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The Federal Polytechnic Offa in Kwara State requires prospective students to meet specific O'Level subject and grade requirements for various courses, such as English, Mathematics, and relevant subjects, with a minimum grade of C6, and considers candidates with a JAMB UTME score of 100 or above who have selected the institution as their first choice.
However, it may be difficult for you to be favored by the institution’s admission lists if you don’t meet up with her JAMB cut-off Mark, O’level subjects, and grades requirement.
It’s actually more obvious that the polytechnic has been accepting 100 or above in UTME very consistently in the past years. And applicants must have considered the polytechnic as their first choice institution in UTME or consider changing her to the number choice.
What still remains confusing is the SSCE subjects required for each of her accredited courses. And where you know the O’level subjects you need, you may not know the grades required from each of those subjects.
My post, "SSCE Results: 5 Credits Needed, Combinations and Where D7, E8 or F9 Accepted" is your best handpick if you want to know the five O'level required subjects for admission. In the same vein, this post will give O’level subjects required for each of the courses at the Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State.
List of the Federal Polytechnic Offa Courses, their O’level Subjects, and Grades Required
Below is the list of FEDPOLY OFFA Courses, subjects required for each, and their grades.
1. Accountancy
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings:
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Economics with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Commerce with at least C6, Financial Accounting with at least C6, Government with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Office Practice with at least C6 and Business Method with at least C6
2. Architectural Technology
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Physics with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Fine Arts with at least C6, Technical Drawing with at least C6, Woodwork with at least C6, Metalworks with at least C6, Building Construction with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Chemistry with at least C6 and Biology with at least C6
3. Banking & Finance
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Economics with at least C6
- English Language with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Commerce with at least C6, Financial Accounting with at least C6, Office Practice with at least C6, Government with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6
4. Building Technology
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Physics with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Further Mathematics with at least C6, Chemistry with at least C6, Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Economics with at least C6, Building Construction with at least C6, Either Fine Arts or Technical Drawing with at least C6 and Either Woodwork or Metalworks with at least C6
5. Business Administration
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Economics with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Commerce with at least C6, Financial Accounting with at least C6, Business Method with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Government with at least C6 and Biology with at least C6
6. Civil Engineering
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- Mathematics with at least C6
- English Language with at least C6
- Chemistry with at least C6
- Physics with at least C6
- and at least 1 from the following subject(s): Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6, Technical Drawing with at least C6, Either Basic Electricity or Electronics with at least C6, Auto Mechanics with at least C6, Metalworks with at least C6, Woodwork with at least C6, Further Mathematics with at least C6, Either Economics or Commerce with at least C6, Geography with at least C6
7. Computer Science
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- Physics with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- English Language with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Chemistry with at least C6, Either Economics or Geography with at least C6, Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6, Either Health Science or Foods Nutrition with at least C6, Either Statistics or Further Mathematics with at least C6 and Either Applied Electricity or Electronics with at least C6
8. Computer Technology
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Physics with at least C6
- Chemistry with at least C6
- English Language with at least C6
- and at least 1 from the following subject(s): Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6, Either Economics or Geography with at least C6 and Either Applied Electricity, Metalworks, Technical Drawing or Radio & Television with at least C6
9. Elect/Elect. Engineering
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Physics with at least C6
- Chemistry with at least C6
- and at least 1 from the following subject(s): Economics with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Applied Electricity with at least C6, Electronics with at least C6, Metalworks with at least C6 and Technical Drawing with at least C6
10. Food Technology
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- Mathematics with at least C6
- English Language with at least C6
- Chemistry with at least C6
- Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6
- and at least 1 from the following subject(s): Physics with at least E8, Technical Drawing with at least C6, Either Economics or Commerce with at least C6, Geography with at least C6 and Foods Nutrition with at least C6
11. Insurance
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Either Economics or Commerce with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Business Method with at least C6, Government with at least C6 and Financial Accounting with at least C6
12. Science Laboratory Technology
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Biology with at least C6
- Chemistry with at least C6
- Physics with at least C6
13. Library & Information Science
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- and at least 3 from the following subject(s): Lit. In English with at least C6, Either History or Government with at least C6, Either Christian Rel Knowledge or Islamic Studies with at least C6, Either Yoruba Language, Igbo Language or Hausa Language with at least C6, Either Geography, Agricultural Science, Health Science or Foods Nutrition with at least C6, Chemistry with at least C6, Further Mathematics with at least C6, Statistics with at least C6 and Physics with at least C6
14. Marketing
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Economics with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Commerce with at least C6, Financial Accounting with at least C6, Business Method with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Government with at least C6
15. Mass Communication
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Lit. In English with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Either Yoruba Language, Igbo Language or Hausa Language with at least C6, Either Commerce, Economics or Government with at least C6, Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6
16. Mechanical Engineering
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Physics with at least C6
- Chemistry with at least C6
- and at least 1 from the following subject(s): Economics with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Applied Electricity with at least C6, Electronics with at least C6, Metalworks with at least C6 and Technical Drawing with at least C6
17. Quantity Surveying
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- Mathematics with at least C6
- English Language with at least C6
- Physics with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Either Geography or Economics with at least C6, Either Agricultural Science or Biology with at least C6, Either Technical Drawing or Fine Arts with at least C6 and Chemistry with at least C6
18. Secretarial Administration/Studies
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- and at least 3 from the following subject(s): Either Islamic Studies or Christian Rel Knowledge with at least C6, Either Yoruba Language, Hausa Language, Igbo Language or French with at least C6, Lit. In English with at least C6, Economics with at least C6, Commerce with at least C6, Government with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Business Methods with at least C6, Shorthand with at least C6, Typewriting with at least C6 and History with at least C6
19. Statistics
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Either Agricultural Science, Chemistry, Physics or Biology with at least C6, Either Economics, Geography, Commerce or Government with at least C6
20. Office Technology & Management
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- and at least 3 from the following subject(s): Business Method with at least C6, Commerce with at least C6, Economics with at least C6, Typewriting with at least C6, Shorthand with at least C6, Financial Accounting with at least C6, History with at least C6, Lit. In English with at least C6, Government with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Christian Rel Knowledge with at least C6, Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6, Office Practice with at least C6 and Communication Technology with at least C6
21. Estate Management
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Economics with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Either Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6, Either Geography, Government, Commerce or Financial Accounting with at least C6
22. Survey & Geoinformatics
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Physics with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Statistics with at least C6, Further Mathematics with at least C6, Chemistry with at least C6, Technical Drawing with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Economics with at least C6 and Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6 and Basic Surveying with at least C6
23. Urban & Regional Planning
You must pass the following subject(s) in O'Level obtained at not more than 2 sittings
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Geography with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Physics with at least C6, Chemistry with at least C6, Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6, Economics with at least C6, Statistics with at least C6 and Either Technical Drawing or Fine Arts with at least C6
24. Secretarial Studies/Administration
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- and at least 3 from the following subject(s): Either Islamic Studies or Christian Rel Knowledge with at least C6, Either Yoruba Language, Hausa Language, Igbo Language or French with at least C6, Lit. In English with at least C6, Economics with at least C6, Commerce with at least C6, Government with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Business Methods with at least C6, Shorthand with at least C6, Typewriting with at least C6, History with at least C6
25. Agricultural Technology
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6
- Chemistry with at least C6
- and at least 1 from the following subject(s): Economics with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Physics with at least C6, Technical Drawing with at least C6
26. Agricultural Bio-Environmental Engineering
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6
- Chemistry with at least C6
- and at least 1 from the following subject(s): Economics with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Physics with at least C6, Technical Drawing with at least C6
27. Public Administration
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Either Government or History with at least C6
- Economics with at least C6
- and at least 1 from the following subject(s): Geography with at least C6. Either Financial Accounting or Booking Keeping with at least C6, Either Agricultural Science or Biology with at least C6, Either Christian Rel Knowledge or Islamic Studies with at least C6, Either Home Management or Home Economics with at least C6, Business Method with at least C6, Statistics with at least C6, Marketing with at least C6, Office Practice with at least C6
28. Procurement & Supply Chains Management
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Economics with at least C6
- and at least 2 from the following subject(s): Business Method with at least C6, Financial Accounting with at least C6, Geography with at least C6, Either Government or Civic with at least C6, Either Biology or Agricultural Science with at least C6, Storekeeping with at least C6
29. Mechatronics Engineering
- English Language with at least C6
- Mathematics with at least C6
- Physics with at least C6
- Chemistry with at least C6
- Biology with at least C6
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Hey Tolani, very informative post! Many a time students don't get information regarding various courses available and eligibility criteria for admission and grades they need to qualify. You covered detailed information about FEDPOLY OFFA Courses. Thanks for the useful information. Students can use online websites and applications for better learning. Thanks for this beneficial article.
ReplyDeleteIt's my pleasure. Thanks for the compliment.
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Monday Ogbe Alih please how can I gain admission into one of this Polytechnic without writting jamb
Read the post below.
Please is o level is going to offer part time
DeleteDid Offa poly offer agriculture science
ReplyDeleteNot really Agric Science but Agric related courses. I've update this post for your reference.
DeletePls do offa poly offer ophthalmology
ReplyDeleteNo. The post above already shows all their courses. In the post below, you will see the polytechnics offering ophthalmology.
Does Offa poly offer animal science
DeletePlease what course can someone study161 in jamb sir and thanks for the analysis of the subject combination of course offerings in the federal polytechnic offa
ReplyDeleteThe school will announce its cut off mark each course when its screening form is out. There, you can see the right course to change to.
DeleteGood evening, sir.
ReplyDeleteDoes Offa offer Agricultural Technology
Check number 25 in the post above.
DeleteWhat is the cut off mark for fedpoffa
ReplyDeleteFirst, the polytechnic won't say its cut-off marks until the screening form is out. Hence, you need to be checking the official website and conform that when the form is out. Second, depending on your course, the polytechnic may require from 140 up to 180 for its courses.
DeletePls wat course can I study with d7 in government and economic