AM AN HND HOLDER.

    1. Except stated by the university, you don't need a Direct entry form or upgrading in order to obtain a top-up degree form. All you need is your HND certificate or result (and sometimes, NYSC discharged certificate or its equivalence)

  51. Sir, has unilag started selling post DE form?

    1. I think, it's already closed. Kindly check the university portal for updates.

  52. Is conversion of JAMB to DE for unilag still available

    1. Can I do my de upgrading without certificate because is not yet out?

  53. Good Evening sir

    My sister was given admission to 100l,
    Using her jamb result, and she already convert her jamb to DE choosing kwasu also,

    Admission for DE is not given yet, can she revert to the admission given to her before.

    I will be waiting for your reply sir.


    1. Once she upgraded form UTME to DE, she'd agreed to cancel her UTME admission and focus on DE only. I'm sorry.

  54. Sir I did my D E convertion a month ago and it has not been reflected in my caps
    And my school will soon be selling D E form

    And again is there any print out slip after convertion?

    1. You have to lodge a complaint with JAMB.

      Use the guide in the post below.👇

  55. Hello sir

    Please, I converted my jamb utme to D.E. 'U' was added to my jamb reg number. When I log into my jamb caps. My profile is still bringing out my normal jamb details i.e my first choice, preferred choice, third and fourth choice. I thought it's just meant to be two choices in D.E form. Does it affect me in any way

    Please sir, help put me through.

  56. Sir, after converting your Jamb to DE, is they any possible way of converting it back to jamb

  57. Pls is university of Benin(affiliation wit NCE).post D.E.still out?

    1. I don't have this update. Kindly check the school portal.

  58. Pls sir am currently running a program ijmb precisely and the exam is slated for may/ june, I also want to register fr jamb,but its not possible, because of my NIN,So i wanted to confirm if i can still upgrade my DE form if i longer want to use my jamb result this year and get admitted this year.

  59. Pls sir does NDA accept direct entry form from ijmb

  60. Pls sir i did conversion from jamb to d.e ,it up to a month now my data is not reflecting on jamb portal is just bringing out my new jamb registration number. And am sure my data is not yet in d school I applied for yet for them to process my admission, pls what can I do cos am still thinking of me taking another d.e form again if it did nt reflect bfor jamb stop selling dis year form again.

    1. Ok. Send a compliant letter to JAMB on this.

      Use the guide below.

  61. After converting to DE wont we have two jamb nos(the one for ND and the content year utme no) and wont it affect the admission

  62. Please I purchased utme form, can I do the convertion before exams date or i must wait after the exam.

    1. You to wait as JMB offices will not be attending to upgrading or conversions until after UTME.

  63. I was admitted into the Polytechnic through JAMB 2018, and I graduated from National Diploma 2020, and I wish to go to the university so how can I go about it?

    1. You will obtain JAMB DE form.

      Read more through the link below.

  64. Please sir, when I'm going for the upgrading is there any provision for awaiting ND results?

    1. All you need to upgrade, mostly, is your evidence of registration for UTME. You can still use awaiting results of ND for the upgrading.

  65. Please sir,When will jamb officers resume for jamb regularization and what are the requirements?

    1. As for the resumption, wait for the JAMB registration to be over.

      For the requirements, read the post below.

  66. Sir, can I do change of institution after I upgrade my this year UTME to DE or I should do the change of institution before I upgrade my UTME to DE

  67. I done jamb on 2017 for ND program and jamb didn't give me admission, but shcool offer me admission.
    New I want to do DE with my ND result this year, but at the jamb center I went told me that I can do DE because jamb didn't give me admission for my ND. What is the solution for me to obtain DE form ?. Reply is urgent sir.

  68. I registered for utme and now i want to convert it to DE, i went to JAMB office to do the conversion and they are telling me that i must sit and pass the exam before i will be eligible.

    Please those that did their own is it true?
    And sir what is your say on this?

  69. How can I book an appointment with the jamb office

  70. Date for the Conversation pls

    1. As soon as all UTME results are released or the whole exam schedules are over.

  71. I want to upgrade from utme to de and I also want to change the course that is on the form to another do I need to buy change of course form separately for that before going to the jamb office

    1. Once you upgrade, you can change the course with it. No need to do it separately.

  72. pls sir, has upgrading from utme to DE started this year

    1. Yes. But most JAMB office may be busy with a few UTME-related complaint for now. Wait awhile before you visit for upgrading.

  73. Sir
    My regularization is pending
    So can still convert my utme to DE

  74. Sir, can I convert my UTME to DE using awaiting result since my ND result is not available yet.

    1. Yes, you can. Tell them at JAMB office that you're awaiting your result.

  75. Sir, please is it possible to upgrade from utme to DE even though my ND result is not yet out? Can I use awaiting result for the ND?

  76. Sir, please I upgraded my utme to DE today and I'm being told that my utme result is not yet out so I wasn't able to get printout, is there any problem with that sir?

  77. Is it possible to convert utme to DE without writing jamb?

  78. Sir when will Upgrade the jamb utme to direct entry end

    1. Until admission excise of the proposed university ends.

  79. Sir,can one still do upgrade of utme to de this week? Must one go to jamb office?

    1. Sir, when is the exert date they will start upgrading utme to d.e

    2. No date. What matters is going to the JAMB office and ask if they have started. Then, do it if they have. Or return back if they give you future appointment.

  80. Sir pls how do I make an appointment. The Sim I used for registration is no longer active

    1. You can just walk-in to their offices for now.

  81. Sir I want to ask if they have start upgrading utme 2021 to de

    1. Wait till all JAMB exams are completed and results full released. Then, go to the nearest JAMB office to confirm.

  82. Sir please can one upgrade UTME of last year and use it for this years DE. Since jamb is now for two years?

    1. No. JAMB is never is not two-year. Where are you getting your data?

    2. It was announced that jamb can be use for two years but not to apply in the same university

    3. Who announced that? Show me your source.

  83. Please, is there a deadline to upgrade UTME to Direct Entry. Because I'm doing a jupeb programme. I want to see my result before upgrading. If it's bad, I won't upgrade, I'll write post UTME. If it's good, I'll upgrade to DE

    1. No. As long as your proposed university is still selling its post DE form, you can upgrade.

  84. Has anyone here successfully upgrade his/her 2021 UTME to 2021 DE

    1. Had they starting doing the conversation?

    2. The only way you can find out, is to go to the nearest JAMB office to you.

  85. While upgrading Can I use copy of my ND result, if the original is inconvenience?.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I have not seen anybody conforming that.

    2. Yes it has.... but if u re in ilorin there network is not okay for now.

  87. And if I Use awaiting result for upgrading from utme to direct entry won't they ask me for my previous jamb registration number I used to gain admission into the polytechnic for my ND Program when I wanted to upload my ND result when it's available

  88. I've successfully upgraded my utme to direct entry yesterday at Ibadan jamb zonal office at the rate of #300
    But I uploaded my online print out result which contain only my last semester result.
    Will I be able to replace it with my ND certificate when I have it available and how much will it cost.
    Please reply on time sir.

    1. You can replace it. It should cost you the same amount.

  89. Will it affect if I didn't change it, I'll upload my original certificate on school portal
    And sir I wanted to change the Mail linked with my caps I can't access that mail again how much will that cost or won't it affect me.

    1. It shouldn't aaffect you. Visit the jamb office to ask if your email can be changed.

  90. Replies
    1. Sir.Can transcripts result be use to obtain direct entry form? And it will not later affect

  91. Sir
    My jamb caps(2021) is not showing my choices, my result except my Olevel result that's there before I convert this year UTME to DE

    1. Go to the JAMB office for conversion. They will guide you futher.

  92. Sir please is it possible to change institution after converting utme to De?

    1. Thank you sir
      Although the conversion I did hasn't reflected in both the school and jamb portal cause I was given a new reg number, but the jamb portal is still showing the old one and the school portal doesn't recognize the new one.
      Am so worried cause the post utme form is closing on the 7th

  93. Sir I did Ijmb, please how do I go about getting a transcript ?

    1. Get back to the school or the center where you run the course. They will give you the specific to apply through.

    2. I don't think IJMB requires transcript

    3. Good afternoon sir thank you for the other time, the two institutions I choosed(its different from the the one I choosed during UTME registration) during UTME to DE conversion has reflected on my jamb caps but it's still showing four choices like UTME, Two from my first and second choice during conversion and the other two from my third and fourth choice during UTME registration makes it four choices.

      Lastly it's still showing my UTME tme subject combinations and UTME tme score but the UTME score has erased(not showing)
      Please help me to solve my problem one after the other.

    4. I was told Ijmb doesn't process transcript, they only do results


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