How to Efficiently Use JAMB Calculator (Be Smart) -

How to Efficiently Use JAMB Calculator (Be Smart)

JAMB Calculator
It can be somewhat disappointing to hear that JAMB won't allow candidates to bring their personal calculators. First, they've been used to that from elementary classes, and having access to scientific and advanced functions gives students confidence with calculation-based subjects.

But now that the only option they're left with is a basic calculator embedded with UTME CBT software at their centers, what will be their fate? Well, whether you like it or not, you're left with that or manual attempts at your calculations using the allowed pencil in the exam center.

For those who believe they'll still consider the on-screen embedded calculator, probably along with manual calculation, I've got you some strategies that will help you efficiently use these calculators even though it has limited functions. These strategies won't only help you save time; they'll give you clues to what you don't even know that the little screening has in stock for you.

1. Train Yourself Solely With That Calculator

Since you've got the fact that only the basic calculator will appear for you to use during the UTME, it'll be contradictory to use advanced or scientific calculators when preparing for the exam. Hence, you'd better get used to that while studying.

Also, practice under timed conditions. Practice using the calculator under timed conditions to simulate exam pressure. Develop strategies to maximize efficiency and accuracy within the time constraints.

If you've got CBT software installed on your personal computer at home, such practice platforms will also include the basic calculator for your practice. Even when using the past questions pack (book/paper series), it'd be wise to use the basic calculator.

Similarly, you may participate in the JAMB mock to experience, live, using the calculator. JAMB mock is only for the purpose of practice and familiarization with the CBT environment. If you're a first-timer, mock could be fine for you.

2. Understand Functions

Well, there are usually five functions to master well. The calculator typically includes basic functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication, square root, and division.
Familiarize yourself with additional functions like cancel (C) to delete the last operation, delete to quickly delete the wrong entry, and reveal your final answers.

3. Speed is Not Accuracy

While in a hurry, some students, even though they have access to a calculator and utilize it, will still make mistakes. This is why you must learn to balance speed with accuracy.

While the calculator can expedite calculations, avoid rushing and making errors. Double-check your calculations whenever possible.

4. Practice Mental Math

Sincerely, especially if you're a calculation-based student, for example, you have Mathematics, Physics, Accounts, Economics, etc., you learn to attempt most parts of your questions without even using calculators.

Reserve the calculator for complex or time-consuming calculations. For simpler calculations, practice mental and manual math techniques to save time.

4. Be Efficient

Similarly to the above, is to minimize the number of times spent using the calculator. You can start your work with on-paper calculations (using the pencil and back of your exam slip), then proceed to get the final answer on your calculator instead of hitting the calculator's buttons all through the time.

Minimize keystrokes by using shortcuts and optimizing your use of the calculator. Avoid unnecessary repetitions and streamline your calculation process.

5. Time Management

I've once advised you to skip complex calculation questions and finish with those that will earn you more time. When done, you can now go back to those questions that may waste your time - thereby using the saved minutes on them.

Allocate appropriate time for calculations based on the complexity of the question. Prioritize questions that require calculator use while managing time effectively for the entire exam.

6. Seek Early Help

The JAMB technical team is always available to help students who are stuck with one problem or the other during the exam. Don't hesitate to talk to them if there is a need to.

If you encounter technical issues or difficulties with the calculator during the exam, seek assistance from the invigilator promptly to avoid wasting valuable time.

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