Non-Technical SEO: Aspects to Take Seriously for Ranking -

Non-Technical SEO: Aspects to Take Seriously for Ranking

Non-technical SEO might seem like the complete opposite of its technical counterpart, but that's not the case at all. It's all about enhancing the user experience, rather than getting bogged down in the technical details.

In the realm of content marketing, it's not just about jargon and tech talk. What makes technical SEO truly technical is its focus on the nuts and bolts of website structure, making sure search engines can understand it. This way, they can better serve their users.

Non-technical SEO isn't all that different from this approach. With non-technical SEO, the goal is to make your website and its content more user-friendly, without directly messing with search engines. The focus is on your audience.

To break it down, non-technical SEO publishers aim to provide top-notch content in a way that's welcoming and easy for readers. You want visitors to find your content helpful, user-friendly, not frustrating, and clutter-free. They should enjoy spending time on your pages and engage with your content, links, and other elements.

By focusing on your audience, you achieve a good ranking not because you're an expert in technical details like HTTPS, crawlers, or link structures, but because you understand how your audience wants to use your pages.

Non-Technical SEO Plays a Significant Role in Your Rankings

Now, let's be clear, you can't discuss technical SEO without its non-technical sibling. What matters most to search engines and to you as a publisher is the user experience.

Many websites and blogs are thriving, even though their owners don't know the nitty-gritty of technical SEO. All they do is write excellent posts and keep them coming. Over time, search engines prioritize what users want over technical stuff.

Sure, technically, it's a good idea to include your keyword in your domain. But websites with domains that don't feature keywords are still doing well. Similarly, in the technical realm, your menu, links, on-page links, and structure matter for bots to understand your website. However, one-page promotional websites with no menu or tags are still ranking fine if their content is high-quality and unique.

But here's the catch - it's not always easy to separate the two.

So, everything I cover in this post should be taken seriously, just as you would with technical SEO, if not more so.

Here's a list of things to understand about non-technical SEO and some key aspects to keep in mind:

1. Non-Technical SEO Goes Beyond External Link-Building

I used to think non-technical SEO was all about building links correctly, is that true?

If you do a quick search online about non-technical SEO, you'll likely find a lot about building links from other websites. Many authors equate non-technical SEO with off-page link-building strategies, and that's partially correct.

However, non-technical SEO involves more than just that. In addition to creating good backlinks, you'll also want to focus on social shares. You can make it easy for readers to share your content by including social share buttons below your posts. People are more likely to share your content with friends and family if they find it valuable.

Non-technical SEO also requires you to promote your content across the web by connecting your website to your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram accounts. You can achieve this by writing guest posts for websites in the same or related industry. It also involves linking back to your website through podcasts, YouTube, forum comments, and contributions. Don't forget to make your domain visible on printed materials like flyers, business cards, and handbills.

However, be mindful of not overdoing link-building from external websites, as too many links from other sites can harm your ranking.

2. Content Is Still King

When it comes to non-technical SEO, your content is the real MVP. There's nothing technical about it. Whether it's sharing knowledge, guides, or answers, your content doesn't need to be overly technical. As long as it helps your audience, you're nailing the non-technical side of SEO.

That's why you'll hear "CONTENT is king" repeated endlessly across the web. Your focus should be on delivering the best value through your content. If you can't outdo existing posts on a topic, find a fresh angle. Your content should be different, smarter, more resourceful, and unique.

Experience has shown that people love long-form content. It's tough to write without adding extra value to what's already out there. So, if you can win your audience over with exceptional articles, you're rocking the non-technical SEO game. You're not just winning over your readers; you're winning over the search engines too.

3. Keywords, Relevance, and User Intent Matter

Non-technical SEO revolves around three key elements: Keywords, Relevance, and User Intent. While keywords may seem a bit technical because search engines analyze them, the real focus should be on relevance and user intent.

Relevance is all about how closely your content aligns with what your visitors are looking for. It's not just about cramming your pages with relevant keywords; it's about ensuring that your content matches what your users truly want answers to.

Don't just stuff your pages with keywords, hoping it will work. Search engines are looking for how users interpret those keywords and whether they match what users are really searching for. For example, if your keyword is "long-form posts," users might be looking for a basic introduction to the topic. If you provide a complex post, they might bounce back to find something simpler. Ultimately, Google rewards content that aligns with user intent and relevance.

So, when you're writing, don't just think about keywords; match them with user intent and relevance.

4. Themes, Fonts, and Colors Should Harmonize

Technical SEO is all about creating a good search engine experience, while non-technical SEO focuses on the human experience. When search engines crawl your website, they look for specific technical details like your domain name, website structure, mobile-friendliness, and speed. But when a person visits your website, they're there for the content. However, making their experience enjoyable and keeping them engaged requires attention to detail, including your website's theme, font choices, and color schemes.

Technically, search engines don't care about the colors you use; Googlebot doesn't analyze that. But people do, even if it's subconscious. So, you should make sure your website's theme and colors align with the right fonts for your niche and the color scheme for your text and background. Mismatched colors and fonts can be jarring. Make sure your visitors see something visually pleasing.

5. Blend Email Subscription Boxes and Pop-Ups Seamlessly

Imagine you're reading a page, and just as you're getting into it, a pop-up appears, asking for your email. It's not the most pleasant experience for readers, and search engines don't particularly like it either. If you want people to subscribe to your content, it's better to ask them after they've read and found the answers they were searching for.

From a technical SEO standpoint, it might not directly affect how search engines perceive your website. But if visitors constantly close pop-up boxes or bounce back due to intrusive pop-ups, it will hurt your user experience and potentially impact your rankings.

This is a non-technical aspect of SEO, but it's important. The key is to seamlessly integrate your subscription options with your content or include links while writing. People prefer reading a polite message asking them to subscribe over aggressive pop-ups that disrupt their reading experience.

6. Pay Attention to Content Structure

Search engines reward well-structured content, and readers appreciate it too. When it comes to non-technical SEO, the focus is on delivering a great user experience, and that includes how your content is organized.

By "structure," I mean how you title your content, introduce it, and break it down into sections, headings, and subsections. This is a non-technical aspect of SEO but equally vital. Even if a search engine ranks a relevant post, readers may not engage with it if it lacks a clear structure.

Since we're concerned with the human experience, people prefer content that's divided into sections and structured for easy comprehension. So, give this aspect the attention it deserves.

7. Provide Descriptive Links for Humans and Bots

Your posts can still rank even if you're not a pro at linking old posts with new ones or vice versa. However, both people and search engines appreciate links that provide enough information about what to expect on the linked pages.

For instance, people and search engines prefer to see a link in a post that says, "How to Rank Higher for Keywords in Crowded Niches" rather than a vague "This Guide." Unless you take the time to explain what's behind that "This Guide" link, neither your readers nor the bots will understand what they'll find at the other end.

These are non-technical aspects of SEO that need careful attention. Make sure your linking is accurate because incorrect links can lead to users bouncing back and bots perceiving your content as clickbait.

8. Go Beyond Text-Based Content When Appropriate

This might not apply to every niche, but when it's relevant, consider expanding your content beyond the usual 3500 words you're accustomed to. You might need to include images, charts, videos, and podcasts to add more value.

Audiences tend to appreciate this professional touch, and search engines believe it enhances the user experience when these elements are included in your posts.

9. Embrace Voice Search

Writing content for voice searches is a non-technical SEO aspect that you shouldn't underestimate in today's digital landscape. It's becoming increasingly important.

With the rise of voice search using Google Assistant and Apple Siri, people are becoming more reliant on speaking rather than typing their queries.

People who use voice search should also be your focus. To rank for voice searches, you may need to work on the same elements that help content appear in Google Snippets and Discover. For more information, see how to rank for every post in Google Discover.

In my experience, content with well-structured headings, lists, guides, definitions, and more tends to perform well in voice searches. So, be sure to cater to this growing trend.


There's plenty more to discuss when it comes to non-technical SEO, but the essence of it all is this: focus on what benefits your readers more than search engines. Ultimately, even though search engines play a role, your users should come first in the world of non-technical SEO.

Do you have more to add to this list, or do you disagree with any of these points? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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