Want to Remark/Recall WAEC/NECO Scripts? What To Know! - SCHOOLCONTENTS.info

Want to Remark/Recall WAEC/NECO Scripts? What To Know!

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A student, you may be tempted to ask for papers remark if your grades in such papers are somewhat disappointing. This is not far from common. It’s possibly happened to all of us at one point or the other.

You’re sure you wrote well for some papers in your WAEC or GCE. But when the result was out, you’re disappointed to see that you failed those papers or you had grades below your expectations.

If you’re on this page for NECO remark of scripts, kindly subscribe to this blog for future updates about that. No known official release yet.

And with most schools offering admissions based on the performance (A1, B2, B3, etc) in SSCE (especially when such schools don’t write post UTME but instead, admission screening), a student may be forced to ask for remarking of his papers.

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Is Script Remarking Possible or Allowed for WAEC?

Yes, it’s legally and officially allowed.

But this is only limited to the internal students (i.e. May/June SSCE WAEC). Candidates with such issues in WAEC Jan/Feb (GCE Series) or Aug/Sept (GCE Series) are not allowed to recall papers for remarking.

This was WAEC's answer to a candidate who wanted the remark of WAEC GCE script

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What is the Procedure to Recall papers?

  1. First, candidates through the school principal or exams officer should apply for this within 60 days of releasing the result. The body will decline any application after such date.
  2. First, contact your school principal or exams officer for your intention
  3. The school will prepare a letter to remark your scripts. This letter will be sent to WAEC for consideration.
  4. WAEC will get back to the school for the fee application (usually #10,000) as this will require you to pay for each of the papers to be recalled) and the modality it will follow to remark your scripts.
  5. This price is not fixed though, yet it will be nothing to break the bank for.
  6. The papers will be given to another marker under strict monitoring
  7. If you’ve done well really, a new set of grades will be awarded.

Will It Favour Me If I Recall Papers for Remarking?

Yes, it can.

In most cases, it does favor.

If you’re very certain of your ability and what you put down for the examiner, you’ve nothing to fear to remark your scripts.

If after remarking, no difference, you will have to retain the grade earlier given.

Don’t forget, remarking of scripts is only limited to SSCE WAEC school candidates, not private candidates (in WAEC GCE).

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  1. This is not true, I applied for my 2016 GCE remarking and it was done.

    1. You said it was done. Does that mean they marked it again for you?

  2. Taylor Euphoric4 March 2022 at 07:09

    Please the waec should remark my Bdt and I.c.t.

  3. Gooday sir, I greatly need your help so please sir, you can help by sending your email then we talk more there. this will be well appreciated.

  4. I want my literature and government remarked


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