FTS (UBEC) Jobs: Answers to Applicants' Questions - SCHOOLCONTENTS.info

FTS (UBEC) Jobs: Answers to Applicants' Questions

Since the commencement of the Federal Teachers Scheme (FTS) application as launched by the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC), prospective applicants had been asking a series of questions that needed to be answered before they could proceed with the registrations.

Although a few instructions had been given on the commission application portal, yet confusion is still unavoidable. So, what and what should you know before applying? This post should help you out of a few general confusion.

I applied but failed to print my slip. Now, I need it for the test. What can I do?

Of course, you couldn't reprint your application slip after the registration was closed. If you missed printing the slip at the time of submission, you might consider taking the page upon which your name appeared in the shortlist to the test venue. This should help you to do the test instead. You may need to explain how you messed up.

And if you have a friend or family who was able to print his or hers and you can professionally edit that (or you have someone who can help) and replace details with your data, go ahead. However, make sure your tracks are well covered (it's criminal).

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After the application is completed and printed out, where to submit the printout?

After completing the form, a confirmation or acknowledgment slip will be printed. But, where should they take this document for submission? The answer is no place. UBEC doesn't require you to submit the slip to any office be it at the state or local level.

A guy called to ask if it should be submitted at the state or local government SUBEB office. No. The commission may not be specific about what to do with the slip immediately, you'll only need it when they shortlist and call you for the test and interview.

The schedule is as follows (if not extended)

Shortlisted candidates will be required to sit for a computer-based test scheduled to hold as below: 

Date: Saturday, 10th October 2020.

Venue: At designated CBT Centre in each State Capital (Information on this will he updated by the State Universal Basic Education (SUBEB) and UBEC Zonal and state offices)

Time: 9.00 am

Can I apply for UBEC/FTS while still at NYSC?

The instruction was that serving corps members should not apply. However, nothing is wrong with giving it a shot if you're almost done with your service. For instance, the exam is slated to hold by mid-October, which may be shifted. This means the final list will be out by November or beyond. 

And if otherwise, corps members who will be rounding off their service by November may still be favored. And if selection processes are delayed for whatever reasons, those with more months may eventually be favored.

Give it a trial. Nothing is lost in trying.

Can I apply for UBEC/FTS as an outgone NPOWER Beneficiary?

Of course, UBEC had stated that existing members of NPOWER shouldn't apply. But those who had been exited from the scheme are allowed to apply. Of course, some outgoing NPOWER beneficiaries may be concerned about the exit package or transition of any kind as promised by the Federal Government.

This shouldn't stop them from applying. Anyway, you're not in the scheme again and to be favored by the transition package is not very certain. Hence, you should take your chance. You're qualified to apply.

I recently applied for NPOWER, can I also apply for UBEC FTS?

Yes, you can. This is similar to the case above. You're yet to know your fate in the incoming Npower lists. Hence, you're not yet in the scheme. You're not engaged yet!

You should apply. And if you're worried about being selected for the two programmes, lucky you. If you must leave one for the other, you now have your choices. You can leave this for Npower or Npower for this if the two favor you.

I have HND, ND, or BSC, can I apply?

No. The commission wants only qualified teachers to apply. In Nigeria, holders of NCE, B.ED, Bsc (Ed), and PGDE are qualified teachers. Holders of HND, ND and other degrees are not trained, teachers. Hence, they're not qualified to apply for the Federal Teachers' Scheme.

I only have my statement of result and To-Whom, can I use it to apply?

During the application, applicants are to scan and upload copies of their results or certificates - such as NCE or B.Ed certificates or notifications of results. However, some applicants only had TO-WHOM from their colleges.

The question is, is using TO-WHOM or statement of result acceptable?

Yes, you can use TO-WHOM or ordinary statements/notifications of results instead of the certificates. What matters is valid evidence of your academic qualification. These are acceptable alternatives to certificates.

I am a Graduate Older than 2014, Can I still apply?

UBEC has instructed that graduates before 2014 should not apply. In other words, applicants should strictly be graduates from 2014 to date. Yet, a few candidates wish to risk it.

Well, even if you wish to apply with a result older than 2014, the option to pick 2013 backward is not available on the application portal. Hence, you will be stopped at this very stage.

However, if you can pick any other favorable year, you should risk it. This is Nigeria. We all know sometimes, the risk-takers can eventually be favored by luck or design.

I am older 35 Years, Can I apply?

Just as in the case of the age of the certificate, if you're older than 35, you're not allowed to apply according to UBEC. But if I may be of help, take the risk.

Apply anyway.

I've seen people older than 35 in NPOWER which prohibited applicants above 35 from applying too. Sorry to repeat that, "we're in Nigeria" where you may eventually be forgiven by the system. It will be your regret if you later learn that people older than you are later selected and given jobs.

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  1. Kindly help me Pls, I was unable to print out my application while applying and I have been shortlisted to write the aptitude test. Please what can I do now. I will be waiting for your reply . Thanks in anticipation .

  2. Please sir can I use my cameroon GCE 0'level to apply for job in Nigeria after graduation.

    Thanks in advance


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