FUOYE Postgraduate (2024): Requirements, Price, Closing Date - SCHOOLCONTENTS.info

FUOYE Postgraduate (2024): Requirements, Price, Closing Date


You're on the right page if you want to know if the FUOYE postgraduate (PGD) form is out. The post will give you the list of their PGD courses, admission requirements, form price, fees/tuition etc.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the Postgraduate Programmes of the School as indicated below:

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FUOYE Available Postgraduate Programmes

Faculty of Agriculture
  1. Dept.of Fisheries & Aquaculture MSc & Ph.D
  2. Dept. of Food Science and Technology M.Sc &Ph.D
  3. Dept. of Water Resources and Agro-Meteorology M.Sc & Ph.D
  4. Dept. of Agric. Economics & extension M. Agric & Ph.D
  5. Dept. of Animal Production & Health M.Sc & Ph.D
  6. Dept. of Crop Science & Horticulture M.Sc & Ph.D
  7. Dept. of Soil & Land Management M.Sc & Ph.D

Faculty of Engineering
  1. Dept. of Agriculture and Bio-Resources Engineering M. Eng & Ph.D
  2. Dept. of Computer Engineering M. Eng & Ph.D
  3. Dept. of Civil Engineering M. Eng & Ph.D
  4. Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering M. Eng & Ph.D

Faculty of Science
  1. Dept. of Animal and Environmental Biology M.Sc & Ph.D
  2. Dept. of Biochemistry M.Sc & Ph.D
  3. Dept. of Geophysics M.Sc & Ph.D
  4. Dept. of Geology M.Sc & Ph.D
  5. Dept. of Industrial Chemistry M.Sc & Ph.D
  6. Dept. of Mathematics M.Sc & Ph.D
  7. Dept. of Microbiology M.,Sc & Ph.D
  8. Dept. of Physics M.Sc & Ph.D
  9. Dept. of Plant Science and Biotechnology M.Sc & Ph.D

Faculty of Social Sciences
  1. Dept. of Economics M.Sc & Ph.D
  2. Dept. of Psychology M.Sc & Ph.D
  3. Dept. of Sociology M.Sc & Ph.D
  4. Dept. of Demography and Social Statistics M.Sc & Ph.D
  5. Faculty of Arts
  6. Dept. of English Language M.A & Ph.D
  7. Dept. of Theatre Arts M.A & Ph.D

Postgraduate Diploma Programmes (PGD) are also available.

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Academic and Professional Admission Requirements for Postgraduate Studies

Ph.D. Degree Programmes
These programmes are available to holders of Master degrees, with a minimum of 60% score in their Master degree programmes A Ph.D. degree programme runs for a minimum of 36 calendar months period and a maximum period of 48 calendar months for full-time candidates OR a minimum period of 48 calendar months and a maximum period of 60 calendar months for part-time candidates.

Note that relevant Courses will be taken for the Ph.D. studies where prescribed and a Thesis is
required at the end of the Ph.D. programme.

M.Phil /Ph.D. Degree Programmes
Candidates who score between 55.00 and 59.99 percent Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) can apply for admission into the M.Phil/Ph.D. programme on a full-time basis. The programme runs for a period of 12 calendar months after which the candidate, on good performance can transit to the Ph.D. programme.

Candidates in this category are eligible for conversion to Ph.D. candidature, following a progress assessment report to be made by a Panel of Examiners at the end of the first session of registration. Candidates must score not less than 60% (aggregate) at the end of the first session to be eligible for conversion for the Ph.D. programme.

Master Degree Programmes
A candidate applying for the Master's degree programme must have made a minimum of Second Class (Lower Division) in his/her Bachelor degree programme. Master degree programmes run for a minimum period of a year (12 calendar months; that is, two semesters) and a maximum period of 24 calendar months for full-time candidates OR a minimum period of two (2) years (24 calendar months; that is, four semesters) and a maximum period of 36 calendar months for part-time candidates depending on the peculiarities of the Department. All Masters Degree Programmes are by course work. This is in addition to a research work/report at the end of which a dissertation is produced.

Other Information
Applicants are to note that, a programme automatically lapses at the expiration of the maximum duration for each programme. However, a candidate may apply for an extension of not more than 12 months.
Candidates in regular employment must submit with their applications, formal letter of release for postgraduate studies issued by their employers.

Also, all applicants who are not graduates of the Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE) must
request their former Universities or institutions to forward directly to the Secretary, Postgraduate School the academic transcripts of their First degrees or Master’s degree with respect to applicants for Master’s and Doctoral Degrees.

Read also,  National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (NIMN) General Requirements, Guidelines and Syllabus 

Postgraduate Studies Method of Application and Payment

Payment Procedure
Candidates should pay a sum of fifteen thousand naira through REMITA platform MDA: Federal University Oye Ekiti1000134.

FUOYE Postgraduate Application Instructions

  1. On the home page of the Federal University Oye website, click on the postgraduate portal.
  2. On The home page displayed, click Application Instruction and read carefully.
  3. Click on apply now to start a new application or Click on login to continue the application after payment.
  4. Use your Application Number as username and SURNAME as password. Carefully type in your Application Number as any error committed will not allow your details to be displayed.
  5. Thereafter, Candidates should click the OK button on the dialog box displayed and enter your names.
  6. After Login, click on the Continue Registration link on the main menu.
  7. Fill in your other bio-data and necessary details truthfully on the webpage. 
  8. All candidates should upload their Passports by clicking on the Browse button and selecting your picture. Your Passport must not be more than 20KB.
  9. On completion of biodata, click on Next Step button then click OK on the message dialog box.
  10. All candidates should complete the programme of choice and click on Save then click OK on the message dialog box.
  11. On completion of the choice of programme click Next Step button.

Ph.D. Degree Programmes-
  1. These programmes are available to holders of Master degrees, with a minimum of 60% score in their Master degree programmes
  2. A PhD degree programme runs for a minimum of 36 calendar months period and a maximum period of 48 calendar months for full-time candidates OR a minimum period of 48 calendar months and a maximum period of 60 calendar months for part-time candidates.
  3. Note that relevant Courses will be taken for the PhD studies where prescribed and a Thesis is required at the end of the PhD programme.

Ready to apply? Visit FUOYE postgraduate admission portal or click https://ecampus.fuoye.edu.ng/putme/application-form?id=pg to register now.

Closing Date: 

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