How to Garner and Showcase Customer Reviews -

How to Garner and Showcase Customer Reviews

When we first started selling products on our blog, the journey was pretty standard—slow and steady. But everything changed when people began finding and reading reviews from happy customers. That's the power of customer reviews, my friends.

We've all seen star-based ratings online, but they don't fit every product or service perfectly. Research shows that 91% of consumers read online reviews before buying a product, with 45% claiming they won’t purchase a product if there are no reviews available for it. 

Here’s what we do: we gather feedback straight from the horses' mouths - our clients and readers. We even had chats with them and shared their thoughts in our blog posts. Plus, we consulted education stakeholders who could vouch for what I'm selling.

But our methods aren't the only way. There are some wild and wonderful ways to collect and showcase customer reviews. So, let's check out these secret sauces and some spicy alternatives that could jazz up your products or services, especially if they're in the same ballpark as your niche.

The Power of Talking to Clients/Buyers Directly

Customer reviews are like trust and credibility on steroids. When potential buyers see happy customers raving about your stuff, they feel like they've struck gold. And here's a little secret: it's not just about stars; it's about personal connections.

Chatting with your customers and doing interviews? Game-changers. Not only do you score juicy content for your blog or site, but you also build a real bond with your audience. When people see that you care about their thoughts, your brand becomes more legit.

According to a BrightLocal study, 82% of consumers read reviews for local businesses, and 52% of 18-54-year-olds always read reviews. This indicates the strong influence reviews have on consumer decisions.

Getting experts in your field to endorse your products? That’s like icing on the cake. Find someone who resonates with your product, and you’ve got the golden ticket.

Think Outside the Box!

Okay, our recommended tricks work, but we're all for breaking the mold. Different niches demand different strategies. Here are some funky ideas.

1. User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content (UGC) is like the ninja move of marketing. Get your existing customers to be your hype crew by creating authentic content for your brand. Encourage them to share their experiences with your products through pics, videos, or social media posts. It’s like turning your customers into your PR team, and it’s epic!

For example, a skincare brand could ask users to post before-and-after photos using their products. This builds a tight-knit community vibe among your customers and potential buyers. When people see others like them using your products, it builds instant trust and credibility. Share that UGC on your website or social media—it’s like showing off your cool, diverse squad and giving people a real, relatable look at your brand.

A survey by TurnTo, as reported by PR Newswire, found that 90% of consumers say UGC influences their purchase decisions more than promotional emails and search engine results. This builds a tight-knit community vibe among your customers and potential buyers. When people see others like them using your products, it builds instant trust and credibility.

2. Storytelling

Time to get all heartwarming and emotional with storytelling. It’s like the Hollywood blockbuster version of branding. Weave your products or services into real customer stories. Forget the boring features and benefits list—showcase how your products made a difference in their lives.

For instance, a fitness equipment company could share stories of customers who achieved their fitness goals using their products. Share these stories through blog posts, articles, or a dedicated section on your website. Good storytelling lets potential customers see themselves in those stories, making your brand feel like an old friend. 

Nielsen reports that 71% of consumers trust advertising, opinions and product placements from influencers. Good storytelling lets potential customers see themselves in those stories, making your brand feel like an old friend. When done right, it sticks in people’s heads, and they keep coming back because they connect with your brand's values and experiences.

3. Crowdsourced Reviews

Crowdsourced reviews are like a review party on specialized review sites or crowdfunding platforms. Gather a community or a bunch of consumers and let them share their honest opinions about your products or services.

For example, a tech gadget startup could use Kickstarter backers’ reviews to highlight the product’s strengths and areas for improvement. This approach shines when you’re dealing with a passionate and engaged crowd. These people are all about giving you the lowdown, no sugar-coating. 

A study by Reevoo found that products with more than 50 reviews have a 4.6% higher conversion rate. This approach shines when you’re dealing with a passionate and engaged crowd. These people are all about giving you the lowdown, no sugar-coating. Tap into these communities, and let the voices of many showcase your offerings—it’s like building a fortress of trust.

4. Interactive Reviews

Make choosing your products or services a fun adventure with interactive reviews. Create quizzes, surveys, or cool interactive content that helps users figure out what suits them best. Once they’re done, provide personalized product suggestions based on their answers.

For example, a beauty brand could create a quiz to help users find their perfect skincare routine and then share the results and experiences of users who took the quiz. It’s like giving your potential customers a VIP backstage pass to your product’s awesomeness. 

According to  Demand Metric, interactive content generates twice the engagement as static content . They’re not just buying; they’re having a blast, which boosts their connection to your brand.

5. Video Testimonials

Video testimonials are the superheroes of customer reviews. Imagine happy customers sharing on camera how much they love your stuff. It’s a personal touch that written reviews can’t match.

For instance, a home appliance company could feature customers demonstrating how their product made daily chores easier. When potential customers see real people getting excited about your offerings, they’re sold. 

Research by Wyzowl shows that 84% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand's video with over 90% of businesses using video marketing. When potential customers see real people getting excited about your offerings, they’re sold. Keep those video testimonials short, sweet, and professional-looking to maintain trust. Share them on your website, social media, or marketing materials—it’s like shouting from the rooftops that your customers are living their best lives with your products! 


These tactics can jazz up your customer review game and amp up your marketing mojo. But remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Tailor your strategy to your niche and audience.

The goal? Build trust, keep it real, and score some serious credibility for your products or services. Try different things, see what sticks, and keep refining your approach. Boom, you’re in business! 

  1. PowerReviews. (2023). The power of Reviews 2023. Retrieved from
  2. BrightLocal. (2019). Local Consumer Review Survey 2019. Retrieved from
  3. PR Newswire. (2017, June 27). New study shows user-generated content tops marketing tactics by influencing 90 percent of shoppers' purchasing decisions. Retrieved from
  4. Nielsen. (2021, November). Trust in Advertising 2021. Retrieved from
  5. Econsultancy. (n.d.). E-commerce consumer reviews: Why you need them and how to use them. Retrieved from
  6. Bazaarvoice. (2023). What shoppers look for in reviews. Retrieved from
  7. Demand Gen Report. (2023). The perfect team: Marketing automation and targeted content. Retrieved from
  8. Wyzowl. (2023). Video marketing statistics 2023. Retrieved from

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