Is D7, E8, P7, or P8 a Credit Pass and a Good Grade? -

Is D7, E8, P7, or P8 a Credit Pass and a Good Grade?

D7 and E8 are pass grades, not credit passes, but may still be accepted for admission in some courses and institutions, unlike F9, which is a fail.

As soon as WAEC, NECO, GCE, or NABTEB results come out, there will be a series of questions. Among the popular are:

  1. Is D7 or P7 a credit pass?
  2. Is E8 or P8 a credit pass?
  3. Is D7/P7 or E8/P8 a good grade?
  4. Can I gain admission with D7/P7 or E8/P8?

With the question above, students asking are likely already aware that F9 is woeful but they aren't sure of the fate of D7 or E8 in the results.

Hence, there is a need to answer these questions once and for all.

Confusion About O'level Pass in the JAMB Brochure

More often, when you're going through the official JAMB brochure or a school brochure stating the subject requirements for a particular course, you're likely to come across references such as "O'level pass in", "ordinary pass in", "credit pass" etc.

What does this mean?

Do they mean D7 or E8 or both? 

Where the JAMB brochure states pass (without adding CREDIT) in a particular subject is acceptable, it simply refers to D7 or E8.

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This is because both D7 and E8 are GENERALLY REFERRED to as pass. They're not just credit passes such as C6, C5, or C4. This is why some content will refer to both grades i.e D7 and E8 as ordinary passes.

If the JAMB brochure will mean credit or distinction, it will say "credit pass", not O'level pass or ordinary pass, the latter that will be referring to D7 or E8.

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D7 and E8 are not Totally Bad Grades

We're all aware that the best and better grades are A1, B2, B3, C4, C5, and C6. In fact, for some courses and those schools that do not use O'level points to offer admission, all you need in your SSCE are the 5 required subjects for the proposed course to be at least C6.

However, if you can give A1 in all the relevant subjects, you've done better especially for schools not using post UTME tests in admitting aspirants.

In the right interpretation, we can't call D7 and E8 bad grades because to some extent some schools and courses may still consider these deficiencies.

In fact, for references, below are links to posts detailing schools and courses accepting O'level passes (i.e D7 or E8) in the most daunting SSCE subjects.

  1. Universities That Accept Maths D7, E8, or F9 for Law and Others
  2. Study Mass Communication With D7, E8, F9 Literature
  3. Universities that Accept Physics D7, E8, or F9 For 37 Courses
  4. Universities and Courses that Accept Chemistry D7, E8 or F9
  5. Universities and Courses that Accept Biology D7, E8 or F9

Checking through those posts will prove to you that, even though D7 and E8 are grades to be worried about if you have any. Yet, if you can study your brochure beyond usual and you're not too selective about courses, you can still make your way into a university, a polytechnic, or a college of education with these deficiencies.

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You Can Gain Admission With D7 or E8 in a Required Subject

Speaking of gaining admission with ordinary passes, experiences have shown that you could gain admission with a pass where you think at least a credit pass is a must. This is already covered in the section above.

However, there is a need to pay attention to a few things here.

  1. The D7 or E8 is usually acceptable for one core subject, not two core subjects. For instance, for courses accepting D7 or E8 in English, you won't be offered, if you have another deficient grade in any of the other four core subjects.
  2. Where a school accepts D7 or E8 in a subject if such schools find enough candidates who have credit passes or better grades in the same subject, candidates with better grades may be considered ahead or instead of you.
  3. D7 or E8 may be accepted for your undergraduate admission (i.e. for the university's 100 level, polytechnic ND 1, or college of education NCE year 1 offer), going for postgraduate may, however, require you to have at least a credit pass in the affected subject.

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    1. It means Absent. The candidate didn't write the registered paper.

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    1. Yes, you can. Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, requires, for MASS COMMUNICATION, Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language and Mathematics and any three (3) other subjects from: History, Literature in English, Economics/Commerce, Fine Arts, Government, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Basic Electricity, Geography, Typewriting, Commerce/Principles of Accounting.

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