Can I Take Different Courses for All JAMB Institutions? -

Can I Take Different Courses for All JAMB Institutions?

You're Allowed to Choose Different Courses for Each of the Four Institutions
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You are allowed to choose different courses for each of the four institutions during JAMB UTME registration, as long as the courses share the same required O'level and UTME subjects, with flexibility in the choice of institutions and courses across universities, polytechnics, colleges of education, and Innovation Enterprise Institutions.

While trying to make your courses of choice during JAMB UTME registration, there are a few questions to ask and get the right answers to.

  1. Are the courses available in the schools proposed?
  2. Are the schools admitting candidates for the year?
  3. What are the SSCE subjects required for the course?
  4. What are the subjects of the proposed courses in UTME? 

Answering the last two questions correctly will determine the schools and courses you'll go for.

Candidates are now asking if they can just choose different institutions in their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th choice together with different courses for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th institutions.

This post will answer your questions and a few related issues.

You Are Supposed to Choose Different Institutions in the First Place

JAMB has designed its platform for candidates to be able to choose four different institutions. This doesn't mean that candidates can't consider a school twice or three times.

But with the design of the JAMB form, the board originally wants you to consider four choices and usually different institutions.

Hence, if you wish to consider different institutions under each category - university, polytechnic, college of education, and Innovation Enterprise Institutions (IEIs), you've just done what JAMB originally wants.

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You're Allowed to Choose Different Courses for Each of the Four Institutions

Likewise, candidates are allowed to consider different courses for their choices 1, 2, 3, and 4, if wished.

You can, as well, take the same course, where wished, for the four schools. You're never locked to a form of selection.

However, there are a few things to take into consideration while trying to consider a different course for each of the four institutions.

  1. the courses must require the same O'level subjects
  2. the courses must require the same UTME subjects
  3. However, courses under the IEI category may be anything even if it requires other subjects for SSCE and UTME.

The Same O'level/UTME Subjects for the Different Courses

Of course, there are usually, 5 required subjects from WAEC, NECO, GCE, or NABTEB for any course

So, while proposing any course, you must make sure you have the 5 that your proposed course demands. 

If you now decide to consider different courses for JAMB schools of choice, be certain that those courses require the same SSCE subjects.

For example, for the university, you can consider Computer Engineering which will require Maths, English, Chemistry, Physics and any of Biology, Geography, etc.

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For the polytechnic, if you don't want to consider Computer Engineering, courses such as Science Laboratory Technology, Building Technology, Geology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and the likes, will also require the same SSCE subjects.

And for the college, courses like Maths/Physics, Computer/Maths, etc. may be chosen - because they require the same O'level subjects.

In the same vein, these different courses still require the same UTME subjects which are English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry/Biology.

This is just one example. 

You should, by now, have an idea of what I'm talking about when I say different courses can be taken, yet the SSCE and UTME subjects must align.

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