Exam Malpractices: What Are They According to Exam Bodies? - SCHOOLCONTENTS.info

Exam Malpractices: What Are They According to Exam Bodies?

To avoid automatic failure in Nigerian exams, it’s crucial to understand and avoid common forms of exam malpractice, such as using unauthorized materials, cheating, or impersonation, as outlined by WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, and JAMB.

To be forewarned, they do say, is to be forearmed. When you know what can cause your automatic failure, you'll guard against that not only during the exams but before and after. This is why your attention should be on what the Nigerian Examination bodies including WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, and JAMB usually refer to as exam malpractice.

Of course, the direct effect of any form of exam malpractice is the failure, be it in one or two papers or in all, as WAEC affirmed: "All these could lead to withholding or cancellation of results!" This is why I think we should look into what these exam bodies will see as malpractice.

For a quick overview, WAEC, in its cautionary warning for the 2024 school candidates' exam, released the following as offenses categorized as exam malpractice:

  1. Giraffing
  2. Use of unsigned answer booklet
  3. Copying from each other, or one another
  4. Smuggling of cribs, notes, textbooks, and prepared materials into the Examination Hall
  5. Bringing in electronic devices such as mobile phones, smart wristwatches, unauthorized calculators, etc.
  6. Writing notes, enclosing cash in scripts, seeking assistance from examiners
  7. Submission of more than one worked script
  8. Having inscriptions relating to the exam on the body
  9. Multiple handwritings found in the worked script
  10. Insult/assault of examination officials
  11. Starting the examination before the scheduled time or writing after the examination has ended
  12. Impersonation
  13. Writing outside the examination hall
  14. Writing with pencil

While such a list may not be covered here for exams such as NECO, NABTEB, and JAMB, records and reports have shown that the above and a few more are generally the exam malpractices students should be aware of and avoid.

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