Candidates do receive these errors when they send their NINs to 55019, as instructed by the board, in order to generate their profile codes.
In addition to this error, the next instruction was for such affected candidates to send messages to a specific email, belonging to NIMC/JAMB, in order to resolve the issue.
Below is the complete error in action.
no record was found. send email with nin and name to [email protected] or [email protected]. then try again in 4 hours.
Having got this message, some candidates were finding it difficult to carry out the instructions. Are they to send an SMS to the email given? Are they to send an email message to the email given? If they are to send the email, what is the step-by-step guide to do that?
In this post, I will be taking you through how-to compose an email message, what will be included in the message, and how to send it.
Let's ride on!
To Send the Email Message About "no record found", Open Your Email App
If you're using an Android phone or iPhone, open your email app.

Your own email provider may be Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. It doesn't matter. Any email service will do fine.
If you don't have an email app, you can use a web browser such as Chrome, Safari, Phonix, Mozilla, Explorer, etc.
If you don't have a browsing phone, you can still use a friend's email to send this message or another person's computer.
Candidates who don't have access to any of the above, can visit any local cyber cafe and let them help with sending the message to the given email. The cafe can send the message through your email or through their own email.
Step-By-Step Procedures to Send Email to "[email protected]"
Follow the steps below to send the message to NIMC about "No Record Found" Error:

- On the email, click Compose. This will open your email compose box
- In the "To" box, enter [email protected]. Note that it's 2024, not 2023 or 2022. Pls, take it seriously.
- In the "Subject" box, enter No Record Found Error For JAMB UTME/DE
- In the main "Compose" box, type your full name on one line, and in the following line, type your NIN as shown below.
After this, click "Send" to send the message.
Do You Have to Retry After 4 Hours?
According to the SMS you got from 55019, you're asked to send the email as done above and try again in 4 hours after sending the email.
Send an email with NIN and name to [email protected]. then try again in 4 hours."
However, most candidates said after sending the messages, they retried 4 hours later but they got the same error "No record found".
This could be due to two reasons:
- NIMC officials are yet to get to your turn. Perhaps, there were several candidates in the queue for this same or related issues. Here, you will need to wait about a full day or try again the second day.
- You sent the email to [email protected] or [email protected] instead of [email protected]. Here, the year in the email is different. Your own should be for the current year. In this case, resend the message correctly if you'll be attended to.
Is it certain that After Sending the Email, My record Will be Found?
I'd sent the emails on behalf of several students already and they were attended to, usually on the second day.
Those candidates resent their NIN to 55019 (e.g. NIN 12345678921) and they got their profile codes.
All things being equal, if you follow the instructions for sending the email and do it correctly, you will be cleared and get your profile code when you try again.
Send a Complaint to or Call the NIMC Customer Care
Apart from the email provided by JAMB, NIMC has also provided some support for candidates having problems with their JAMB/NIN usage. You can contact the NIMC representative through:
- [email protected]
- 07002255646
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Why is it still saying address not founds after sending it correctly
ReplyDeleteMaybe you mistakenly entered something
DeleteNo mistakes sir
DeleteI am also facing the same problem
When am done composing the email they say "[email protected]. is invalid"
So how am I gonna do about sir
Help me please
You put full stop at back of .ng
DeleteRecheck it
Sir I have be try but no result
Deleteif you're unable to see your results through SMS, wait till JAMB loads all results to the internet for checking. Then, you'll be able to check and see yours too.
DeleteThis issue is same with me.. I copied and pasted the email address as seen in this post but it still showing address not found
DeleteI misplace my mobile number i used to collect profile code last year and i want to register this year but when i send my nin number to 55019 they keep telling me your nin 85529594942 has been registered with GSM number 08124755388 and that one is lost. This is the new one am trying to get the code 09037272573 nin 85529504942 please help me out the date line is fast approaching.
ReplyDeleteYou will use the profile code you used last year to buy this year form too. To get that profile code back, read the profile below.
Sir this is also what am going through... 55019 telling me my Nin is already registered to another line buhh that line was misplaced, have gotten another
DeleteSir I wrote jamb last year and I want to rewrite this year this problem is that it keeps displaying no record found and I've sent it the way you said we should but it didn't go sir.
ReplyDeletePls how do I recover my profile code of last year since it's the same I'm going to use this year
If you don't know how to send the email yourself, use the service of trusted café.
DeleteTo recover your last year profile code, follow the guide in the post below.
sir I don't understand how to use the methods
DeleteA café around you can help you send it. Or talk to a brother or sister who is familiar with the use of internet very well.
DeleteIts showing me address not found .
ReplyDeleteI'm confused
Ask somebody who can follow the instruction above to help you. Or go to a café around you
DeleteWhy is my profile code bearing another person name
ReplyDeleteBecause you used another NIN to get it.
DeletePlss sir can I send my NIN to 55019 through my mummy number
ReplyDeleteSure. Make sure it's your NIN you send.
DeleteHave used my non since last have not gotten my profile code and have used several number and my registered number have not seen it I message them on email have not seen their reply??
DeleteSir I haven't validated my NIN I did it on February 2022. is it why my profile code isn't showing
ReplyDeleteYour question is not clear.
DeleteSir i send my nin without knowing there was mistake in my nin middle name but i have retify it and resend my nin but still the same code what will i do
ReplyDeleteOk. After JAMB results are released, you'll go to JAMB office and do correction of names.
DeleteI have change mine and it is still repeating it self in my jamb profile
DeleteDo the same as instructed above.
DeleteAddress not found. That's what they sent back after sending to the mail.
ReplyDeleteMay be you put . instead of -
Delete- is between nimc and jamb
[email protected]
Am having the same issues sir
DeleteThen, follow the same solution
DeleteIs it [email protected] sir. I did send it to it but still yet no record found and I don't know what to do again please enlighten me
DeleteYes. As a matter of fact, JAMB has lot of students in queue to attend to before it reaches your turn. My best advice that you should be sending the email to them continually until your record is found.
DeletePlease how do I know my request of sending my name and nin to [email protected] as be accepted
DeleteYour email will not return any error message.
DeleteSir mine is showing address not found after sending the email, what will I do?
DeleteI've tried everything you said here ,and this is the next message I received
ReplyDelete"Unable to verify your NIN at the moment.[nimc:unknown] what do I do ??
Ok. Try it at midnight or as early as 5 a.m
DeleteI tried all what you said but still same 💔 is there any other way to verify it ?
ReplyDeleteNo other way. Keep sending email until they attend to yours.
DeleteI have done all the procedures but they are still replying me with no record found.
ReplyDeleteAs a matter of fact, JAMB has lot of students in queue to attend to before it reaches your turn. My best advice that you should be sending the email to them continually until your record is found.
DeleteI wrote jamb 2019....can i still use the same profile code for this year??!
ReplyDeleteFirstly send your NIN to 55019 and se if it will give you the same profile code it gave you in 2019. If it does, then go ahead and use it. If it gives a new profile code, use the new profile code instead.
DeleteI have done all the procedure but they are still replying me with no recod
ReplyDeleteAs a matter of fact, JAMB has lot of students in queue to attend to before it reaches your turn. My best advice that you should be sending the email to them continually until your record is found.
DeleteI'm having a great issue,there was a mistake in the number I used to register NIN, instead of 11 it is 12, I already sent mail, it said the following addresses had permanent fatal errors, pls save me
ReplyDeleteYou don't need the number you used to register NIN to get the profile code. You can use another number to get the profile code. Just be use it's your NIN you send. Read the post below.
Your NIN (12) has already been registered with GSM Number (12 instead of 11), pls help I'm really confused I already went to NIN office to do the correction of the number still that what's still showing
DeleteYou can't do correction of number. You will use the profile code used last year for this year JAMB too.
DeleteI was unable to do jamb last year because of NIN, and I didn't even remember the profile code
DeleteIf you now have the NIN, send it to 55019. Like this, NIN 167839138999
DeleteIf they validate your NIN you can still send your NIN number after it has been validated and will you get your profile code after that
ReplyDeleteThanks for this insight.
DeleteI have crosschecked d email recipent multiple times and they keep saying address not found. I have sent my NIN to 55019 multiple times and they keep saying no record found and it's closing next week yet with this problem with a lot of candidates, they still insist on not postponing the due date
ReplyDeleteThe correct email is [email protected]
DeleteDebited twice buh have not received any profile code
ReplyDeleteWhat error was it bringing?
DeleteMine is the record was not found
DeleteSeriously I can't said am fed up have been trying to receive my profile code since Sunday it saying no record found have followed all your instruction by sending them message it still saying the same thing pls is there any other way to obtain it
ReplyDeleteNo other way. Just keep sending the email to them. After a day, try the SMS too. It will work. Trust me.
DeleteI keep sending the email everyday I send it in the morning even something I will send it again around 12pm and I will message them the second day it keep saying no record found but the one I did today said unable to verify your NIN at the moment
DeletePls sir i have send the email several times but yet still no reply sir
ReplyDeleteI wanted to send it but the address is invalid pls help me out I need the profile code urgently
ReplyDeleteThe email you typed was wrong. This is the correct one [email protected]
DeleteMine is saying the same thing invalid email.
DeleteAddress not found
Your message wasn't delivered to [email protected] because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.
May be you've made a mistake in the spelling or you included a sign such as , . wrongly
DeleteI followed the instructions above,I sent the correct e-mail to them with my name and NIN. Now I sent my NIN to 55019 but they didn't reply with the usual "no record found" but with "this GSM number has already been used by another candidate on e-facility" so I sent my NIN to 55019 with a different number but they haven't replied.What do i do?
ReplyDeleteAs a matter of fact, JAMB has lot of students in queue to attend to before it reaches your turn. My best advice that you should be sending the email to them continually until your record is found.
DeleteSir how can I link my email to my jamb profile
ReplyDeleteFollow the guide in the post below.
How will I know if the email I sent to nimc on the topic of no record found has been sent to them
ReplyDeleteIt will not return error message.
DeleteSir I made a mistake in my nin middle name,and it is not same name with my (waec) so I went to NIN office for change of name ,they have done it ,so when I retry to generate the profile code ,it was still giving me the wrong name. Sir what can I do?
ReplyDeleteOk; After JAMB releases the results, go to JAMB office to change the names too.
DeleteSir my own is showing wrong parameter
ReplyDeleteMake sure no error in the SMS e.g NIN 56718292654. Don't use , . : ; - or any sign in the SMM. Don't put space at the end of the NIN number.
DeleteAlso experiencing the NO RECORD FOUND issue, I was advise to go validate my NIN which I did three days back and I also sent dear nimc a mail but it keeps telling me NO RECORD FOUND
ReplyDeleteWhat can I possibly do to rectify this problem sir
You have to keep sending the email to NIMC as instructed. Do it everyday. They will attend to you.
Sir Good day sir, I am confused about something and I need your assistance about it, is there any difference between validation of NIN and sending No Record Found email to jamb. Please I look forward to having your prompt reply thank you
DeleteYes, there is a difference. The sending of email to the JAMB given email is to let NIMC do enter your NIN manually into the database where your NIN was not found. Validation is a way to link NIN with your phone number.
DeleteI send email several time to JAMB but still my record not found please can I visit jamb office
ReplyDeleteyou're not sending your email. You're sending your names and NIN
DeleteAfter sending my email which code will I dial again to get my profile code
ReplyDeleteyou're not sending your email. You're sending your names and NIN. After that wait about 4 hours, then resend the SMS
DeleteBased on my last reply comment and your answer sir, the NIN had been generated for me and as well I have sent the email to them for the NO RECORD FOUND, is there anything that as to do with validation here.
ReplyDeleteNothing has to do with the validation.
DeleteSIR I HAVE BEEN TRYING THE PROFILE CODE it is saying no record i have sent my nin and names still the same and i only have tomorrow i am scared
ReplyDeleteSend the email again and try the SMS later.
Deletei did what you say but my email is saying:Your massage wasn't delivered to nimc [email protected] because the address couldn't be found,or is unable to receive mail
ReplyDeleteIt's not jamb2021. It's jamb2022. So type like this [email protected]
DeleteI did what you said by sending an email to them yesterday about two times but is still sat same thing your NIN has already been registered with some number I don't even know....what should I do
ReplyDeleteGet the number they said it's already been registered on. Then, send RESEND to 55019 on that line
ReplyDeletesir please will I receive a notification from [email protected] after ?
ReplyDeleteNo you won't get an email reply. Just retry the SMS a few hours later.
DeleteSir will this mail change my date of birth
ReplyDeleteUnable to process your request at the moment. Try again Later. [nimc:net.err]
That's what it keeps showing me after i sent the mail. Pls sir, how do i go about it. thanks
Try early in the morning or late at night.
DeletePlease sir
ReplyDeleteI sent message to 55019 for profile code but they haven't reply yet... What can I do next sir
Please sir i Registered jamb 2020 and now I’m trying to register again they’re saying this candidate has not validated his or her nin please what do I do? And I’ve lost the sim I used to register it
ReplyDeleteHello sir
ReplyDeleteI’m unable to get my jamb profile code
It keeps bringing record not found even after I’ve sent my name and NIN to the jamb official mail thrice
Please sir is there any other solution or I have to wait sir
And if I should wait sir did you think they’ll be able to send me the profile code before the registration close!?
No record found everyday pls show mercy for 2023 UTME
ReplyDeleteSir the email address is no found why?
ReplyDeleteGood evening sir
ReplyDeleteIt's 2023 and I can't get my profile code it's showing No record found. Sir I have sent an email to [email protected] and after waiting for 4 hours I sent an sms to 55019 but it's still showing No record found. Sir please help.
Sir it's 2024 and it's still showing No record found. I sent an email and after waiting for 4 hours it's still showing No record found
ReplyDeleteSir, the reply given to me was that my name retrieved from nimc has special characters.
ReplyDeleteMine isn't bringing out record not found but that my name retrieved at the nimc has special characters....
ReplyDeleteThose this mean I'm facing another issue?
Sir the message they sent to me was No record found. Send email with NIN and Name to [email protected]. Then try again in 4 hours... Buh we are in 2024 but i wrote my jamb 2023 will it affect the message or i should leave it that way
ReplyDeletePlease sir, i want to obtain jamb DE form and it was 2018 i did jamb and jamb don't use profile code then but i to generate a profile code now to proceed in my registration, what's the way out sir?
ReplyDeletePlz can I use my mummy NIN