Do Schools of Nursing Do Matriculation and Graduation? -

Do Schools of Nursing Do Matriculation and Graduation?

I was fortunate to marry the woman I dated while she was seeking admission to nursing schools, and from my experience, nursing schools conduct matriculation ceremonies, often referred to as "capping and pinning" ceremonies, to formally induct students into the profession, similar to other educational institutions but with distinctive traditions and attire.

I was lucky to have, as my wife, today, the lady I dated while she was seeking admission to schools of Nursing.

So, if you want an answer to, do schools of Nursing matriculate their students?, you're asking the right person.

In this post, I will be answering your question and give you more insight into schools of Nursing and the possibility of doing matriculation if you're ever admitted into one.

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Schools and Colleges of Nursing Conduct Matriculations

Generally, schools and colleges of nursing - be the federal-owned, state-owned, or private-owned, will conduct matriculation ceremonies for their intakes just like any other institutions - universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education.

The matriculation ceremonies, just as the convocation/graduation occasions, seem to be a statutory norm for any higher institution of learning.

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Matriculation for other institutions

However, for the schools and colleges of Nursing, the event is usually called "caping and strapping ceremonies" or "capping and pinning ceremonies", instead.

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In Nigeria, like many other African countries, the ceremony that welcomes nursing students to the course is usually referred to as capping. In the western world, it is usually called capping and pinning.

And in fact, in the schools of nursing, both the matriculation and graduation ceremonies are loosely called capping.

In summary, if you're admitted to a school or college of nursing, at the beginning or at the end of your three-year course, if Basic Nursing or Midwifery, you should expect capping. And those who will be admitted for ND/HND nursing should expect the same.

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A Brief Narrative of How School of Nursing Capping and Pinning Ceremonies are Conducted

Apart from my wife's day, I've witnessed a few other capping occasions. Instead of the celebrants to be in matriculation and graduation gowns, like the ones you wear for universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education, they're all in white (their uniforms) - sitting and facing the visitors. 

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Schools of Nursing Capping/Pinning Ceremony

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The tutors and lecturers will be right behind them to place caps on their heads while, sometimes, individual students, will carry candles in their hands.

After the oath-taking and lectures, students are left free to join their families and friends for the celebration, entertainment, and photo shooting.

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