A Wake-Up Call: Rethinking JAMB UTME 7.am Scheduling - SCHOOLCONTENTS.info

A Wake-Up Call: Rethinking JAMB UTME 7.am Scheduling

Complaints about the JAMB UTME, particularly concerning students missing their exam schedules, highlight the need for better arrangements, accountability, and proactive measures from both students and the board, urging for a reconsideration of the early 7 a.m. slot to accommodate unforeseen circumstances and emphasizing the importance of thorough preparation and strategic planning for exam day.

I've been following the news for a while. A series of complaints regarding the ongoing JAMB UTME had been reported. No one expected the board to receive these many complaints, especially on its X's handle – yes, I'm a religious follower!

The complaint that caught my attention the most was students missing their exam schedules. The cases were so many that there probably wasn't a single day throughout the 10-day schedule for the 1.9 million admission seekers without incidents. What's unique was that about 90% (I don't have the actual statistic) of those who reported missing their exams were scheduled for the 7 a.m. slot – the first batch.

One Johnson, on X, narrated his brother's ordeal.

Please my bro missed his jamb today, he got to the center around 9am while his exam was scheduled for 7am and the jamb officials at the center said there’s nothing they can do about it. Please is there any hope of jamb rescheduling the exam for another date?

Lawrence reported:

I missed my jamb examination date due to far distance. I couldn't meet up with the exam time. Pls, can the exam date be rescheduled??

Shafi shared a similar experience.

Good afternoon sir, Please sir, kindly come to my great assistant. I missed my jamb exam which was scheduled for the 22nd of April, by 7am, unfortunately for me, I was unconscious between the time, I just came back to life. Pls, what can I do for reschedule me. Thanks sir

This concern has persisted for several years. Even before 2024, the first batch was usually at 6:30 a.m. Although the board, when accused of making things difficult for innocent admission seekers, would claim that screening and biometrics wouldn't start at each center until about 7:20 a.m or so., and the exam for that batch usually took off by 8 a.m.

So, when several students chatted with us at Techie BEC Konsult, we knew there was a need to write this post. Not only to address the affected students but also to prepare students who will be writing the UTME in the years to come and plead with JAMB for better arrangements in the forthcoming exams.

What's this Generation's Problem, in the First Place?

If you missed your JAMB exam schedule, whose fault is it? It's easy to shift the blame onto the board. But if you search your conscience, it's your fault in its entirety. I've seen some students who didn't even check their exam schedule or print it until after the exam was over – whose fault?

One guy was waiting for the JAMB timetable to be sent to him through his phone or email, while his colleagues had been printing their exam slips for the past weeks. Was he living under a rock, not aware that there's no fixed JAMB timetable in the real sense? JAMB only schedules students to sit for their exams day by day. So, I don't know where the concept of a timetable was coming from - perhaps the overly-informed generation.

I've seen students scheduled for 7 a.m. at a center they never knew or visited. Why wouldn't you visit the exam center before the exam date, at least to know where it is? With this, you can conclude if it's necessary to be at the center or lodge at a hotel closer or stay with family closer before the date.

In fact, I never recommend students scheduled for the first batch to travel from a different town or city even if it's closer. You never know what could happen on the way – flat tire, engine fault, accident, or anything. Being around your center if you're a 7 a.m. student is the best. At least with a bike or cab drop, you're in the queue for screening and your exam.

The exam schedule had been repeatedly announced on news, radio, and social media, set to take place between April 19 and April 29. The board had encouraged candidates to begin reprinting from April 10 (although the process didn't commence until April 11). Therefore, all a candidate should be concerned about is how to print the exam slip to ascertain their allotted day.

Reviewing the reasons for those affected in the past and this year, issues such as traffic delays, engine faults, flat tires, difficulty finding the location of the center, and in some cases, individuals resorting to claiming illness to conceal their shortcomings, have been identified.

If you want to be sentimental, you'll proudly blame the exam body. Luckily, the board has, on occasion, questioned why you wouldn't miss your 7 a.m. flight going abroad? Why wouldn't you miss your embassy interview? We both know they're right. We don't take that with levity, but when it comes to exams, we wear our excuse caps.

JAMB, Please Be Motherly With 7 a.m. Schedule

The training ground for any admission seekers should be from primary school. Our teachers try their best to ensure that late coming is taken as an offense - and sometimes unpardonable. At secondary schools, the same. At the JAMB gate, your exam starts with meeting your schedule and may end there. We appreciate the board for putting our primary and secondary school lessons to the test.

However, it takes another 365 days before a candidate who missed JAMB will have the chance to pick up the form again. This is obviously a big miss. And mind you, even though many missed the exam last year – on the same basis, many will miss it this year and, in fact, next year. But no one will blame JAMB if the first batch can be rescheduled to 8 a.m. so the exam starts by 8:30 or 9 a.m.

The board and its team have been doing great work. They have been scheduling the first batch for 6:30 before now. We appreciate adding the 30 minutes from 2024. We'll need more help, please. Give us until 9 a.m. This is just pleading. Look into your stats and see the number of students who have missed the exam due to lateness.

On behalf of the fathers, mothers, teachers, and relatives, be more motherly in the next exams. We will be sure to thank you for it.

To The Affected Students

You see, there is no going back. In fact, if you hear in the news that JAMB will reschedule some students for the exam, the news is right, but the reschedule is not for those who missed the exam due to, lateness, or any personal issues.

The board, yearly, reschedules students who face technical issues during their exam, which can be best regarded as the board's or center's fault. Among such issues are computer malfunctions, network issues, technical glitches, etc.

In response to Damilare's report regarding the situation at Batmod Hub Ijoko, where students scheduled for exams at 7 am and 9 am haven't been able to proceed due to alleged server issues, lack of communication from center officials, and the remote location causing logistical challenges, JAMB assures that all candidates affected by technical glitches will be rescheduled. Whereas, this reply is consistent with candidates who are affected by all documented technicalities.

On such occasions, the center and the board's technical crew will report to JAMB for a reschedule. Such students will be contacted through SMS or directly on their profile for a new schedule. As you can see, you're not invited!

To the Future JAMB Students

If you want the best for yourself, be warned. JAMB has been so strict lately about its policies. The board won't condone any act of lateness or laziness. So, be on the lookout for a schedule that will require you to give all of yourself.

I've pleaded in this post, just like millions of Nigerians have and will, but I won't guarantee you, even 10%, that the board will consider any time beyond 7 a.m. for its first batch. If you fall into this category of students when you print your exam slip, kindly get yourself ready for any eventuality.

Those who messed up this year are just teaching you some lessons for the future. The lessons include:

  1. Visit the exam center before the date. This will help you know if you can meet up if you leave your house on the exam date.
  2. Find a family, teacher, or friend whose house is closer to the center to you can stay over with.
  3. If possible, stay at the center if you don't have family or a friend to manage with overnight. Especially those who are using campuses, you may have some places(mosto hang around before morning.

In conclusion, the recurring issues surrounding JAMB UTME schedules, particularly the plight of students missing their exams, necessitate urgent attention. While accountability lies on both sides, students must take proactive measures to avoid such mishaps. There's a plea for JAMB to reconsider the early 7 a.m. slot, urging for a more lenient start time to accommodate unforeseen circumstances. Future candidates are advised to heed these lessons, emphasizing the importance of thorough preparation and strategic planning for exam day.

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