Schools Accepting Civic in Place of Government, Other Subjects -

Schools Accepting Civic in Place of Government, Other Subjects

This is a question you may ask if you don't have Government but Civil Education in your WAEC, NECO or GCE. With certain courses, you'll need Government but with D7, E8 or F9 in this art subject, you may be left with the decision to change your proposed course or forget the admission.

Can you use Civic Education in place of Government for any course? With A1, B2, B3, C4, C5, or C6 in Civic Education, can any school waive Government for you? Should you proceed with your admission chase if you fail the Government? What course can accept Civic Education in lieu of Government?

In fact, there is a lot to know about these questions. This is why you have to read this post to the very end in order to make the right decision.

The Compulsion of Civic Education in WAEC and NECO

Of course, WAEC and other exams bodies had made Civic Education a compulsory subject for secondary school leavers. This could be because both the Federal and State governments had instructed that. 

Civic Education is a core subject
Looking at Government and Civic, you will notice some overlapping of topics. Hence, I call this duplication of subjects for students. Luckily, because of the relationships between the two, some institutions will accept one in place of the other. This is like the case of Economics and Commerce. While very many institutions see these two subjects as only one, it's still not advisable to write them both in UTME.

Similarly, many schools won't accept both Civic and Government together - instead, one of or the two will be counted as one.

This post will show you where it's possible to use Civic for Government and vice versa and where it's may not be possible to replace Government with it.

No Civic Education in UTME Subjects

Some students are thinking of writing Civil Education in UTME instead of the Government for their proposed courses.  Do you get that? 

Of course, Civic seems easier to pass than the Government. As a result, they want to sit for Civic in the place of Government.

Unfortunately, this is not possible. JAMB doesn't include Civic in the list of its subjects for admission seekers. Instead, you have Government, History, and the like. No Civic Education in UTME - at least not yet.

It's Either Government or Civic Education

Even where some schools allow you to use Civic, they may not recognize it together with the Government. In other words, if you have both Government and Civic in O'level, they won't count this as two subjects. Instead, they will see it as one. 

However, some see them as different subjects. In other words, each of them counts as one.

But to be on the safer side, I will advise you to see it as one. That is, either Government or Civic, not Government and Civic.

Acceptance of Civic Education Can be for Art and Commercial Courses Only

Just as Government is relevant to Art and Commercial courses, so also is Civil Education. This means you can only use Civic for any of the relevant courses. The subject is only relevant to some art and social science courses.

Where schools will accept this subject, they will, of course, make it clear in the JAMB brochure or on the school portal. However, some schools may not open up on it. 

This takes us to the next point 

Silence on Acceptance of Civic Education

If a school doesn't state whether it will accept Civic or not, or in place of Government, it doesn't mean it won't consider it if used for its admission.

Be sure you check the brochure first and if that institution is silent about accepting Civic, it means it's accepting it.

Yes, Civic Education is now a matriculated SSCE subject. Hence, if a candidate has it in place of another relevant SSCE subject to the proposed course, schools are ordained to accept it except otherwise stated in the JAMB brochure.

Institutions That Opens on Acceptance of Civic Education

Below is the list of schools that declare they're accepting Civic Education for admissions. Note that, some take it as an individual subject while some accept it in place of Government. Meanwhile, the list below is just an extract from JAMB Brochure. 

  1. Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) A requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Accounting and any two (2) Arts and Social Science subjects from Commerce, Government, Civic Education, Accounting, Geography, History and Economics. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".
  2. American University of Nigeria (AUN) accepts five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, and any other three (3) subjects from the following: Economics, Geography, Government, History, Literature in English, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Visual Arts, Computer Studies, Information Technology, Civics, Environmental Science, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and French. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".

American University of Nigeria (AUN) requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, and any other three (3) subjects from the following: Economics, Geography, Government, History, Literature in English, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Visual Arts, Computer Studies, Information Technology, Civics, Environmental Science, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and French. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".

  1. Federal University, Kashere (FED-KASHERE) requires Five credit passes at SSCE( or its equivalent) in English, Mathematics, Economics and any other two from Commerce, Accounting, Office Practice, Marketing, ICT, Civic Education, Government, and Geography. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".
  2. American University of Nigeria (AUN) requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, and any other three (3) subjects from the following: Economics, Geography, Government, History, Literature in English, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Visual Arts, Computer Studies, Information Technology, Civics, Environmental Science, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and French. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".

Nile University of Nigeria (NILE) accepts Government/History/Civic Education and any two (2) Arts or Social Sciences subjects. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".

  1. American University of Nigeria (AUN) requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, and any other three (3) subjects from the following; Environmental Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Literature in English, Government, History, Economics, Geography, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Visual Arts, Computer Studies, Information Technology, Civics, and French. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".
  2. Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Economics, Geography or Government, and any from Civic Education/ History /Christian Religious Studies /Islamic Studies/Yoruba/ Literature/Chemistry/ Physics/ Biology/ Agricultural Science/Further Mathematics/ICT. "Here, it means Civic is acceptable but not in place of Government".
  3. Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) requires the two (2) 'O' Level credit passes in Arts and Social Science subjects from Accounts, Commerce, Government, Civic Education, Geography and History. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".
  4. Federal University Dutse (FED-DUTSE) requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any other two (2) subjects from Commerce, Geography, Government, Accounting or Civic Education. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".
  5. Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUED): Requirements for admission into the B.Sc and B.Sc (Ed) programmes of the Department of Economics of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education are in line with general NUC and JAMB regulations. Specifically, entry qualifications shall consist of five O'Level credit passes at one sitting or six O'Level credit passes at two sittings which include English Language, Mathematics, Economics, and any two of Commerce, Government or History or Civic Education, Geography, Marketing, Data processing, Bookkeeping and Accounting, Business Studies, Biology, Agricultural Science or any other science subject. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".

  1. Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Economics, Geography or Government and any from Civic Education/ History /Christian Religious Studies /Islamic Studies/Yoruba/ Literature/Chemistry/ Physics/ Biology/ Agricultural Science/Further Mathematics/ICT. "Here, it means Civic is acceptable but not in place of Government".
  2. American University of Nigeria (AUN) requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, and any other three (3) subjects from the following; Environmental Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Literature in English, Government, History, Economics, Geography, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Visual Arts, Computer Studies, Information Technology, Civics, and French. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".
  3. Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) requires the two (2) 'O' Level credit passes in Arts and Social Science subjects from Accounts, Commerce, Government, Civic Education, Geography and History. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".
  4. Federal University Dutse (FED-DUTSE) requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any other two (2) subjects from Commerce, Geography, Government, Accounting or Civic Education. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".
  5. Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUED): Requirements for admission into the B.Sc and B.Sc (Ed) programmes of the Department of Economics of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education are in line with general NUC and JAMB regulations. Specifically, entry qualifications shall consist of five O'Level credit passes at one sitting or six O'Level credit passes at two sittings which include English Language, Mathematics, Economics, and any two of Commerce, Government or History or Civic Education, Geography, Marketing, Data processing, Bookkeeping and Accounting, Business Studies, Biology, Agricultural Science or any other science subject.  "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".

  1. University of Lagos (UNILAG) requires 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any two (2) of Geography, History/Government, Literature in English, Financial Accounting and Civic Education/Social Studies. "Here, it means Civic is acceptable but not in place of Government".
  2. Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUED): Requirements for admission into the B.Sc and B.Sc (Ed) programmes of the Department of Economics of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education are in line with general NUC and JAMB regulations. Specifically, entry qualifications shall consist of five O'Level credit passes at one sitting or six O'Level credit passes at two sittings which include English Language, Mathematics, Economics, and any two of Commerce, Government or History or Civic Education, Geography, Marketing, Data processing, Bookkeeping and Accounting, Business Studies, Biology, Agricultural Science or any other science subject.  "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".

  1. Ekiti State University (EKSU) accepts; five (5) 'O' Level credit passes or equivalent to include English Language, Government, Mathematics and other subjects Social Science subjects such as Government, Economics, CRS/IRS, Civic Education, History. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".
  2. Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUED) requires English language, Mathematics, any 3 of the following: Government, Economics, Geography, Commerce, Civic Education, History, Literature in English, Christian Religious Studies, Islamic Studies, Business Studies, Marketing, Bookkeeping, Data processing, Agricultural Science, Music, Health Education, French, Animal husbandry and any of the Science subjects. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".

Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) requires candidates in proposed cognate subject areas (Economics, Political Science, Geography, and Accounting) five (5) 'O' Level credits to include English Language, Mathematics, Economics, Government, Geography, Civic Education and Accounting.  "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".

Federal University Dutse (FED-DUTSE) accepts five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, and any three (3) of the following subjects: Literature in English, Religious Studies, Nigerian Language, Arabic or French, History, Government or Economics or Civic Education at not more than two sittings of anyone of the following combinations: WAEC+WAEC, WAEC+NECO, NABTEB+WAEC, and NECO+NECO. "Here, it means you can opt-in with Civic instead of Government".


This post will be unnecessarily lengthy if I should cover all schools that had declared their acceptance of Civil Education for admissions. It's accurate to state that if you have Civic but no Government for a course that doesn't entirely rely on Government, you're good to go.

However, if you must check for other courses and universities, polytechnics, or colleges of education, check the official JAMB brochure.

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    1. No, you can't. Economics is central to Public Adminstration.

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  2. Can I write civic education in place of government for sociology

    1. Yes, you can. Some universities accept that for Sociology e.g EKSU, IAUED, FED-DUTSINMA, ABU, UNILAG, FED-WUKARI

  3. Replies
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    3. Yes if the course doesn't compulsory government. The post below will help you understand better.

  4. Pls I choose public administration in bida poly I wrote gov in jamb but I did not write gov in WAEC but I wrote Civic in waec can I be admitted

    1. It doesn't matter. I explained that in the post below.

  5. I applied for Lasu to study English Language and they only require English, Literature and 3 arts or social science subjects. I have Govt in jamb but a D7 in my o'level. Is Civic Education an art or social science and can it be accepted in its place?

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    1. If you don't have Economics but you Commerce, that can be ok too. Read the post below.

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    1. No. You need English Language, Mathematics, Economics, Government, and any from Civic Education/CRS not both CRS and Civic. Read the post above.

  10. Pls i i choose public admin in bida poly I wrote GOV in jamb but I did not write GOV in WAEC but I wrote civic can i be admitted

    1. Government is not compulsory in O'level for public admin. With your Civic, you could be lucky.

    2. Good afternoon
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  11. Pls sir
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    1. ECONOMICS: Economics, Mathematics and any of Government, History, Geography, Literature in English, French and Christian Religious Studies /Islamic Studies.
      SOCIOLOGY: Three (3) Social Science or Arts subjects.

      SOCIOLOGY: Three (3) Social Science or Arts subjects.

      For more, check the post below.

  13. Pls sir wat can I study with
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    Math C4
    Economics C6
    Government D7
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    Literature in English C6
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    1. Pls check JAMB brochure.

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    3. English, Math, Economics and Accounting/Government.

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    1. You can try CRS/Social study at college of Education.

  15. Please can I study international relations or political science with geography, economics, Civic education and English?

    1. In JAMB you will need Mathematics and any two (2) of the following: Economics, History, Government, Geography, Literature in English and French.

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  16. Please can I study economics in lasu with science courses,English,mathematics,biology,physics,economics,and civic education

    1. You don't need science subject. You strictly need English Language, Mathematics, Economics, and any subject from Arts or Social Science. See more through the link below.

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    1. No. For Economics, mainly, you will need Five (5)SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any two (2) of Arts or Social Science subjects.

  19. Can i study international relations with D7 in government

    1. Usually, forn international relation, you will need at least C6 in Government/History. Without this, I'm not sure. International Relation requires at least Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language, Government or History and three (3) relevant subjects.

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