How to Know If JAMB Will Reschedule You -

How to Know If JAMB Will Reschedule You

JAMB will reschedule candidates who missed the exam due to documented technical issues such as system shutdowns, network problems, or illness, with rescheduling contingent upon proper documentation and verification by the board, typically within the second or third day following the missed exam.

If you're one of the candidates who missed JAMB or you know someone who was affected, you would want to read this post to the very end.

Firstly, this post is practically not for those candidates who missed JAMB due to lateness to the exam centers. Generally, these candidates won't be rescheduled, as has been stated by the board over and over. 

The reason is simply that lateness to the exam center is never the board's or the center's fault, and it's not even one of the recognized reasons on the side of the students.

However, if your system shut down during the exams, you were unable to do biometric verification, the server was down, or the network was bad, or in certain cases, or your lateness to the exam center or absence was due to illness, you may want to start smiling as the board will reschedule you but on one condition.

Let's look into it.

JAMB will Reschedule You If The Technical Issues are Documented

JAMB expects its technical crew, present at the center, to report to the board any technical glitches e.g., server, network, machine, and verification problems. As such, if you're affected by any of these, and God save your soul, it's reported to the board as expected, be rest assured you'll be rescheduled for the exam.

When Damilare reported his ordeal for not being able to write JAMB due to a server issue, JAMB reassured and rescheduled.

As you can see the affected student was told, even from the center, that they'd be rescheduled, thus showing that the crew had reported or would.

Similarly, Emmanuel reported on behalf of his brother and was answered the same. 

So, if you've been told to wait for a reschedule, what do you do? You keep checking your phone for SMS. Also, check your JAMB portal for reprinting your exam slip to see when the date changes on it.

NOTE: Experience has shown that candidates who missed exams due to the cases above will be rescheduled by the second or third day. So, be on alert so you don't miss the recall.

JAMB May Reschedule Due to Sickness If Proved

If you're truly sick and it's documented, you're lucky! By documented I meant if you've contacted the board on your illness before the day of your exam.

A complaint has been made on behalf of an affected candidate.

Similarly, in the case of an accident or serious illness, there is equally a need for a doctor's report before you can be reconsidered for a reschedule.

While replying to a reported accident case, JAMB was strict about the process to follow.

Did he visit any government hospital after the accident, was he given any medical report to that effect thereafter? These and any other related supporting documents would be required.

If you have the proofs, as earlier stated, the official wants you to write an official letter to that effect as quoted below.

Kindly make an official request through the ticketing platform and attach proofs. If your claim is genuine, you will be rescheduled.

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