List of All Universities That Offer Library and Information Science/Mgt -

List of All Universities That Offer Library and Information Science/Mgt

Library science (often termed library studies, bibliothecography, library economy)[1] is an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary field that applies the practices, perspectives, and tools of management, information technology, education, and other areas to libraries; the collection, organization, preservation, and dissemination of information resources; and the political economy of information.

Check career prospects for graduates of Library and Information Management/Science graduates

Degree Awarding Institutions for  Library and Information Management/Science in Nigeria

  2. BAZE
  3. KWASU
  4. KSU
  6. IMSU
  7. AAU
  8. LCITY
  9. JOS
  10. KSU
  11. EDZAR
  12. LAPAI
  13. EDUMUN
  14. KWCOE
  15. ABU
  16. IAUED
  24. UMYUK
  26. BSU
  27. ABSU
  28. TASUED
  29. BAYERO
  30. BAUCHI
  31. BENIN
  32. DELSU
  33. UNN
  34. IBADAN
  35. BIU
(i) Two (2) A level passes in relevant subject plus the UTME requirements.
(ii) NCE merit in relevant subjects.

Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and three (3) other relevant Arts/Sciences/Social Sciences subjects.

Any three (3) subjects.

Special Conditions for Library and Information Management/Science Admissions

UNIZIK requires one (1) of the A level or NCE subject to be combined with Library Science.
(ii) ABU and BAYERO accept NCE merit provided such candidates have two (2) years working experience.
(iii) MAIDUGURI accepts NCE/ND/HND in related studies.
(iv) COOU accepts NCE credit
(v) IBADAN requires a pass in O Level Mathematics.
(vi) UMYUK accepts NCE in addition to five (5) credit passes at O level or its equivalent.
(vii) UNN accepts DE candidates who hold one (1) of the following:
(a) NCE merit in Library and Information Science or the subject being combined with Library and Information Sciences.
(b) HSC/ A level in two (2) subjects, including that to be combined with Library and Information Science.
(viii) MAUTY requires:
(a) two (2) A level passes in relevant subjects.
(b) NCE merit in relevant subjects.
(ix) UNIOSUN same as in Vocational and Technical Education
(x) BENIN accepts:
    Two (2) passes in relevant subjects at A level with O level credit passes in three (3) other subjects at not more than two (2) sittings.
    Three (3) passes in relevant subjects at A level with O level credit passes in two (2) other subjects at not more than two (2) sittings.
    NCE merit in two (2) major subjects with O level credit passes or its equivalent in three (3) other subjects.
(xi) BAUCHI accepts IJMB/A level passes/O level credit passes in any three (3) of the following subjects: Any two (2) of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Commerce, Accounting, ICT and Business Management (ND) with lower credit in Library and Information Science from a recognised Polytechnic, and NCE in Science subjects with minor in Library Science at lower credit or merit. The candidate must also have the five (5) O level requirements in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and one (1) credit in Economics, Commerce, Accounting, ICT and Business Management.

UNIZIK accepts five (5) TC II merit including English Language and a pass in Mathematics.
(ii) IBADAN - Same as in Guidance and Counseling.
(iii) UMYUK requires five (5) O level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics and any other three (3) Social Science/Arts/Science subjects.
(iv) TASUED requires five (5) O level credit passes at one (1) sitting or six (6) O level credit passes at two (2) sittings.
(v) UNIOSUN same as in Vocational and Technical Education.
(vi) UNN requires UTME requirements with five (5) O level credit passes, including the subject to be combined with Library and Information Science. The following additional requirements apply to particular combinations.
(a) O level credit pass in Mathematics for Library and Information Science/Physics and Library and Information Science/Economics.
(b) O level credit pass in Mathematics/Physics for Library and Information Science/ Chemistry.
(c) O level pass in Mathematics for those combining Library and Information Science with Botany, Geography/Physics, Political Science or Zoology.
(d) O level credit pass in English Language for those combining Library and Information Science with French, History or Political Science.
(e) O level credit pass in Literature in English for Library and Information Science/English.
(vii) ABSU requires five (5) O level credit passes to include English Language, four (4) other subjects and O level pass in Mathematics.
(viii) MINNA requires O level credit pass in Physics and any other Science or Social Science subject.
KSU accepts O level pass in Mathematics and O level credit passes in four (4) other relevant subjects including English Language.
BENIN accepts five (5) O level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings.
(xi) JOS requires five (5) O level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings including English Language. It accepts O level pass in Mathematics.
(xii) BAUCHI accepts English Language, Mathematics to form the core course with O level credit passes in two (2) Science Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and ICT and one (1) O level credit pass in Economics, Commerce, Business Method and Financial Accounting.

Special Conditions for Library and Information Management/Science Admissions

    LAPAI requires Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry/Biology
    BAUCHI requires Mathematics, one (1) Science and one (1) Commercial Subject.
    UMUDIKE requires any three (3) from Social Sciences, Business and Sciences.

(i) BIU, IMSU, UDU and EKSU accept ND upper credit in Computer Science or other Mathematically based programmes.
(ii) CALABAR accepts ND plus the UTME requirements
(iii) LAGOS accepts:
(a) Very good passes in the following three (3) JUPEB/Alevel subjects: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry or Biology. Candidates must have Further Mathematics at O level.
(b) Direct Entry into Computer Science for LAGOS is four (4) years
(c) Does not accept NCE.
(iv) ILORIN requires Physics or Chemistry.
(v) CALABAR requires Physics as the second subject
(vi) BAUCHI requires Physics and Chemistry in addition to the UTME requirements.
(vii) AAU and ADSU accept ND upper credit/HND lower credit in relevant programmes and NCE merit in Mathematics, Statistics or Computer Science
(viii) UNN - Direct Entry into Computer Science is four (4) years but for combined courses is it three (3) years.
a) Computer Science - accepts ND upper credit in Computer Science or HND lower credit in Computer Science. Does not accept ND in Data Processing.
b) Information and Communication Science accepts ND upper credit in the Physical Sciences and Engineering programmes.
(x) EBSU accepts HND, ND upper credit and NCE merit respectively in the relevant programmes.
(xi) MAUTY requires in addition to the UTME requirement, two (2) A level passes one (1) of which must be Mathematics. It also accepts ND upper credit in Computer Science from recognised institutions.
(xii) FUTA accepts:
(a) two (2) A level passes in Science subjects including Mathematics and Physics
(b) ND upper credit in Computer Science.
(c) NCE credit in Computer Science/Mathematics, Computer Science/Physics, Mathematics/Physics.
(xiii) NDU accepts NCE merit in Mathematics and one (1) other Science or Social Science subject.
(xiv) UMUDIKE and BOWEN - Same as in Mathematics
(xv) IGBINEDION accepts ND in Computer Science or other Mathematics Based programme.
(xvi) JOS
(a) For Computer Science requires Physics and accepts ND upper credit in Computer Science/Statistics.
(b) For Library and Information Science requires IJMB passes in two (2) subjects, A level in one sitting four (4) credit passes including English Language or NCE merit and above in two (2) principal subjects.
(xvii) BENIN, in addition to the UTME requirements accepts
(a) ND upper credit HND lower credit in Data Processing/ Computer Science/Statistics or Science Laboratory Technology.
(b) NCE credit in Mathematics and any other Science Subject.
(xviii) AAU accepts ND/HND upper credit in relevant subjects.
(xix) COOU accepts ND/HND lower credit in Data Processing or NCE in Physics/Mathematics/Chemistry.
(xx) CRUTECH - Same as in Biological Science except NCE/ND/HND must be in Computer Science.
(xxi) TASUED accepts Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry.
(xxii) CUAB accepts one (i) NCE, ND ,HND credit and their approved equivalents in relevant subjects and lower credit may be admitted to the appropriate level in addition to the UTME requirements. (ii) CUAB runs the programme with options in Computer Science/Economics and Computer Science/ Statistics (iii) A level passes in relevant subjects. (iv) IJMB at acceptable grade levels.
(xxiii) JOS does not accept ND in Statistics.
(xxiv) UYO accepts ND/HND in relevant programmes plus the UTME requirements.
(xxv) FUTO requires two (2) A level passes not below Grade C in Mathematics and any other Science subject. It also accepts ND/HND upper credit in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering. Candidates must in addition meet the UTME requirements. It does not accept First Degree or NCE.
(xxvi) AJAYI requires two (2) A level passes in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Studies or ND upper credit in Computer Studies OR two (2) ICT Certificate passes or NCE distinction/credit in any two (2) of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry or Computer Studies in addition to the requirements in (a).
(xxvii) LASU accepts A level passes in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(xxviii) AL-HIKMAH accepts two (2) A level passes in Mathematics and Physics and accepts ND/HND lower credit in Data processing and Computer Science from recognized institution.
(xxix) IBADAN accepts
(a) two (2) A level passes in Mathematics, Pure or Applied and Physics.
(b) ND/HND upper credit in Computer Science or any other Mathematics Based programmes.
(xxx) FUNAAB accepts:
a) ND upper credit in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics/Electronics Engineering or related programmes.
b) NCE credit in Physics, Mathematics or Computer Science.
c) Two (2) A level passes in Computer Science/Mathematics, Computer Science/Physics.
(xxxi) CUAB accepts:
(a) Two (2) A level passes to include Physics and any of Chemistry, Biology
(b) NCE/ND upper credit approved equivalents in relevant programmes.
(c) IJMB at acceptable grades.
(xxxii) UNIOSUN accepts any two (2) A level passes which must include Mathematics and Physics ND lower credit in Computer Science, Electrical/Electronics Engineering.
(xxxiii) AUN accepts:
(a) A level passes chosen from English Language, Mathematics, Environmental Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Literature in English, Government, History, Economics, Geography, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Visual Arts, Computer Studies, Information Technology, Civics, and French.
(b) does not accept O level credit passes in the following; Agriculture, Food and Nutrition, Home Economics, Home Craft, Home management, Physical Education, Physical and Health Education, Music, Commerce, Accounting, Financial Accounting, Book "Keeping, Islamic History, Religious Studies, Tajweed, Library Studies, Diction, Kiswahili, Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, Arabic, Turkish, Study skills.
(c) accepts ICGSE and A level Cambridge and does not offer admissions direct to 200 level. May transfer credits relevant to its major at the discretion of the Dean of school.
(xxxiv) KWASU accepts:
a) ND upper credit in Computer Science level or HND lower credit in Computer Science or NCE merit in relevant subjects.
b) Library and information Science ND upper credit in Library Science at or NCE merit in relevant subjects.
(xxxv) WESTERN-DEL accepts:
a) two (2) A level passes in the science subjects including Mathematics.
b) NCE merit in Mathematics, Computer Science and one (1) other Science or Social Science subject.
(xxxvi) AUE accepts ND upper credit in the Computer Science or Electrical Electronics Engineering. NCE credit in Mathematics or Computer Science.
(xxxvii) CRUTECH - Same as in Biological Science except NCE/ND/HND must be in Computer Science.
(xxxviii) RHEMA accepts:
a) ND plus the UTME requirements.
b) NCE credit in Computer Science/Mathematics, Computer Science/Physics, Mathematics/Physics.
(xxxix) RSUST same as Mathematics.
(xl) AUE requires NCE credit in Mathematics or Computer Science.
(xli) MCPHERSON accepts two (2) A level passes in Mathematics and Physics. ND upper credit and HND lower credit in Data Processing and Computer Science from recognized institutions.
(xlii) CALEB: candidates with ND credit in Computer Science or Sciences related programmes may be considered for admission by direct entry provided they have the UTME subjects at one (1) sitting.
(xliii) BAYERO accepts:
a) ND in Computer Science or Computer Studies, NCE in Computer Science or Electrical/Electronics.
b) HND in relevant programmes: Computer Science, Graphics, Statistics, Mathematics, Physics, Electrical/Electronics.
c) B.Sc. Degree Natural Science, Physical Science, & Environmental Science.
(xliv) NTNU accepts two (2) A level passes in Science subjects, ND/HND lower credit or NCE merit in relevant programmes/subjects.
(xlv) BSU accepts ND upper credit/HND lower credit in relevant programme and NCE merit in Mathematics, Physics, Statistics or Computer Science.
(xlvi) UMYUK accepts ND lower credit in Computer Science. NCE Computer Science and any other from Mathematics or Physics with a minimum of nine (9) points. IJMB Mathematics, Physics and any other Science subject with a minimum of nine (9) points.
(xlvii) SOUTHWESTERN accepts:
(a) NCE merit in Mathematics.
(b) NCE/ND/HND credit in related programme.
(xlviii) KUST accepts ND upper credit in Engineering or Mathematics.
(xlix) ABUJA accepts two (2) A level passes in Physics and any one (1) of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics or Statistics in that order or NCE minimum 10 points with O level credit passes in Physics and another Science subject OR ND upper credit in relevant programmes.
(l) AUGUSTINE requires two (2) A level passes in Science subjects including Mathematics or NCE merit in Mathematics and one (1) other Science or Social Science subject.
(li) UNIKINGS accepts A level pass in any Science subjects or ND lower credit in any relevant subjects.
(lii) MOUNTAIN TOP requires two (2) A level passes in relevant subjects Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
a) ND and HND credit may be considered for 200 and 300 levels respectively.
(liii) PLASU accepts:
a) degree in any programme provided the candidate meets the UTME requirements
b) lower credit in relevant programme, with UTME requirements,
c) ND lower credit in relevant programmes, with the UTME requirements.
e) IJMB minimum of seven (7) points with passes in relevant subjects, with the UTME requirement.
f) PLASU does not accept university diplomas and other diplomas not accredited by the relevant accrediting bodies.
(liv) PAN-ATLANTIC accepts:
a) two (2) A level passes in any relevant subjects
b) ND/HND lower credit in relevant programmes.
c) NCE lower credit in relevant programmes.
d) HND lower credit in relevant programmes.
e) International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) in relevant subjects.

(i) RENAISSANE, PHC and ILORIN require O level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. RENAISSANCE requires O level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings.
(ii) CRUTECH, AAUA and IMSU accept Mathematics, Physics plus Chemistry or Statistics/Economics/Geography/Biology
(iii) CALABAR requires the two (2) other subjects to be from Chemistry, Biology and Economics
(iv) MADONNA, COOU and IMSU accept O level pass in English Language.
(v) COVENANT requires five (5) O level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and either of Biology and Agricultural Science.
(vi) COOU requires O level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry and accepts O level pass in English Language.
(vii) IBADAN requires five (5) or six (6) credit passes at one (1) or two (2) sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and one (1) other Science subject except Agricultural Science.
(ix) UNIKINGS, FED-WUKARI, MINNA, EBSU, LASU and IGBINEDION require five (5) O level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and one (1) other Science subject.
(x) LAGOS requires English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Further Mathematics, and Chemistry or Biology.
(xi) JOS accepts O level credit pass in Further Mathematics in lieu of Mathematics.
(xii) BENIN requires two (2) Science subjects in addition to Mathematics and Physics.
(xiii) RENAISSANCE requires Further Mathematics with Physics or Chemistry.
(xiv) AJAYI requires five (5) O level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics and any other three (3) of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Electronics and any other subject at one (1) sitting or six (6) O level credit passes at two (2) sittings.
(xv) LAGOS Further Mathematics is compulsory.
(xvi) CUAB requires five (5) O level credit passes in not more than two (2) sittings must include English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Economics.
(xvii) UMYUK requires five (5) O level credit passes or its equivalent in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, and any of Biology/Agricultural Science, Computer Studies or Geography at not more than two (2) sittings.
(xviii) UNN requires five (5) O level credit passes to include Mathematics, English Language, Physics and any two (2) from Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Economics.
(xix) DELSU requires O level credit passes in any two (2) of Biology, Chemistry, Economics and Geography.
(xx) BOWEN does not allow the combination of Biology and Agricultural Science.
(xxi) FUNAAB requires five (5) O level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.
(xxii) FUTA requires five (5) O level credit pass at not more than two (2) sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry plus one (1) other Science subject.
(xxiii) DELSU accepts Economics and Geography.
(xxiv) UNIOSUN requires five (5) O level credit passes including Mathematics, English Language, Chemistry, Physics and one (1) other Science subject at one (1) sitting.
(xxv) ABU requires five (5) O level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography.
(xxvi) KASU does not accept Economics and Agricultural Science as Science subjects.
(xxvii) NTNU accepts English Language, Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry and any other two (2) Science subjects.
(xxviii) ABSU
(a) for Architecture requires five (5) O level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, any three (3) Fine Art, Geography or Wood Work, Biology, Economics, Technical Drawing, Add Mathematics and Chemistry. O level credit pass in Chemistry is not compulsory.
(b) For Estate Management requires five (5) O level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and one (1) Science subject from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Agricultural Science.
(c) For Urban and Regional Planning requires five (5) O level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Geography and any two (2) of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Government, Biology, Art, History, CRS/IS. O level credit pass in Geography is compulsory.
(d) For Information Science requires five (5) O level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and at least one (1) Science subject.
(xxix) UMUDIKE same as in Mathematics.
(xxx) REDEEMER'S requires five (5) O level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, plus two (2) from Chemistry, Biology and Further Mathematics.
(xxxi) FUTA accepts for Library Science
(a) NCE credit in Library Science which must be equivalent at ND upper credit.
(b) ND from recognized institutions upper credit or its equivalent and
(c) A level or its equivalent passes in two (2) of the following subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Economics.
(xxxii) BAYERO accepts only Science subjects in Computer Science, does not accept Economics.
(xxxiii) PAUL requires five (5) O level credit passes obtained at not more than two (2) sittings including English Language, Mathematics and Physics
(xxxiv) WESERN-DEL requires five (5) O level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Biology, any other Science or Social Science subject
(xxxv) OSUSTECH requires two (2) O level credit passes from Chemistry, Biology and Further Mathematics.
(xxxvi) KWASU accepts:
(a) For Computer O level credit passes in English language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other Science subject.
(b) For Library and information Science O level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and any three (3) other subjects.
(xxxvii) FED-DUTSE requires English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any two (2) other subjects.
(xxxviii) ILORIN for Information and Communication Technology requires O level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and at least three (3) subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science, Economics and Geography.
(xxxix) NTNU accepts O level credit pass in Geography as one (1) of the other two (2) Science subjects.
(xl) AUE requires five (5) O level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry/Physics plus two (2) other Science subjects.
(xli) MINNA requires five (5) O level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Physics and/or Chemistry and any other Science subject. For Cyber Security Science is the same as Computer Science.
(xlii) FED-LAFIA, UMUDIKE and NDA Same as in Mathematics.
(xliii) AKSU does not require Biology as a compulsory subject.
(xliv) SOUTHWESTERN Same as in Mathematics.
(xlv) FUTO requires five (5) O level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other Science subject at not more than two (2) sittings.
(xlvi) ABUJA requires two (2) other Sciences subjects preferably from Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Statistics, Biology or Geography and Economics.
(xlvii) ODUDUWA requires the two (2) others from Biology/Agricultural Science, Geography and Economics.
(xlviii) MAUTY requires Physics and any two (2) of Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, Economics/ Commerce, Electronics, Computer Studies & IT/Data Processing.
(xlix) FED-LOKOJA requires five (5) O level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other two (2) Science subjects.
(l) PAN-ATLANTIC requires five (5) O level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics and any Sciences, Arts or Social Science subjects.
(li) NDA requires two (2) other Science subjects from Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Biology and Computer Science.

(i) OSUSTECH, LAGOS and PHC do not accept Agricultural Science, Economics and Geography.
(ii) AJAYI and LAGOS do not accept Agricultural Science or Economics
(iii) UNN does not accept Agricultural Science.
(v) BABCOCK, FUTO, FED-LAFIA and FUTA require Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
(vi) ABU requires Mathematics and any two (2) of Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Geography.
(vii) NTNU accepts any Science subjects.
(viii) KWASU accepts
(a) For Computer Mathematics, Physics and any other Science subject.
(b) For Library and Information Science any three (3) subjects.
(ix) FED-DUTSE requires Chemistry or Biology as the third subject.
(x) JOS for Library and Information Science requires any three (3) subjects.
(xi) FED-LOKOJA requires Mathematics, Physics and one (1) of Chemistry, Agricultural Science/Biology.
(xii) CUAB (i) for Computer Science requires Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. (ii) for Information Technology requires Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry/Economics/Biology/Geography.
(xiii) AKSU does not require Biology as a compulsory subject.
(xiv) SOUTHWESTERN Same as in Mathematics.
(xv) ABUJA requires Chemistry, Mathematics and any of Physics, Geography, Biology and Economics.
(xvi) OOU requires Mathematics and any two (2) of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Economics and Geography.
(xvii) MAUTY For Library and Information Science , it requires Economics and any two (2) of Principles of Accounts, Commerce, Government, Geography and Mathematics.
(xviii) PAN-ATLANTIC requires English Language, any other relevant subjects in Sciences, Arts or Social Science subjects Mathematics is an added advantage.
(xix) UNIKINGS does not accept Economics and Geography.

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