Problems Paying on JAMB Portal, Change of Data, Result and Letter? Solutions -

Problems Paying on JAMB Portal, Change of Data, Result and Letter? Solutions

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Did you just pay for the JAMB form or any other JAMB activities that involve payment but you’re not given value for the money you paid? You’re not the only one in this state. Most candidates have sent me a series of questions. Let’s look at some cases:

  1. I paid for the JAMB form online but I was not given the PIN for my registration.
  2. I paid for my change of institution charge of N2500 at a bank. However, when I returned to the JAMB profile, the payment was not reflected. What can I do with that?
  3. I made payment for my admission letter of N1000 online but it did not show that I have made the payment. What should I do to print my JAMB admission letter?
  4. I paid for JAMB regularization at a bank. When I log in to my profile, it is still asking me to make a new payment.
  5. I paid for my JAMB original result online. My bank account was debited but it did not show that I made the payment in my profile.

Recommended: Is Printing of JAMB Original Result Compulsory for All Admission Seekers? See Answer.

This is a challenge many candidates are facing while making payments for JAMB stuff online or at banks.

But if you look at the situations above, you will notice the problem is generally the same and it is about the payments not REFLECTING BEING MADE.

Note that for any of the problems above, you follow the same approach. This guide will help you with payments for the following:

  1. JAMB UTME form payment
  2. Original JAMB Result
  3. JAMB Admission letter
  4. Change of Institutions/Courses
  5. JAMB Regularization or Late Admission Regularization

Recommended: How Long Does JAMB Change of Institution/Course to Reflect?

How to Make JAMB Payment Reflect After Payment at Bank or Online

If you’ve made the payment online i.e. using your ATM card, be sure first that your bank account has been debited before expecting any reflection.

If you make the payment at a bank, be sure that the attendant confirms that he or she has successfully made the payment. Where available, request for payment receipt or print-out (Remita). See How To Make Remita Payment at Bank and Online: Quick Guide.

With that said, follow the guide below to reflect your payment so as to print your original result, and admission letter, or continue with the change of institution/course or regularization.

RecommendedHow Much is Printing of JAMB Result?

The screenshot shows the payment status and how to revalidate.

Step By Step Guide

  1. Log in to your JAMB profile. You will need to access this with your profile email and its password
  2. When you’re on your dashboard, locate “My payment” at the bottom right.
  3. On the resulting page, locate the payment narration that corresponds with the RRR you paid with.
  4. Click on the “Get Status” after the RRR
  5. By now, your payment should be successful and reflected.
  6. After this, check if you can now continue with your activity – be it JAMB form, change of institution or course, JAMB regularization, admission letter, or result.

If the above doesn’t work, it could just be temporary portal issues with the body. Give it some hours, return to the portal, and retry.

Recommended: Can JAMB Give Admission from Two or More Schools to a Candidate Through CAPS?

Payment for the JAMB form Through Interswitch

Apart from the payment for the JAMB form (which can be made through Interswitch and Remita), all other payments are strictly through Remita.

When you use a Verve Card for JAMB form payment, you're more likely to buy your PIN through Interswitch.

If a value is not given after paying for the JAMB form through Interswitch, locate the option “Requery” to reprocess the payment. This should revalidate your payment and give you the PIN or value for the payment.

If the Requery option is not available, please wait a while – until it’s made available.

Recommended: Post UTME Form Already Out! Hope Not Too Late to Change My Schools or Courses?


  1. Pls have paid for 2019 change of institution/course with Remita and is bringing Approved but not used in my payment platform,and can't still change to my preferred institution and course. Please help me out

    1. Same issue but 2022 candidate please boss reply 🥺🥺🥺🥺

    2. Same thing am facing right now, pls enlight me on wat to do, tomorrow is d deadline

  2. I pay modify app data but I can't be able to make the corrections

    1. You can do correction of data by yourself. After the payment, go to CBT centre or JAMB office.

    2. Its d same issue here i had paid already but unable to change

  3. Pls we that wrote mpcjamb what is our faith on applying De because the regularization is not going for now

    1. You can register UTME first and later convert that to DE if you can't wait

  4. I have paid for my change of course but I haven't received my otp code

  5. I paid for jamb original result slip d payment showed pending initiated, but now I was just debited twice so what do I do now

  6. My payment is still showing pending for more than a week now and uniben has given me a two weeks deadline or they revoke my admission. What should I do pls sir

    1. If it's pending, click the corresponding link to check the status. If it's still the same, it means the payment was not successful. Hence, make another payment.

  7. I made payment for admission letter, and i have been debited but it is not reflecting that my payment was successful, it's been two days now, and i really need it cleared now. Thanks for your anticipated help.

    1. If it's pending, click the corresponding link to check the status. If it's still the same, it means the payment was not successful. Hence, make another payment. If already debited, complain to your bank.

  8. I mistakenly tapped "reset for new payment" ..I paid for jamb reg number...will it affect me anyway?

  9. Please i did my regularization and I've been notified. My jamb admission letter have been changed but when I tried printing out original jamb result, nothing was changed why?

    1. What exactly do you want to change?

    2. I have the same issue.. please did you resolve it?

  10. Pls am seeing payment initiated instead of approved in my change of insurance, what could be the issue.

    1. Nothing is wrong with that if the payment was later successful and you're bale to complete your registration.

    2. Chinyere Esther17 April 2023 at 23:12

      Pls sir I did change of institution in 2019 it says pending till date I payed again and it’s showing successful but not used,now am a graduate about entering HND in another school and I was asked to provide jamb admission letter I login to jamb just to find out now it’s not showing admission status. Was bringing up admission from the school I wrote on my jamb form and I did change of institution

  11. I paid for admission letter three times and two was approved, which I only want to make use of one

    1. Sorry about the situation. You ought to have followed the guide in this post to avoid paying several times for the same item.

    2. how do i change course? im trying to click on change of institution but its not opening for me to make payment. what should ?

  12. Please, the payment for changing of institution did not go and am not seeing it under payment. I tried again but the portal is saying that "correction can only be done with few times with separate payment". Please what is the solution.

    1. Don't bother to make payment yourself. Go to JAMB office or CBT centre for any correction. They will pay for you there.

    2. Fgs I paid already for change of course and I’ve been debited still can’t get the value though

  13. Please I need help 😭
    I went to the bank to pay for uniziks post UTME registration n after I took the remitta to the bank,the payment was successful ,I even have the evidence of payment (receipt)
    Since Wednesday I payed for the registration ,it have not yet reflected 😭
    It's four days now and it have not still reflected.
    Please what can I do?

  14. I paid for utme to d.e conversion and change of institution since last month but is still pending I don't know what to do

    1. Go back to where you paid money. They will guide you.

  15. Please is it only at jamb accredited centres one can do correction of data(change of institution/course of choice)? because I have been trying it by myself on jamb portal since Sunday last week using my PC but to no avail - it doesn't even allow me proceed to the part I'd be asked to make payment or something. It just keeps taking me back to my dashboard home once I click on 'change of institution/course correction'. Please can anyone assist? Is it a general problem or there is something I'm not getting right?

    1. Just got to the nearest CBT centre and leave the rest to them.

    2. Okay. So it's only CBT centres that are permitted to do it? At this modern age? Interesting!!! Why go ahead and have a portal and keep deceiving Nigerians? Let them just go back in time when it used to be manual na. The CBT centres overly charging people for their services - extortions/broad day light robbery of the masses just keeps soaring higher and higher in this country. Too bad.

  16. I did correction of data (change of state) but it hasn't reflect on my jamb profile

    1. You don't have profile this year. Go and register for post UTME/screening.

  17. Pls I have been trying to use the jamb platform to pay for change of institution but Wen I login to site it opens but the problem is Wen I take the procedures it doesn't take me to where I can make payment or to generate remita to pay. What exactly can I do to generate the remita so dart I can go ahead and pay.

    1. Don't bother to pay by yourself. Go to CBT center for the change of institutions and let them handle everything.

  18. I registered for change admission letter to regularize the course I'm doing in my HND, using the profile I created for DE then to process admission but I was not given admission, but since DE did not give me admission I proceed to KWARA poly for my HND, unfortunately I was congratulated on 6th of this month for the regulation I did for my HND and have been trying to check my admission status using my registration number (65084388HG) but I was unable to access it bcos d initial DE registration number already been fixed on it I'm unable to edit

    1. Do you need JAMB registration number to check HND admission at all? I think yo only need you HND registration to do that.

  19. I paid for jamb result slip but it's not yet open

    1. if the payment was truly successful, use the guide in the post above to resolve the problem.

  20. Sir I did Data correction at jamb state office but was told to come back later for the slip people told me it will be the indemnity form.please sir can this form be printed at a cbt center or cyber cafe because going back to jamb state office is very far

    1. The best advice is for you to go back. But if you can't and you want to print indemnity form, below is the procedures to to do that.

  21. I did Jamb regularization in 2017. I also print my admission letter after then but didn't pay for Original result printout. Today I decided to print my Jamb result after payment but it keeps telling me JAMB don't have my data.

    I am confused. Help me..

    1. Log in to the profile used for your JAMB regularization. You should be able to print the result there.

  22. Pls I have made payments for admission letter printing, on my payment dashboard Its showing me that the payment is successful but not used, how do I utilize it to print the admission

    1. Read the post below.

    2. Please sir, I paid for admission and results and have printed it but it keep saying "not used" and it the cause my name are not on the matriculation list , what can I do to make it used

  23. Good day sir please I mistakenly made a payment for admission letter twice now one is showing payed used while the second one is showing payed not use ,how can I used the unused to print jamb result

  24. Good afternoon
    I want to pay for my admission letter through card payment but I used a different account details to pay for my original jamb results but now when I try to pay for the admission letter the OTP sent to me keep saying error because the previous account I registered with it has been saved
    What do I do to make my new account to pay for my admission letter

    1. Use the service of a competent café to do this if you're confused.

  25. I have been trying to pay for eksu post utme but the payment is not going through what may be the cause

    1. You may be having temporary delay with remita. But I'm not sure of that. My best advice is that you should let a trusted café handle the things for you.

  26. I paid for change of course through remita it's showing payment initiated in the email that was sent to me and I have also been debited but it's not reflecting on my profile

  27. Sir, I went to Cafe to print my Jamb admission letter and The next things I received on My Email is Transaction pending. But on my Jamb profile is Showing pending Get Status.
    And the Jamb portal is going back again anytime I try to Click on the Make Payment

    1. If you've already printed your JAMB admission letter, you don't have to worry about pending transaction message.

  28. I did date of birth correction which is now reflecting on my profile but when I reprint my original result it didn't change on it. What is my faith.

  29. I paid for changing of name in jamb office, my payment was successful. They haven't change my name. They said paid

    1. It takes some weeks before they approve a change of names. You have to wait for an email message from JAMB that will inform you if approved or rejected.

    2. Sorry to interrupt sir but I did name correction last year before writing postutme but I later lost the admission. I went to register jamb this year is still showing the old name when dey try to effect another change it said an account as been created I observed that the payment was showing pending what should I do cos the cbt is requesting for new ssce with the old name

  30. I made payment for my original jamb result and is wrote, Paid (Not Used) on the My payment page please what does it mean

    1. It means you're yet to print the result

    2. We have the same issue please have you got the solution

  31. I have paid on the changing of local government in my portal but is still not change there, what will I do sir

    1. You should go to JAMB office to correct local government. Read the post below.

  32. I have paid for 2022 jamb original results and I was debited once but i have not seen the results, I have use the post above but still is not working what could be the problem?

    1. Use the service of a café if you don't know how to go about it.

  33. Pls, sir
    After my min was successfully corrected at the nimc center, so I went to correct it on jamb centre

    This what I'm receiving from them, what does it mean 🙏🏿🙏🏿(We are sorry to inform you that your application for state/lga of origin correction on 2022-Aug-02 12:44:22 has been rejected, because it is contrary to your state/lga of origin correction data collected elsewhere.)

    1. It means the correction was not approved. Sorry

  34. Can I use another number to pay for my jamb result slip(like another bank that is not mine)

  35. I paid for change of institution ,they debited me but the payment is still showing pending

  36. Then, follow the guide in the post above.

  37. After i went to nimc office to check if my nin state of origin has been changed and yet it has been changed but i don't know why I'm being rejected when my payment is being used and i have done the correction on nimc over 4 to 5 months ago, and they keep telling me that my state of origin is contrary to collection of data of state of origin collected somewhere else.

    I contact them through ticket supportand they said the status remains the same and again they told me I should make another payment but it either it's being corrected or not

    I'm not the only one that has this mistake a friend in another state has this mistake why the one i met on whatsapp was successful and it doesn't reach three months but it own was local govt area.

    Sir, pls, help I'm panic.

    1. Only those official can help you. If they can't help, go to court and get affidavit to be backing up the error

  38. Pls sir my payment for correction of date of birth still pending since yesterday, what dose it mean?

    1. It means the payment was not yet successful. Follow the the guide in the post above.

    2. Please sir, I paid for admission and results and have printed it but it keep saying "not used" and it the cause my name are not on the matriculation list , what can I do to make it used

  39. I've paid into jamb portal for result printing and they've deducted the money. But it is still saying pending since three days ago

  40. Pls sir I changed my course and institution at a cbt centre it’s been over 3weeks now it hasn’t reflected and I can’t buy the school form...wat should I do

  41. Sir I paid for jamb admission letter and the original result and it showed me paid but not used in payment section

  42. I checked my name on matriculation list and it was not there, so i resorted to printing the Admission letter, which was said to be the cause because i earlier did condonement of admission. Still I've not been updated to be on the list. I have printed my result slip since 2018 and i use same Profile all along, what can I do please

  43. I mistakenly clicked on reset for payment

  44. I paid for admission letter but its saying paid (not used).please I need help

  45. I paid for admission letter but its saying paid (not used).please I need helpReply

    Almost everyone have this issues

  46. I followed the steps listed above still it shows pending even creating avenue for another payment but i was debited what can I do

  47. Pls sir how do I change my jamb email address I want to change it

    1. Same issues am having here please help 😭

  48. 😢😢😢😢😥😥😢😢😥Good afternoon sir, I did change of institution from unilag to Oou but unilag has given me admission (I have accepted it) but when I want to print letter, it keeps saying "the course you were offered admission for is not the same as your firstchoice " but change of institution is not working ...and unilag has given me only 2 weeks to change or else admission may be revoked

  49. Please i have made admission letter payment since on the 21st of this month but still pending what do i do

    1. Pls the same goes to me. Pls reply us
      Thank you very much.

  50. Pls sir, my brother wrote his jamb on Tuesday 25 April. He checked his result using the SMS method and it displayed his scores. I linked his email and profile, made payment successfully but its still showing paid(not-used) and I can't print out his main result. Sir pls kindly help out

  51. Pls I want to print my jamb original Result but it's showing service already used and I tried following due process but I seem not to understand

  52. sir pls i did change of institution and course some days back it wrote paid and used buh i mistakenly pressed reset for new payment.
    pls sir will it reset to the former institution n course i took

  53. please help. i paid for admission letter and it's showing "paid(not used) success and i don't understand

  54. I paid to print out my jamb result slip on the jamb portal it keeps saying paid not used what could be the problem?

  55. Boss I made payment of change of institution just now but it's showing paid(not-used), how will I use it abeg 3 days deadline

  56. I paid for change of course, and the payment appears on my jamb portal , and they are still telling me to make another payment before d proccessingg

  57. Hello sir, pls I made a successful payment to print out my original jamb admission later buh the system got hooked and won’t go to the next page, and the payment has been reading pending. And “get status” show me the pending payment and this statement at the end of the page “Please print for your records
    Please click Continue to complete your Registration” and an icon that says “pint” for that particular page and one that says “pay now”

  58. Hello, please I can't find remita as part of my payment options,what do I do?


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