Can I Obtain HND and Direct Entry Form Together? -

Can I Obtain HND and Direct Entry Form Together?

Let's talk about processing the Higher National Diploma (HND) admission together with the JAMB Direct Entry admission. Is it possible to obtain two or more HND forms at the same time? Can candidates obtain an HND form and DE form the same year?

This is the focus of this post. It'll answer the following questions:

  1. Can I obtain two HND forms together in the same year?
  2. Can I obtain the Direct Entry form and HND form together in the same year?

But before we dive into this, let's get a few things out of the way.

Understand the Differences Between HND or Direct Entry Form

  1. Any candidate seeking HND admission must be a holder of the National Diploma (or Ordinary National Diploma). This means he must have completed a 2-year programme leading to the award. So also, a candidate seeking Direct Entry admissions must equally have completed the same (OND/ND).
  2. In addition, a candidate with NCE, JUPEB, IJMB, Cambridge, or NABTEB Advanced can also seek admission through Direct Entry which is not usual for HND.
  3. HND admission is given by a polytechnic as the second part of a polytechnic education after ND.  After being offered admission, a candidate is expected to spend 2 years (or 3 years part-time) to complete his/her studies before being awarded the HND.
  4. Whereas, Direct Entry admission is given by a university into 200 or 300 level of a candidate's proposed course. After being offered admission, a candidate is expected to spend another 2, 3, or 4 years (depending on the course) in the university to complete his/her studies.

Obtaining Both the HND and Direct Entry forms Together is Possible

Candidates are allowed to obtain both HND and DE forms at the same time and in the same year. Since the two proposed programmes are not run by the same institution, there is no need to worry about the clashing of admission. Hence, you can obtain your HND form and process it with JAMB DE admission.

A few things may need to be clarified, however.

A candidate may seek DE admission to Ekiti State University while chasing admission into Osun State Polytechnic HND programmes. There is probably no way the two chases will clash or have any effect on the other. 

For the EKSU 200 level admission, you'll only obtain DE form and register for the university's post-DE application after. The institution will collect your details from JAMB and match that with what you fill for the post-DE. It's based on your entries and qualifications that, they will offer you admission.

For the OSPOLY HND admission, the polytechnic doesn't collect any information of yours from JAMB. They don't require you to register with JAMB in the first place. They only require you to obtain their HND form, right on the polytechnic's portal. Then, you could be called for a test and/or interview/screening. You'll be offered admission based on your ND result and performance in the test/screening.

RecommendedAfter Obtaining DE Form, What Next?

You Can Obtain Two HND Forms Together the Same Year

Similar to the case of HND and DE forms together is processing two HND forms at the same time. Of course, this is possible and acceptable widely in Nigeria. Candidates are allowed to process admissions into the Higher National Diploma of not only two polytechnics but more, if necessary.

For instance, let's say you had already applied for the Federal Polytechnic Bida HND admission and but for a backup reason, you still want to try the Federal Polytechnic Ilaro admission, you are allowed. In this case, the two institutions can even offer you admissions. You're to make your choice between the two. And if possible, you can run the two programmes together (especially if different courses) and you deem it fit for your future careers and chases. Read: Is it Possible to Run Two Degree/PGD Courses Together?

Processing two or more HND admissions into polytechnics is legitimate and being offered admission by all the polytechnics is not illegal as well. Hence, candidates should have no concerns to try this.

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