30-Day Study Timetable for UTME (Eng, Maths, Eco, & Account) - SCHOOLCONTENTS.info

30-Day Study Timetable for UTME (Eng, Maths, Eco, & Account)

30-Day Study Timetable
After helping the science students with a 30-day study timetable for UTME, the jealous commercial students have gone after me asking for their own cake. By popular demand, here is a 30-Day Study Timetable for UTME (English, Mathematics, Economics, & Account).

Are you getting ready to take the UTME exam for English, Mathematics, Economics, and Financial Accounting? I understand that studying for such a critical exam can be overwhelming, but don't worry, I'm here to help you.

30-Day Study Timetable for UTME Preparation for English, Mathematics, Economics, and Financial Accounting

With this study plan, you'll have a clear path to follow each day, and you'll know exactly what you need to study to excel in the UTME. The plan is also customizable, so if you feel like you need to spend more time on a particular topic, you can adjust your schedule accordingly.

Week 1

Day 1: English Language (Reading Comprehension)

  1. Read and answer questions on one comprehension passage from a past UTME exam paper
  2. Review and learn new vocabulary words

Day 2: Mathematics (Algebra)

  1. Practice solving algebraic equations and word problems from past UTME exams
  2. Review concepts such as factorization, simplification, and solving for variables

Day 3: Economics (Microeconomics)

  1. Study microeconomics concepts such as demand and supply, elasticity, and consumer theory
  2. Practice solving microeconomics questions from past UTME exams

Day 4: Financial Accounting (Financial Statements)

  1. Study the preparation and interpretation of financial statements such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statement
  2. Practice analyzing financial statements and answering questions from past UTME exams

Day 5: English Language (Lexis and Structure)

  1. Study grammar rules and sentence structures such as subject-verb agreement, tenses, and punctuation
  2. Practice applying these rules in sentence completion and correction questions from past UTME exams

Day 6: Mathematics (Trigonometry)

  1. Study trigonometry concepts such as angles, trigonometric ratios, and identities
  2. Practice solving trigonometry questions from past UTME exams

Day 7: Economics (Macroeconomics)

  1. Study macroeconomics concepts such as national income, inflation, and fiscal policy
  2. Practice solving macroeconomics questions from past UTME exams

Week 2

Day 8: English Language (Oral English)

  1. Study pronunciation, intonation, and stress patterns in English
  2. Practice speaking and recording yourself using English phrases and sentences

Day 9: Mathematics (Geometry)

  1. Study geometry concepts such as angles, lines, and circles
  2. Practice solving geometry questions from past UTME exams

Day 10: Economics (International Trade)

  1. Study international trade concepts such as the balance of payments, trade policies, and exchange rates
  2. Practice solving international trade questions from past UTME exams

Day 11: Financial Accounting (Cost Accounting)

  1. Study cost accounting concepts such as cost behavior, cost-volume-profit analysis, and budgeting
  2. Practice solving cost accounting questions from past UTME exams

Day 12: English Language (Essay Writing)

  1. Study essay writing techniques such as brainstorming, outlining, and structuring an essay
  2. Practice writing essays on various topics and reviewing sample essays from past UTME exams

Day 13: Mathematics (Statistics)

  1. Study statistics concepts such as measures of central tendency, probability, and hypothesis testing
  2. Practice solving statistics questions from past UTME exams

Day 14: Economics (Development Economics)

  1. Study development economics concepts such as economic growth, poverty, and development strategies
  2. Practice solving development economics questions from past UTME exams

Week 3

Day 15: English Language (Comprehension and Summary)

  1. Study comprehension and summary writing techniques such as skimming, scanning, and paraphrasing
  2. Practice answering comprehension and summary questions from past UTME exams

Day 16: Mathematics (Matrices and Determinants)

  1. Study matrices and determinants concepts such as addition, multiplication, and inverse matrices
  2. Practice solving matrices and determinants questions from past UTME exams

Day 17: Economics (Public Sector Economics)

  1. Study public sector economics concepts such as public goods, taxation, and public expenditure
  2. Practice solving public sector economics questions from past UTME exams

Day 18: Financial Accounting (Auditing and Assurance)

  1. Study auditing and assurance concepts such as internal control, audit procedures, and audit reports
  2. Practice solving auditing and assurance questions from past UTME exams

Day 19: English Language (Vocabulary)

  1. Study and learn new vocabulary words and their meanings
  2. Practice using these words in sentences and answering vocabulary questions from past UTME exams

Day 20: Mathematics (Calculus)

  1. Study calculus concepts such as differentiation, integration, and applications of derivatives
  2. Practice solving calculus questions from past UTME exams

Day 21: Economics (Business Finance)

  1. Study business finance concepts such as time value of money, capital budgeting, and financial markets
  2. Practice solving business finance questions from past UTME exams

Week 4

Day 22: English Language (Oral English)

  1. Continue studying and practicing pronunciation, intonation, and stress patterns in English
  2. Record yourself using English phrases and sentences and listen to feedback from others

Day 23: Mathematics (Probability and Statistics)

  1. Study probability and statistics concepts such as random variables, distributions, and hypothesis testing
  2. Practice solving probability and statistics questions from past UTME exams

Day 24: Economics (Business Environment)

  1. Study business environment concepts such as business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and global business environment
  2. Practice solving business environment questions from past UTME exams

Day 25: Financial Accounting (Management Accounting)

  1. Study management accounting concepts such as cost behavior, budgeting, and decision making
  2. Practice solving management accounting questions from past UTME exams

Day 26: English Language (Essay Writing)

  1. Continue studying and practicing essay writing techniques
  2. Write and review more essays on various topics and analyze sample essays from past UTME exams

Day 27: Mathematics (Vectors)

  1. Study vectors concepts such as vector addition, scalar multiplication, and dot product
  2. Practice solving vectors questions from past UTME exams

Day 28: Economics (Research Methodology)

  1. Study research methodology concepts such as research design, data collection, and data analysis
  2. Practice solving research methodology questions from past UTME exams

Day 29: Financial Accounting (Taxation)

  1. Study taxation concepts such as tax laws, tax planning, and tax administration
  2. Practice solving taxation questions from past UTME exams

Day 30: English Language (Comprehension and Summary)

  1. Continue studying and practicing comprehension and summary writing techniques
  2. Answer more comprehension and summary questions from past UTME exams and review feedback from others


Congratulations on completing your 30-day study timetable for UTME preparation in English, Mathematics, Economics, and Financial Accounting.

You have taken a significant step towards achieving your goal of excelling in the UTME. By dedicating yourself to this structured study plan, you have undoubtedly improved your understanding of these essential subjects and have developed essential study skills that will serve you well in the future.

Remember that the knowledge you have gained during these 30 days is not the end of the journey. Continue to practice and revise the material regularly to solidify your understanding and maintain your momentum.

Keep in mind that while this study timetable provides a helpful structure, your unique learning style may require adjustments. Be flexible and willing to adapt your study habits to suit your needs.

Finally, remember that success is not just about academic achievement. Take care of yourself physically and mentally during this period of preparation. Stay focused, motivated, and confident in your abilities, and you will undoubtedly excel in the UTME. Best of luck!

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