There are important things to note on any of the above occasions. You should be certain if the university has the proposed course, of the UTME subjects required for it, the SSCE subjects that are compulsory for the course, and in the case of the DE applicants, the base course and grade required.
In this post, you will have access to the official JAMB brochure for the Benue State University, Makurdi, Benue State which will give you up-to-date information regards the above.
Important Guidelines to Study the Brochure
- For better understanding, below, you will see the names of the courses. And below each course, you will see the Direct Entry requirement numbered 1, SSCE i.e WAEC, NECO, GCE or NABTEB subjects requirements numbered 2 with UTME subjects numbered 3.
- Where the DE requirement states "A'level". This includes Advanced programmes qualifications such as JUPEB, IJMB, Cambridge, etc. Just be sure you know the one being accepted by the university
- Only three UTME subjects will be included in each course. This is because English is general to all courses. Hence, it's not repeated to save spaces
List of Courses Offered at Benue State University, Makurdi, their DE, UTME, and SSCE Requirements
1. Accountancy/Accounting
- Two (2) ‘A’ Level passes chosen from Economics, Accounting, Business Management, Government and Geography.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any other two (2) other subjects. For NBC holders, the other two (2) relevant subjects could be from any of Principles of Accounts, Commerce, Office Practice and Secretarial Duties.?
- Mathematics, Economics plus any Social Science subject.
2. Anatomy
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes chosen from Biology, Chemistry and Physics in addition to the UTME requirements.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
- Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
3. Biochemistry
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes chosen from Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Biology. (ii. NCE/ND/HND in related programmes plus the UTME requirements.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Biology.
- Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Mathematics.
4. Biological Science(s)
- (i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes to include one (1) of Botany, Zoology, Biology or Chemistry. (ii ND/NCE in related programme/subject.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and any other Science subject.
- Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Mathematics.
5. Biology
- i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes from Chemistry, Biology, Botany/Zoology. (ii) NCE merit accepted.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics/Physics.
- Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Mathematics.
6. Business Education
- (i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes or NCE merit in two (2) relevant subjects. (ii) NCE merit in Business Education Double Major.
- Five (5) TC II merit, 'O' Level or NTC/NBC credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Economics and two (2) other subjects in the Social Sciences or Arts. For NBC, the other subjects could be from any of the following: Commerce, Office Practice, Principles of Accounts, Secretarial Duties, Typewriting and Shorthand.
- Mathematics, Economics plus one (1) of Literature in English, History, Government, Geography, Chemistry and Physics.
7. Business Management
- Two (2) ‘A’ Level passes chosen from Economics, Accounts, Business Management, Government, Geography or Statistics.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Economics, plus any two (2) of Accounting, Business Methods, Commerce, Government, Geography, and Statistics.
- Mathematics, Economics and one (1) other subject.
8. Chemistry
- i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Chemistry and any one (1) of Physics, Mathematics or Biology. (ii ND/NCE with good grades in relevant 'O' Level subjects.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
- Chemistry and two (2) of Physics, Biology and Mathematics.
9. Computer Science
- (i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in science subjects including Mathematics (ii) NCE merit in Mathematics and one (1) other Science or Social Science subject.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics plus two (2) other Science subjects.
- Mathematics, Physics and one (1) of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics and Geography.
10. Economics
- Two (2)'A' Level passes in Economics and any one of Mathematics, Statistics, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Accounting, Business Management, History and Government.
- Five (5)SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any two (2) of Arts or Social Science subjects.
- Economics, Mathematics and any of Government, History, Geography, Literature in English, French and Christian Religious Studies/Islamic Studies.
11. Education And Biology
- NCE/'A' Level passes in Biology and one (1) other Science subject.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and one (1) other subject.
- Biology and two (2) other subjects from Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
12. Education And Chemistry
- Two (2) ‘A’ Level/NCE passes including Chemistry and one (1) other Science subject.
- Five (5) SSC credits in Mathematics, Chemistry, English Language and two (2) of Physics, Biology and Agricultural Science.
- Chemistry and two (2) other subjects chosen from Physics, Biology and Mathematics.
13. Education And Computer Science
- Two (2) ‘A’ Level passes including Physics or Chemistry.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes or its equivalents including Mathematics, English Language and three (3) other Science subjects.
- Mathematics, Physics and one of Biology, Chemistry and Geography.
14. Education And English Language
- (i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in relevant teaching subjects including Literature in English. (ii NCE credit or merit in two(2)relevant subjects.
- Five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language and Literature in English plus three (3) other Arts or Social Science subjects.
- Literature in English and one (1) Art and any other subject.
15. Education And Integrated Science
- (i) NCE Integrated Science (ii) NCE Science Education (iii) 'A' Level passes in two (2)Science subjects
- Five (5) SSC credit passes including Biology, Chemistry, English Language and Mathematics
- Any three (3) of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Agricultural Science.
16. Education And Mathematics
- Two (2)'A' Level passes/NCE in Mathematics and one (1) Science subject.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics plus one (1) other Science subject.
- Mathematics and any two (2) of the following Science subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
17. Education And Physics
- (i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Physics and Mathematics. (ii) NCE credit/merit in relevant subjects.
- Five (5) 'O' Level credits passes to include English Language, Physics, Mathematics and two (2) other Science subjects or NTC/NBC.
- Physics, Mathematics or Chemistry plus one (1) other subjects.
18. Education And Religious Studies
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes/NCE merit in Religious Studies and one (1) other Arts subject.
- Five (5) 'O' Level credit passes or TC II merit in five (5) subjects including English Language, Religious Studies and three (3) other Arts subjects.
- Two (2) Arts subject including Religious studies and one (1) other subject.
19. Education And Social Studies
- (i) NCE Social Studies from recognized Colleges. (ii) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in relevant subjects.
- Five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language plus two (2) Arts /Social Science subjects.
- Any three (3) of Christian Religious Studies, Economics, Geography/Physics, Government, History and Islamic Studies.
20. Educational Management
- Same as in Educational Psychology, Guidance and Counseling.
- Same as in Educational Psychology, Guidance and Counseling.
- Economics, Mathematics and one (1) other Social Science/Arts subject.
21. Educational Technology
- (i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Physics and Mathematics. (ii) ND lower credit in Civil Engineering, Production/Electrical Engineering. (iii) Final City and Guilds or its equivalent plus National Technical Certificate. (iv) NCE credit in Technical Education plus 'O' Level credit passes in Physics or Mathematics.
- Five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include Physics or Mathematics.
- Mathematics, Physics and one (1) other Science subject.
22. Educational Technology/Introductory Technology
- (i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Physics and Mathematics. (ii) ND lower credit in Civil Engineering, Production/Electrical Engineering. (iii) Final City and Guilds or its equivalent plus National Technical Certificate. (iv) NCE credit in Technical Education plus 'O' Level credit passes in Physics or Mathematics
- Five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include Physics or Mathematics.
- Mathematics, Physics and one (1) other Science subject.
23. English Language
- Two (2) ‘A’ Level passes to include Literature in English and one other Arts subject.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include Literature in English, English Language and three other Arts or Social Science subjects.
- Literature in English, one other Arts subject and another Arts or Social Science subject.
24. Environmental Management And Toxicology
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Chemistry and any one (1) from Biology, Zoology or Botany.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
- Biology, Chemistry and either Physics or Mathematics.
25. Finance
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes chosen from Accounting, Economics, Management, Mathematics, Geography and Statistics.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include: English Language, Mathematics and any other subjects. For NBC, the other two (2) relevant subjects could be from any of the following; Accounting, Principles of Accounts, Commerce, Office Practice and Economics.
- Mathematics, Economics, plus any one (1) of Government and Geography.
26. French
- Two (2) ‘A’ Level passes including French and one other Arts subject.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes including French and English Language plus one other Arts subject.
- French and any other two (2) subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.
27. Geography
- Two (2)'A' Level passes in Geography and any one of Economics., Government, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Geography, and any three (3) from Arts or Social Science subjects with at least a pass in Mathematics.
- Geography and two (2) other Arts or Social Science subjects
28. Guidance And Counselling
- 'A' Level passes or NCE in two (2) subjects plus the UTME requirements.
- Five (5) 'O' Level NTC/NBC credit passes or TC II merit including English Language with 'O' Level pass in Mathematics.
- Any three (3) subjects.
29. History
- 'A' Level passes or NCE in two (2) subjects plus the UTME requirements.
- Five (5) 'O' Level NTC/NBC credit passes or TC II merit including English Language with 'O' Level pass in Mathematics.
- Any three (3) subjects.
30. Home Economics And Education
- (i) NCE merit in Home Economics (ii) 'A' Level passes in two (2) of Chemistry or any Biology, Botany and Agricultural Science. (iii) ND/HND credit in Home Economics or Food Science or Hotel and Catering Management or any other related programme
- Five (5) 'O' Level NTC/NBC credit passes or TC II merit including English Language, Mathematics, Home Economics, Biology and Chemistry.
- Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and one (1) other subject.
31. Human Physiology
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes chosen from Chemistry, Physics and Biology/Zoology.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
- Physics, Chemistry and Biology
32. Industrial Chemistry
- (i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Chemistry and Mathematics (ii) ND in Science Technology or ND in relevant programmes with the UTME requirements.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology/Agricultural Science.
- Chemistry, Mathematics and any of Physics/Biology/ Agricultural Science.
33. Law
- (i) Two (2)'A' Level passes in Arts or Social Science subjects. (ii) NCE/ND/First Degree (Second Class Lower).
- Five (5)'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Literature in English and Mathematics.
- Any three (3) Arts or Social Science subjects.
34. Library And Information Science
- (i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in relevant subject plus the UTME requirements. (ii) NCE merit in relevant subjects.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and three (3) other relevant Arts/Sciences/Social Sciences subjects.
- Any three (3) subjects.
35. Linguistics
- Two (2) ‘A’ Level passes or NCE to include any Language, preferably an African Language.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes including English Language.
- Any Language and two (2) other subjects.
36. Marketing
- Two (2) ‘A’ Level passes chosen from Accounting, Management, Government and Geography.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes including English Language, Mathematics and any three (3) relevant subjects.
- Mathematics, Economics plus one (1) other subject.
37. Mass Communication
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Arts or Social Science subjects.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language and four (4) other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.
- Any three (3) from Arts or Social Science subjects.
38. Mathematics
- i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Mathematics and any other science subject (ii) NCE merit in Mathematics and one (1) of Physics, Chemistry or Economics
- Five (5) SSC credit passes including English Language, Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry.
- Mathematics and any two (2) of Physics, Chemistry and Economics or Geography.
39. Medicine And Surgery
- (i) 'A' Level passes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Zoology in addition to the UTME requirements. (ii) BSC, BOS, etc in relevant programme.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
- Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
40. Microbiology
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Chemistry and any one (1) from Biology, Zoology or Botany.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
- Biology, Chemistry and either Physics or Mathematics.
41. Nursing/Nursing Science
- (i) 'A' Level passes in any two (2) of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics (ii) ND Upper Credit in Prosthesis and Orthopaedic Technology. (iii) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Biology/ Zoology, Chemistry and Physics plus three (3) other 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics, Physics and English Language. (iv) NRN or its approved equivalent plus five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language and four (4) Science subjects chosen from Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Human Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene, Health Science, Further Mathematics and General Science.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes including English Language, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology.
- Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
42. Philosophy
- Any two (2) ‘A’ Level passes.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language and four (4) other relevant subjects.
- Any three (3) subjects.
43. Physical And Health Education
- (i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in any of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. (ii) NCE merit in Physical Education and credit in Arithmetical process or Mathematics. (iii) Diploma in Health Education, Environmental Sanitation, Physical Education, Social work, Health Administration with overall grades of merit plus three (3) 'O' Level credit passes/TC II merit which should include English Language (iv) NCE in Biology, Health Education, and Integrated Science with a pass grade plus two (2) 'O' Level credit passes/TC II merit passes. (v) Registered Nurse plus five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language.
- i) Five (5) SSC credit passes/TC II merit passes including English Language, Biology or its equivalent. ii) Five (5) SSC credit passes/TC II merit passes to include English Language and Mathematics.
- Biology and any two (2) relevant subjects.
44. Physics
- NCE/Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Physics and Mathematics or Chemistry.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and any other Science subject from Further Mathematics and Biology or Agricultural Science.
- Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
45. Plant Science And Biotechnology
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Biology/Botany/Zoology and Chemistry or Physics.
- Five (5) SSC Credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
- Biology, Chemistry and any other Science subject.
46. Political Science
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes including Government or History.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in Government or History, English Language and three (3) other subjects. A pass in Mathematics is required.
- Government or History plus two (2) other Social Science/Arts subjects.
47. Pre-Primary And Primary Education
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes chosen from relevant subjects.
- Five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including English Language.
- Any three (3) subjects.
48. Psychology
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes including Government or History.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in Government or History, English Language and three (3) other subjects. A pass in Mathematics is required.
- Any three (3) subjects from Arts or Social Science
49. Public Administration
- Two (2) ‘A’ Level passes chosen from Economics, Accounting, Business Management, Government, Geography and Statistics.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language, Economics and Government. For NBC holders, the other relevant subjects could be from any of the following: Accounting, Principles of Accounts, Commerce, Office Practice and Secretarial Duties.
- Government, Economics and any other subject. '
50. Radiography And Radiation Science
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes chosen from Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
- Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
51. Religious And Cultural Studies
- Two (2) ‘A’ Level subjects to include Religious Studies (CRS/IRS).
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language and CRS/IRS
- CRS/IRS and any other two (2) subjects
52. Religious Studies
- Two (2) ‘A’ Level subjects to include Religious Studies (CRS/IRS).
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language and CRS/IRS.
- CRS/IRS and any other two (2) subjects.
53. Sociology
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes including Government or History.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in Government or History, English Language and three (3) other subjects. A pass in Mathematics is required.
- Three (3) Social Science or Arts subjects.
54. Statistics
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes to include Mathematics or Statistics. (ii. NCE credit in relevant subjects.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics and at least three (3) subjects from Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Economics and Geography.
- Mathematics and any two (2) of Physics, Chemistry and Economics.
55. Taxation
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes chosen from Accounting, Economics, Management, Mathematics, Geography and Statistics.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include: English Language, Mathematics and any other subjects. For NBC, the other two (2) relevant subjects could be from any of the following; Accounting, Principles of Accounts, Commerce, Office Practice and Economics.
- Mathematics, Economics, plus any one (1) of Government and Geography.
56. Teacher Education Science
- (i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in relevant teaching subjects including Literature in English. (ii) NCE credit or merit in two(2)relevant subjects.
- Five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language and Literature in English plus three (3) other Arts or Social Science subjects.
- Literature in English and one (1) Art and any other subject.
57. Theatre Arts
- Two (2) ‘A’ Level passes in Arts, Social Sciences or Science subjects.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language and Arts subjects.
- Literature in English and two (2) other relevant subjects.
58. Urban And Regional Planning
- (i) Two (2) A’ LEVEL passes in Geography and Mathematics (ii. ND/HND upper credit in Town Planning or related programmes plus UTME requirements are accepted
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Geography, and any two (2) of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Government, Biology, Art, History, IRK/CRK, Social Studies and Tech Drawing.
- Mathematics, Geography and one of Economics, Physics, Chemistry.
59. Vocational And Technical Education
- (i) NCE merit in Technical Education. (ii) ND in Mechanical/Electrical or Electronics Engineering.
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in NTC, City and Guilds Part I or WAEC Technical and Federal Craft Training Certificate including English Language, Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Physics, subject of specialization.
- Subjects of specialization and Mathematics or Physics.
60. Zoology
- Two (2) 'A' Level passes or NCE in Biology, Zoology or Botany and one other Science subject
- Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Biology and two (2) other Science subject.
- Biology and any two (2) of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
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