How to Make Money With Facebook Live Videos -

How to Make Money With Facebook Live Videos


In the third segment of our conversation with Fred, the spotlight turned toward a captivating way to monetize your presence on Facebook: using Facebook Stars during live videos. Fred's eyes lit up as he delved into this sparkling opportunity.

"Live videos," Fred began with a smile, "are an incredible way to connect with your audience in real time. And guess what? You can even earn some extra cash while having a blast! Yup, you heard it right – let's get ready to make it rain with Facebook Stars!"

Understanding Facebook Stars

Before we dive into the steps, Fred explained what Facebook Stars are all about. "Facebook Stars," he said, "are virtual goodies that your fantastic audience can buy and send your way during your live videos."

Symbol of Support: These Stars are a delightful way for your followers to show their love and support for your awesome content.

Each Star Counts: "The best part?" Fred continued with a twinkle in his eye. "Each Star you receive is worth one cent, and trust me, those pennies add up faster than a shooting star in the night sky!"

Getting Started with Facebook Stars

"Now, I can hear your excitement bubbling," Fred acknowledged, "but you're probably wondering, 'How on earth do I get started with this sparkling Stars adventure?'" He then proceeded to guide me through the process:

1. Set Up Your Facebook Live Video

Preparation: Prepare your content and ensure you have a topic that resonates with your audience. Remember, engagement is key during live videos.

Access Live Video: Go to your Facebook Page and tap on the "Live" option to start a live video.

2. Enable Stars

Check Eligibility: Ensure that you're eligible for Facebook Stars. Typically, you need to meet certain criteria, including having at least 100 followers and adhering to Facebook's Community Standards.

Enable Stars: During the setup of your live video, you'll have the option to enable Facebook Stars. Make sure to toggle this option on.

3. Go Live and Interact

Engage with Your Audience: As you go live, engage with your viewers. Respond to comments, ask questions, and create an interactive experience.

Inform Viewers About Stars: Let your audience know about Facebook Stars and how they can send them during the live video. Express your gratitude for their support.

4. Encourage Stars Gifting

Engage and Entertain: Keep your viewers hooked with engaging content. The longer they watch, the more likely they are to send Stars.

Acknowledge Stars: Whenever you receive Stars, acknowledge and thank your viewers. Make them feel appreciated.

5. Track Your Earnings

Facebook Creator Studio: To track your Stars' earnings, use Facebook Creator Studio. It provides insights into your live video's performance and earnings.

6. Payouts

Threshold: Reach the minimum threshold set by Facebook to be eligible for payouts. The threshold may vary by region.

Payment Method: Set up your preferred payment method for receiving your Stars earnings.

7. Keep the Stars Shining

Fred's final advice was a reminder to "keep the Stars shining." He elaborated, "Facebook Stars can be a fantastic income stream, but it's also a testament to the bond you've built with your audience. Continue creating engaging live content, connect with your viewers, and keep the momentum going."

"Remember," Fred added, "Facebook Stars not only reward your creativity but also show the appreciation of your community. It's a win-win for both you and your dedicated audience."


Fred sparked the path to a captivating journey of monetizing your live videos on Facebook using Stars. It's not just about the income; it's about the shared moments, the appreciation, and the delightful interactions with your audience. 

So, as you prepare to go live, remember to shine bright, engage, and watch as the Stars light up your virtual sky.

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