15 Top Best Science Courses in Polytechnics in Nigeria - SCHOOLCONTENTS.info

15 Top Best Science Courses in Polytechnics in Nigeria

Some science students will want to consider polytechnics in JAMB or part-time programmes. Most want to be sure the courses they will opt for will be one of the top-class in these institutions.

So, what are the courses rated higher, for science students, in polytechnic education?

In this post, I will be listing some top courses which science students do chase most, in polytechnics, through the JAMB form, part-time form, or change of institutions/courses.

I will also try to give you what each course entails, the career prospects, and what could be the reasons you or any other admission seeker should chase it too.

1. Science Laboratory Technology (SLT)

This is arguably the most competitive course in Nigerian polytechnics. For one reason, SLT students believe they can use the course to cross into Nursing through Direct Entry (which is not true). Some students just love it because it's only the obvious health-related course in most polytechnics even though we have more health-related courses that may not be known to you yet.

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Science Laboratory Technology (SLT) is a course of study that trains students in laboratory procedures and techniques in fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, and microbiology. SLT courses cover a range of subjects, including chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, physics, electronics, instrumentation, computer applications, and mathematics. Students learn how to prepare and analyze samples, operate and maintain laboratory equipment, and interpret data.

Going for SLT will help you to continue to some fascinating courses (e.g. chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, or physics) while going for Higher National Diploma (HND) or to university (through Direct Entry).

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2. Nutrition and Dietetics

This course is being offered by some polytechnics lately having been picked up by universities before now. It's probably the second most competitive course in any polytechnic offering it and SLT.

Recommended: After Studying Nutrition and Dietetics, What Can I Become?

Nutrition and Dietetics is a field of study that focuses on the science of food and its relationship to health. It involves the study of nutrients, their sources, and their effects on the body, as well as the preparation of healthy meals and diet plans. 

Nutrition and Dietetics graduates can pursue careers in a variety of settings, including hospitals, schools, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private practice. They may work as registered dietitians, nutritionists, food service managers, or public health professionals. They may also go on to pursue advanced degrees in fields such as medicine, public health, or food science.

RecommendedPolytechnics/Colleges Offering Nutrition and Dietetics, UTME/SSCE Requirements

3. Pharmaceutical Technology

My observation, lately, was that as soon as students who pursued nursing and Science Laboratory Science (SLT) could not see the green light in the next admission list, they tended to change their courses to Pharmaceutical Technology. 

As you might have thought too. This is the third, and for most polytechnics, the last medical- or health-related course. To some, it's a substitute for Pharmacy which is not offered in polytechnics.

Pharmaceutical Technology is the study of the science and techniques involved in the development, manufacture, and quality control of pharmaceutical drugs. It is a multidisciplinary field that draws on knowledge from chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, and engineering.

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Pharmaceutical Technology graduates can pursue careers in a variety of settings, including pharmaceutical companies, contract research organizations, regulatory agencies, and academic institutions. Some of the common job titles for Pharmaceutical Technology graduates include formulation scientists, process engineers, quality control analysts, and regulatory affairs specialists.

RecommendedPolytechnics Offering Pharmacy Technology, UTME/SSCE Requirements

4. Statistics

Back in my days at the polytechnic, more students didn't want to turn to "Maths & Stats". Today, with the potential and easy access to get jobs in any field after graduating with Statistics, more students are sought after the course like candies.

Statistics is a branch of mathematics that involves the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. Studying Statistics can lead to a variety of career opportunities in fields such as finance, economics, social sciences, engineering, and healthcare.

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5. Architecture

Though a very tough course, if what you're after is a course that gives you fame and money, you may want to consider Architecture. This why some parents, who know what you don't know, will advise you to try out this course. As a result, it's as competitive.

Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures. It is a multidisciplinary field that combines elements of art, engineering, and technology to create functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing structures.

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6. Computer Science/Engineering

One of the courses that sell better today and in the future is Computer Science especially. So also Computer Engineering. I ought to have gone for this course while seeking admission had I known the potential and what computers will be turning the world to.

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Most teachers. parent and guardians are now advising their wards to look into the potential of becoming computer scientists.

Computer Science/Engineering is the study of the theory, design, development, and application of computer hardware and software. It is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses elements of computer programming, electrical engineering, and mathematics.

RecommendedAfter Studying Computer Science/Engineering, What Next? Jobs, Salary, etc.

7. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

One of the top sought-after courses in polytechnic is Electrical and Electronics Engineering. For one reason, some students had learned this profession while at home. Some are just gifted and they want to pursue careers around their gift and passion.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering is a field of engineering that focuses on the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. It deals with the design, development, and implementation of electrical systems and devices, ranging from power generation and distribution to communication systems, computer hardware, and consumer electronics.

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8. Mechanical Engineering

As you must have noticed, polytechnics run mostly engineering courses. As a result, Mechanical Engineering is one of the top go-to fields when admission seekers decide to seek admission into polytechnics.

Mechanical Engineering is a field of engineering that involves the design, development, and implementation of mechanical systems and devices. It deals with the principles of mechanics, thermodynamics, and materials science to develop solutions to problems in fields such as manufacturing, energy, transportation, and healthcare.

RecommendedDifferences Btw Pharmacy, Pharmacology & Dr. of Pharmacy

9. Estate Management and Evaluation

If you live in the cities and you're familiar with the money being made by the estate managers and valuers, you'll understand that Estate Management and Evaluation has been one of the hottest courses being sought after by polytechnic admission seekers.

Estate Management and Evaluation programs typically include coursework in property management, real estate law, urban planning, property valuation, investment analysis, and real estate development. Students also learn how to use tools such as market analysis software, financial modeling software, and geographic information systems (GIS).

10. Food Science and Technology

Although most students resolve to this course only when they can't make the like of SLT, Nutrition & Dietetics, etc., experience has shown that as more students understand the potential of Food Science and Technology, it's become a course to reckon with.

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Food Science and Technology is a field of study that deals with the application of scientific and engineering principles to the processing, preservation, and packaging of food products. It involves the study of the composition, structure, and properties of food, as well as the development of new food products and technologies to improve food safety, quality, and nutrition.

RecommendedMedical Lab Science Vs Science Lab Technology: Any Deference?

11. Building Technology

Like Electrical and Electronic Engineering, gifted and talented admission seekers know where to turn if they like building. Building Technology course is also well-chased by candidates who have already learned about building and bricklaying before leaving home and those who attend technical colleges

Building Technology is a field of study that focuses on the science and technology of building construction and design. It involves the study of building materials, construction methods, and design principles to ensure that buildings are safe, efficient, and sustainable. Building Technology programs typically include coursework in structural design, building codes and regulations, construction management, building materials, and sustainability.

12. Aircraft Engineering Technology

I don't have to remind you what you can achieve if you become an aircraft engineer. The fame, the exposure, the money!

This is one of the courses that are more sought after by admission seekers into polytechnics. Unfortunately, only the Air Force Institute Of Technology, Kaduna, Kaduna State has this course. I will update you if I have any other polytechnic offering it.

Studying Aircraft Engineering Technology involves learning about the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of aircraft and spacecraft. This field of study combines principles of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and materials science to ensure the safe and efficient operation of aircraft.

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13. Civil Engineering Technology

Like any other environmental engineering course e.g. Building Technology, architecture, etc., Civil Engineering Technology is a more patronized course in polytechnics.

Studying Civil Engineering Technology involves learning about the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure projects such as buildings, bridges, highways, and water and sewage systems. This field of study combines principles of mathematics, physics, and materials science to ensure the safe and efficient operation of these structures.

With the educational and practical exposure of students of Civil Engineering Technology, you can envisage that this course has high potential.

14. Marine Engineering Technology

Similar to Aircraft Engineering, most admission seekers are chasing Marine Engineering Technology with the intention to enjoy fame and money that is in this field.

Marine Engineering Technology involves learning about the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of ships and other marine vessels. This field of study combines principles of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and naval architecture to ensure the safe and efficient operation of these vessels.

Federal College Of Fisheries And Marine Technology, Victoria Island, Lagos State is a well-known polytechnic offering Marine Engineering Technology. So also is the Maritime Academy Of Nigeria, Oron, Akwa Ibom State.

15. Agricultural & Bio-Environmental Engineering/Tech

When an admission seeker loves Agriculture or Agric-related course and could not secure admission to a university, the course he or she is likely to give in to, in a polytechnic, is the Agricultural & Bio-Environmental Engineering/Tech.

The competition here is not that tense. Yet, because there is no other Agric course in polytechnics, this is the only go-to for those seeking offers for agriculture-related courses. Hence, it's getting more competitive year after year.

As an agricultural and bio-environmental engineering student, you will learn about topics such as crop and animal production, soil and water conservation, renewable energy, precision agriculture, and sustainable agriculture practices. You will also gain hands-on experience working with advanced technologies, such as drones, GPS, and sensors, to collect and analyze data that can help farmers make informed decisions.


Polytechnics are blessed with several courses, including science. However, the science courses are limited as more are in the environmental and engineering fields. These courses, especially, the health-related ones are so competitive here in Nigeria.

Even with this tense competition, these are still the best courses you can go for in polytechnics if you care for a promising career.

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