6 "Fastest" Approaches to Drive Traffic To Websites - SCHOOLCONTENTS.info

6 "Fastest" Approaches to Drive Traffic To Websites

Quicken your traffic with this guide
If your website/blog is new and needs to generate quick and heavy traffic to it, you’re on the right page.

Even with old websites that are not raking in enough traffic, you may want to boost your content for more views.

In order to promote a specific product or service, a website's owner may want to generate the right visitors to the product landing pages.

To achieve any of these, following the methods below will help in due course.

But first, let’s get something out of the way.

Difference Between Paid and Organic Traffic

You may need to pay for traffic or go for the free one to achieve your promotional goals. You can, as well, combine the two. Both had worked effectively in the past and will remain the same in the future. While the former will take more than technical efforts, the latter will give you organic or natural visitors (people who genuinely search for you write about) almost free of charge.

An organic search is a method for entering one or several search terms as a single string of text into a search engine. Organic search results appear as paginated lists, are based on relevance to the search terms, and exclude advertisements; whereas non-organic search results do not filter out pay-per-click advertising.- Wikipedia

It’s important to know that if you follow the guide to generate and increase organic traffic, you may not see the results as soon as you might envisage. Yet, I’ve proved that when it starts sending you traffic, you may not be able to handle the demand.

Sponsored/paid traffic is simply all forms of solicited visits to your pages. This includes pay-per-click (PPC) such as Google Adwords, Facebook adverts, Email marketing, sponsored posts, etc. Others may include Print media ads, radio and TV campaigns, etc.

Any of or all of these can be the fastest way to drive traffic. They’re more certain to give you a million page views even in a day.

Let’s break things down.

Time-Tested Methods to Generate Quick Traffic

Take note of the quick traffic generation. Even though there may be a million ways to bring people to your pages, among which is organic, the following has been so consistent if you need faster results.

1. Google Adwords (now Google Ads)

I’d used this Google advertising service for my content promotion in the past. I can testify to how this works. It works so fast and well.

Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers pay to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, video content, and generate mobile application installs within the Google ad network to web users.

You can expend a few dollars to attract visits and views from this service.

More interestingly, Google ads can be tailored to a specific set of people, age, profession, country, locality, etc.

With that, you can be sure that the system will only be sending traffic needed not just people who may not be interested in what you have to offer.

2. Facebook Ads

Just like Google Ads, Facebook Ads help you promote your products and services to selected and targeted groups of people, age, work, country, and so on.

Very many users of Facebook ads had claimed it was worth the charges as the ROI sufficiently shows.

Needless to say, people spend more time on social networks. And with Zuckerberg possessing the data of ¼ of the world population, this platform has become the hotcake for content marketers, companies, and businesses.

3. Social Media Free Campaigns

Ultimately, every blogger, content writer, and business is going social. They are depending on the fellowship of people. Once you follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., they have you as a prospect.

They continually share their posts, offers, promotions, and products through those mediums on a daily basis.

There’ve been testimonies of over a thousand views within ten minutes of sharing an article.

You can create fan pages on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media and link back to your website/blog. With time, you're going to be proud of what you can achieve with this.

As a bonus, people find it easy to share posts they enjoy with others. If you’d recently seen a viral video or article, it could have emanated from a share on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

4. Email Campaigns

If you want to start right, you should start with LIST in mind. Newsletter subscription has stood the test of time. I had also proved it to be a ranking factor.

The more people subscribe to your blog/website, the more power you have at your fingertips.

With a thousand subscribers, you have got loyal followers. These people are damn hungry to receive your next post, promotions, etc. through their emails.

This means of getting fast traffic still work till tomorrow. These subscribers don’t only consume your content, they share with families and friends too. So, be happy if you already have them. You can promote your next article/service to them and the people they share with.

Similarly, you can include your website URL in every email you send out to your clients and prospects. This is called an email signature. It can attract a few visits per day but very consistently.

5. Push Notification Campaigns

A push Notification service is a platform created by certain service providers. Registering for this service enables third-party application developers to send notification data to applications installed on browsers, Apple, or Android devices. The notification information sent can include badges, sounds, newsstand updates, or custom text alerts

Some have features that as soon as you drop a post, your subscribers will get an alert to read or view that content.

You may need to pay for some, while others limit the number of subscribers if you’re on the free package.

There is an advantage this has over email campaigns, of course. Content may not be immediately delivered and viewed by recipients if you use email. With a press of the publish button, every subscriber to push notification is updated.

However, using an email campaign has its own edge over push notifications too. If a recipient changes his device, resets the browser/history, or restores the phone set to default, you may lose him on the next campaign. Email keeps feeding your readers as long as he has access to their email.

6. Print/Other Media Campaigns

Hardly do we have people asking for the websites of businesses from others now. They take to Google if they need a service or product.

Why not let them have your business cards, flyers, handbills, and payment receipts before they think Google?

While in possession of business cards, they may easily check to see the website of your company directly instead of checking through Google.

Traffic from these sources may be slower, yet, it can be truly steady. With a visitor seeing your URL on an office wall, with passengers seeing it on a bus side screen, hearing it on the radio, seeing it on TV, or printed on shirts, you don’t know the number of page views you can win in the long run.


Paid, sponsored, or solicited traffic may be needed for fast results. You'll need to spend a few bucks up-front though.

And with any of these mediums to generate traffic, it doesn't matter if your website is fast, mobile responsive, professionally designed, or not. SEO may not matter with paid and solicited traffic.

Needless to say, if you must depend on search engines for your visitors, you’ll need to burn more than midnight candles to get your website right in front of those you're targeting.

Can you suggest other ways to get quick traffic? Have you used any of the above before without the right result? Do you intend to give any a try? Share your opinion. Leave a comment below.

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